How many of us soldiers are like this?
How many of us soldiers are like this?
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Well, you don't know how hard it is to get good chicken wings over there.
They literally train soldiers to think that they're not human. this is the only way to kill the enemy. this is observed all throughout human history. Every enemy has a degrading name; roach, krout, sliteye, commie, etc etc
All soldiers are like this. Soldiers are murderers.
Pussy, however, is easy to find you just have to enter any american camp/base
Gotta get something outta your war for jews/billionaires.
Fuckin A
It's not only US soldiers. This is a thing that happens among all countries military. Some individuals are just bad eggs.
You are welcome.
and after the surge of patriotic volunteers after 9/11, the enlistments went down when people started getting legs blown off in Iraq, then the Bush admin eased restrictions on criminals, retards, non high school grads and mental defectives.
I'm an ex soldier, and this is 100% not true. We are not trained to believe they're not human. We are trained killers, and once you've killed once, it's easier to do it again. I never served with anyone who talked about, or was cool with raping. We talked about murder, but not very often, and usually only out of anger or in jest, but no one I served with ever did it. Not to say there aren't psychos just like civilians, but that's why they have a justice system. You take anyone who is prone to violence or any criminal activity, they will find a way to do it whether they are a soldier or not. Now, that being said, once someone in a sqaud (or platoon) starts doing shit like that, the rest will follow unless someone stands up to them and makes them stop. No one wants to be an outcast.
They base their enlistment on need, any bullshit you hear on the news about the reason they're making enlistment harder is just save face. They don't give a shit about how the public feels. Ask them about why the kept Vietnam going for so long.
I figure I'd post this.
And the rapist killer in op isn't?
>Soldiers raping girls in combat zones
So basically what every army has done in every war in human history? If you think that's bad, you should check what Iran and Iraq did to each other's female populations in occupied territories....hell, look at what Saddam's forces and more recently ISIS, Syrian forces did to women in occupied territories.
Shhhh, you're destroying the retarded propaganda point OP was trying to make.
OP, go on with your retarded leftist spiel.
I guess soldier is into fucking animals then since he, by his own admission, doesn't think he's fucking a human. Huh
And there's a reason for most of history armies have been made up of the worst scum of society and flogged until they die if they step out of line. We need that discipline back.
Interesting, I will have to check out the graphic novel.
That doesn't really justify rape
I was posted to Kuwait in 1991 as part of operation granby. Figured I was going to kill someone sometime and I may as well get paid for it so I joined the army. True enough, spent 14 months offing sand niggers and generally doing whatever I wanted with a “self defence” and “tactical operational proportionate force” get-out-of-jail-free card.
Nobody got raped but we found plenty of Filipina and Indian / Bangladeshi / Sri Lankan housemaids literally abandoned as the Kuwaiti families had all fled for the border and left them behind. They were more than happy to put out for the protection we were giving them.
So yeah, you can legitimately get away with offing people in the armed forces but rape, not so sure.
Trying to guess how many presidential pardons are waiting in the wings?
'Merica! What do expect?
I never felt okay with killing, I think it was on purpose. Like, I didn't want to be okay with it, so I never let myself. The worst I ever got was when I bashed this assholes face in with my butt stock. He was unrecognizable. That was out of anger in the heat of the moment, but I never wanted to be a killer. I don't know if that made me a better or worse soldier, but whatever, that's just how I felt. Still have fucking nightmares. Fuck!
All of them
No, fuck him. He's not an American as far as I'm concerned. I beat the shit out of one of my men one time when I walked in on him about to do that shit. Fucker's lucky I didn't kill him. The girl was my daughters age.
I got numb to it after about 3 or 4. I put an SA80 butt through some little cunts face too, but he was trying to stab me as I reloaded so I figured it was all good.
We all signed up for the same duty on both sides with the same risks and same rewards. If it wasn’t you it’d have been him doing it so better to be on your side of the line.
how many of chinas are like this? or russia stop being a fag
December 2010?
Digging a little deep, aren't we?
So why did you enlist?
What did you think you were going to do?
you get a bunch of 18-20 something year olds, put them in the desert with guns and ammo and train them to shoot brown people. They’re on edge all the time, they can’t drink or fuck or smoke weed or take pills or anything people would usually do to alleviate stress. Just sit in a spot in the middle of the desert waiting to be attacked for hours while dealing with literal goat fucking idiots. It would be like being a cop in Baltimore but like 100 times worse. I’m amazed things like this don’t happen way more often, or at least are found to be happening way more often.
