What is the story behind this CP fucker who is taking the picture.
Did he ever get caught?
What is the story behind this CP fucker who is taking the picture
How do you know it's not just an innocent picture of someone's kid?
OP knows the entire backstory but its not like he's a pedo
because i know i just don't know the story
Some fuckers in HS told me about this girl
was this the one with the flies buzzing around her?
very off putting!
If you find fat girls attractive then you're mentally ill.
I don't give a fuck about the girl im not that type of person to fuck a Kid
So what happened to the pedo?
I don't know i'm waiting for an oldfag to tell me
Does she pounce?
He got arrested. She has ptsd.
And purs
No dude she had brown hair and was older but yeah same I couldn’t get past the flies
Behold the jewish hamster
Did the guy make a profit out of her or not
I believe there was 2 girls.
U sand nigger learn to grammar
Completely unrelated to this post, but I love chubby chicks. They can be really cute, too
Bruh she’s 19
I know her I went to school with her
Who cares.
She's an adult with a family of her own now and seems to be doing fine.
Leave her alone.
Newfag, what's this about?
prove it, she probably has social media.
I see the full set and nobody gives a shit what happend with the lil bastard.
155 is gone how did you get the source
Ancient here, she was foreigner.
No one cares, she became drug addict, man joined Ukraine army to avoid jail.
The end... so is life in the eastern europoors.
Let us not judge their shitty backwards ways.
Yes one of my friends send that shit on my phone from 155 he told me the site will come back but no more info you know.
He posted on Sup Forums asking other 4channers if they know anything about him
how old was the guy?
Maybe 39.
39 what?
I preferred the other one
Naw, that ain't April.
When I go into a strip club, I take a girl behind for a private dance, seduce her and end up eating her pussy. Happened twice. Once the girl came 3 times in 2 hours time. We ended up fucking bareback. Another time, the girl did not come but sucked my dick as a thank you.
Is that Marie?
I remember this set.... pretty cute
Cat goddess bro... cat goddess
FBI spotted
Well... I guess that is one of the innocent pics of her.
Looks like her
whats the story?
>checking old gdrives trash bin
>see ~6 pics from set related
>delete quicker than epstein getting not suicided
FBI please stop planting this shit on me