Niece is coming over and wants to see my new pc. How do I "accidentally" show porn?
Niece is coming over and wants to see my new pc. How do I "accidentally" show porn?
Pic of niece first
I dunno op what does she look like?
Have a porn window and a normal window open in your browser and mouse over it in the hotbar for a bit(pic related). Should be subtle enough for it to be believable that you didn't notice it, but assuming there's fullscreen porn in that window it should be visible enough as well.
Pedophiles deserve death
Better example
You're worthless trash OP.
If niece is under 18 then kill yourself you pedo faggot peice of shit. If she is over 18 post pic
Genuinely fuck you. I have a niece and can’t imagine even considering shit like that. Rid the world of yourself pls
youre dumb
You're dubs
You're dubs
Two dubs!
Hahaha op youre a sick fuck but these posts are funny
Not OP just lulz
What about 17 and 364 days?
I know my best friend is my 6 year old niece lol
My niece pretty much commandeers my phone when I see her and I'm afraid she's going to get good at poking around on it and find something I would rather she didnt see
Are you that fucker who would post in loli threads?
Off yourself already.
With that being said don't start out with straight up porn you idiot. Start with suggestive games and movies.
You don't even have to try these days. She's probably already into weird shit you don't even know about.
That's because you're gay.
more slime girl plz
Changing tactics now, OP?