Anons. Wake up

Anons. Wake up.

Who are we raiding tonight?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The cookie jar!

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I've been trolling meetme live streams for a while nothing heavy but they have some really begging lame asshole snobby women on there who deserve it.. I was thinking of making my profile mean gene okerland and getting other people to be old 90 wwf wrestlers and interview them and then macho man or ultimate warrior speak with their traditional promos. Unless someone else has a better idea

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Raids? More like AIDS

private oofaroo ! coming to swag sex on them,

> blacks:D

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Over 9000 strong

Fuckin new fag

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This. Mwahahahahaha

Any livestreams we can think of?
What about making a fake draft notice on twitter to get all the zoom zooms riled up?
Bitch why are you even here? Get your newfag ass outta here

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I'm js meetme and skout are great platforms raid worthy

let's ride /pol.

Oh wait...


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Sup Forums is over
reddit and jvc have taken over

Lets raid linkedin

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Just spam some gore and they'll go away

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Area 52.

Sometimes I just LOVE Sup Forums ^_^

Anyways I can't do livestream don't have cam or mic. :-(

not a bad idea.

anyways, we need a set of fake pictures

yeah fuck that

isn't cross board raiding bannable offense though?

/bant/ not bad. like here minus porn


man I think I am getting scammed over there. lots of fake Indians

how can you raid linkedin?

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What I'm think we go to skout and do this but since there is a limited amount of space for each message you can type we copy and paste I'll wwf interviews from meme gene okerland hogan macho man and ultimate warrior

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well could you setup the account then

I tried and it won't let me register via Facebook?

Really? I never had any issues plus I dont have my PC just mobile

Ok I made mine..I'm meme gene okerland

Attached: Mean_Gene_Okerlund.jpg (900x675, 44K)

Maybe that's that. I'm on PC

Oh yea try using your phone

Is nobody going to notice this? This dude has a legit operation going on. It seems like going alone is the only way to troll these days.
Most plebbits are young and dumb. It could be simple enough to turn them against their own system.

Nothing. We're not raiding anything.

Also an option.

I'm just a bored oldfag

Any oldfags still around here are really fucking bored, myself included.
If you're the machoman you should keep up with that shit and report in at a later point in time.
You almost make me want to get on vocaroo and yell "OH YEAH SISTAH, I'M GONNA PUT A FINGER IN YOUR BUTT." so you can use it in of your operations.

Exactly! I'm already meme gene okerland perfect set up magic johnson assist/aids

The glory days are gone :(

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You faggots are cancer. You're only here to make sure Sup Forums doesn't do anything fun like back in the old days
Keep up the good work fellow oldfag. We'll get this place alive again in no time

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Don't fucking stop. This is the kind of low-key operation that gets idiots.
Get your screencaps and make a thread with them. Show new/b/ what we used to do.
I'll see you in valhalla, Sup Forumsrother.

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