whats it good for? whats it bad for?
i use to hear you can use it to anything but can you eat to much of it?
whats it good for? whats it bad for?
i use to hear you can use it to anything but can you eat to much of it?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's great for jerking off and also frying things
Put it on your hair.
Use to pull gunk out of your mouth and poison.
Mix with charcoal put on your feet to pull out toxins.
Make a lantern out of it.
Cook with it.
Make your fingernails and toenails stronger.
Good for skin.
All around pretty good stuff.
It's great for putting dicks up your butt
Mix it with dark choco to make it more melty.
Also good for masturbation and anal sex.
>good for skin and nails
do i rub it in or eat it? or both?
my gf use to have it in her hair it smells nice
analsex ofcourse
it makes it glide and also it makes it smell good so you don't have to smell on poop
I fucked my ex's ass with coconut oil as lube
that's one nice piece of ass your ex has user
Oh yeah it's definitely the best lube for anal sex
Coconutty smell and taste. Amazing
how was it?
It was so nice I really miss it. I'm really into anal, the taboo aspect really gets me off.
Its good for marijuana edibles. The medium-chain triglycerides are easily absorbed by the body so you waste less of your weed.
fuck off with the jokes that we're all incels and virgins. The majority here are beta cuck simps, and a whole bunch of nothing.
i'll bump out of pure interest of what more you can use it for
you can put it in your coffee
not much of a coffee guy
could i put it in tea?
yeah you can put it in anything
i use to have it in my smoothies and my oatmeal
Great for cannabis related cooking and infusing as it has high fat content
>yeah you can put it in anything
In any hole also.
Fuck it was already posted
Brazilians believe it cures cancer.
I keep a jar for my car as my old place the area was infested with fleas. It's good for cats fur and skin, healthy in small amounts for them to lick off and nothing will kill a pest like fleas faster than coconut oil.
yes. i find butter gross so i use coconut oil when i bake and its awesome
Fucking autonazicorrect. Cat not car
my gf put it on her vagina and ass and it become smooth
You stupid braindead retard. You literally created this thread yesterday with the same image and I even laid out the information for you.
Coconut oils are a meme. Avoid saturated fats.