To the veterans that did kill. Is getting over killing someone going against what your beliefs you grew up with or does it feel like it's against your nature and instincts? For example it recurs in your dreams even though you have apathy towards it.
>Bush admin eased restrictions on criminals, retards, non high school grads and mental defectives
You just described diversity
That's what I always had in the back of my mind. It was either him or me, and it definitely wasn't going to be me. The numbness was definitely there, along with the complacency, but I always tried to push through it. I never wanted to be okay with any of it. I don't believe anyone should. Yeah, the guy I did that to has just fucked my buddy up, I was pissed and went all nuts. Pretty sure I violated the ROE, and they kept talking about an article 15 and taking my rank, but they never did.
he should be pardoned
I enlisted for allot of reasons, but mainly it was to get out of poverty. I knew I was possibly going to have to kill at some point because I went in as a scout, but that doesn't mean I was okay with it. I burned shit too when I was in, but that doesn't mean I liked it. You do what you gotta do, that's your job.
What is you MOS?
its more common than is preferred. Females soldiers are their targets as well.
The apathy is just a coping mechanism. Subconsciously you still feel like shit. I am a Christian, and I have asked God for forgiveness.. (I don't give a shit about anyone's beliefs), To anyone who is thinking about joining, I will tell you this. There is no glory in war, none. if you're going to join and support your country, go for it, just make sure you're doing it for the right reasons, and know, that if you're going into a combat MOS, you better know what you're getting yourself into. You can't be a little bitch jacking off in your bedroom all day like you were, you have to be smart, and tough or you're going to get yourself or someone else killed. Or better yet, just don't get into a combat job.
Military occupational specialty. Aka your job.
>You do what you gotta do, that's your job.
that's a shitty excuse. you're part of the problem.
All the dudes involved are in prison for life or dead which is pretty cool.
I assume you are a troll. If you're not you have a lot to learn about the world.
1 in millions. how many muslims are like that?
about 1/3 i'd estimate
there are a lot of white muslims in america
I wasn't asking what it means. I was asking what his MOS was.
What part of that comment did you think justifies rape? It just explains that uts a common occurrence. Doesn't mean it's right you fucking braindead retard.
Well, if you don't, than you get article 15nd, or court marshaled, or kicked out. I didn't commit any human rights violations, I simply defended myself and my squad when I needed to. So what problem are you talked about?
>Nobody got raped but we found plenty of Filipina and Indian / Bangladeshi / Sri Lankan housemaids literally abandoned as the Kuwaiti families had all fled for the border and left them behind. They were more than happy to put out for the protection we were giving them.
>nobody got raped, we just fucked them when they didn't want to fuck us
Oh, sorry, I must have read that wrond. 19D
Shame sand nigger pussy gets pre raped from the crib .... Musta been like a fucking wind tunnel at 14.
How did they get caught
What a fucking whore. How could she let herself be ravaged like that? It's a muslim woman's job to remain pure for her future husband. I bet her father is glad he is dead, so he won't have to look upon his whore daughter who couldn't even stop herself from losing her virginity. She unironically deserved to be shot and killed for not remaining pure as is the will of allah as told by the prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him)
>you have to be smart
> Pathetic.
Back in Nam we made the family watch, shot out their knees, and then set fire to the hut.
dumbass, woman have been offering their bodies in exchange for protection from men fro millenia. It's the natural order of things.
Yeah, I know, it's ironic. Especially since you only need a 50 on your asvab to join. God, I can't imagine what it is if there's a draft.
Rape is part of war and there are no rules to war its war. Pussy ass punks like you with your faggot ass rules of engagement are the problem. KYS.
Luckily the Americans saved the world from the evil nazis and their barbarian crimes against humanity
My grandpa told me when he served in vietnam they had a "rape shack" about 2 miles from the base where they kept 3 girls they would go and rape during off time. They literally called it the "rape shack". At the end of the war they shot all 3 of them and burned the shack down. My grandpa was kind of a sick fuck in that he thought it was really funny and would always laugh when telling the story.
Man, I would have loved to have you in my troop, we would have had a field day with you.
No you didn't lol
Sounds like a dream come true
>YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is well and good that war is so terrible, lest we grow fond of it.
Doubt it. I would have raped all you faggot ass betas.
probably just you m8, might as well turn yourself in now you worthless potential murder-rapist
You and your troop mates are a bunch of faggots.
