Make it Sup Forums
Make it Sup Forums
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What is this meme about? I can't tell
basically its a goth being noticed by a rapist, i dont get the joke either
>do you remember
>the eigth of november
It's about OP being a dick loving queer.
First line: CUNNY
Second line: Fuck n*ggers and Zionist loving Trumpc*cks
Doomers reinforcing their doomer mentality that nobody will love them and their life is meaningless. Move along.
>girl doesn't like you because you're negative
>try to positive girl still doesn't like you
>girl just doesn't like you
A fact a lot of young men are better off learning early.
No, fuck off and kill yourself
Not sure either. See it a lot on r9k.
Make yourself deceased instead, faggot.
Maybe you could make it Sup Forums related THEN post it on Sup Forums?
People wanna fuck a female wojack. It's the dark ultimate truth of all wojack posters.
>wojak shit
Please fucking kill yourself you soulles pile of shit
>off topic
>wojak shit
Kill yourself.
kill yourself cancer
is no one going to comment on how creepy these fake leftist variations of bad Sup Forums memes are? like i think we can all agree these images aren't being made by someone trying to make something funny. in fact i can't really tell what these wojak-makers are trying to say at all anymore.
this is clearly some sort of direct memetic 'response' to the white blond girl wojaks but i can't understand what point they're making as the response
it's hard to describe the feeling these images give me. it's like the color grey became sentient and this is its first attempt at a joke after google image searching "meme" for a couple hours.
>Should I keep smoking?
>Hey, I stopped smoking!
he sees his tranny reflections and deludes himself to talking to "her"
end it tonight OP
yup. they aren't your mama so move the fuck on.
>thread still up
>tfw becoming a double doomer with PTSD
If you're kinda lost, here's an interesting video that shines light on sort of why people are participating in making content that involves wojaks.
all this image says is that real women can't compete with drawings of lolis which is really, really pathetic, for the women i mean.
imagine considering yourself a voluptuous or otherwise desirable female and still being passed over for a drawing he can't even have sex with. who cares what it's a drawing of-- losing to a 2D image is already a loss on the woman's part
you realize a lot of this is social manipulation anc counterops by shitposters who are paid to astroturf internet culture right? and trust me i wish that was as insane as it sounds, but Correct The Record were a thing and were pretty much doing the same stuff, just for trump v hillary in 2016. who knows if they still operate officially. but they did exist.
beyond B A S E D
It makes more sense to keep hitting next to put any effort in.
sorry to Sup Forums for getting Sup Forums's garbage dumped on you.