I'd shake that man's hand.
I guarantee the closest you've been to war was on your computer watching live leak videos.
Pussy. You don’t know shit. Fact is you are a scared pathetic cunt who would never harm an innocent human. I hate everything and want to see the world burn. I will never not rape.
So hypothetically. Were you to beat someone that calls you a faggot for not raping a woman and you'd deliver a punch to the throat your rank would get stripped. Did you guys ever worry about getting a dishonorable discharge or losing your rank? I imagine every soldier went over thr line or made a mistake at least once. And if so is it months or trial or just settled without too much stress? Last thing I'd want is someone under me to lose morale just because he beat the one that shot his buddy and punish him for months with uncertainty.
>Twice psychotic
>Can't get drafted.
Tbh I don't want to sit at home while others do the hard work. But I also don't want to get crazy and shoot someone out of paranoia. Stable now but I bet the stress of a gunfight will trigger way more than just the psychosis. Any of you guys suffer from PTSD?
I suffer from STDs
Lots and lots
Fucking is not hard in the military. Hang around the base and you'll find cheap prostitutes everywhere. Plus the female soldiers tend to put out pretty frequently. Lots of adrenaline going around and need an outlet for it.
>anti rape is leftist
I love when right wingers accidentally admit that they know they love sadist beliefs and that's why they hate leftism lol
Pfft lmao
Former soldier here.
This is bullshit. When I served we had a lot of training on how to actually work with civilians, how to treat POWs properly and so on. But yes to a degree you make the enemy into something different, but not the civilians. I served in a NATO country, did a tour to Afghanistan.
You sound like a faggot ass pussy.
America is weak when it comes to how they treat the enemy.
Many, mostly the black and Israeli ones.
ok rapist
This is true. It think a part of it is that joining the military is a way out of poverty for many people. My country has conscription for a mandatory year. The military recruit the best boys and girls available. Many that really didn't think about serving abroad does it after this year. You get a more varied selection of people
What the fuck is wrong with you? Good on that Iraqi man.
>If a child voluntarily gets into a dog-fighting ring, I expect the child to fight the damn dogs to the death.
. You can't blame the dog for fighting at that point. Fucking White Knights are disgusting, all you do is cry about how "your" women are raped by dogs. You realize that it's your own fucking society, your own white culture, your own white countries that teaches them go out and get raped and beaten like that? You're entirely responsible. Women have no autonomy or morsl agency, racial minorities have no autonomy or moral agency, both are just animals. You've literally put two dogs in a pit then try to complain that the dogs fight and the one you like got hurt? Are you that fucking retarded?
This was the big problem in Vietnam.
So many of America's brightest and best got deferrals and exemptions, so it was the poor and the stupid who got swept up by the draft.
Without any source of morality people like Lt Calley ran the ground forces and the low-grade men in his platoon did his illegal and immoral bidding.
A volunteer army self-selects for sociopaths. A draft selects for poor and ignorant.
Best if we don't have crazy, immoral men running around with guns.
Oh, wait...
Those who can’t kill will always be subject tho those who can, you triple nigger faggot.
So it's ok if a Swedish guy does it? Wifebeaters generally do get off with a slap on the wrist.
This happens in every country. Hundreds of thousands of German women were raped by soviet soldiers after ww2, and American soldiers raped french women in Normandy, etc. Its fucked up, but these individual stories do happen.
Good thing we don't accept that shit and that the rapists are quickly put to justice.
All of the white supremacist Republicans are like this
God I wish I could be that kinda guy when I'm an old fuck. Maybe I will be. Probably not though because I'm a 32 year old pussy ass bitch who gave up being a firefighter after 10 years due to anxiety and have a vanilla gf and zero self esteem. Fear confrontation with anyone and just go along to get along in life. I just need to grow some balls or kms.
Can also verify absolute bullshit.
>spend 8 years in Canadian forces
>a few deployments to Afghanistan and one to Bosnia
>one guy in afghanistan tried to rape a pretty girl who must have been about 16 after we shot her father who'd been fucking mortaring us
>we beat the shit out of him and dragged him back to the base
>When asked, he said he fell down some stairs
>kept a close eye on him until I went home
This I crack a cold one anytime I see an ameeicunt die in a sandcountry. Dumb fucks
Thank you!
Any major sized FOB had women soldiers and they were all huge whores. Just get some alcohol or straight up cash and you could have them.
LOL! And you're a virgin too!