You have 10 SECONDS to name something dumber than an American

You have 10 SECONDS to name something dumber than an American.

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A non-American.

African American


Global national IQ. You're welcome and /thread

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Mackenziewhit20 on snapchat she'll send anything for a couple bucks



Flat/young earthers

Two americans.

this user


Iran - picking up a fight with the world super power will not end well for them.

how the fuck are Chinese the smartest.

If it werent for all the fucking niggers and spics, the US would be dark green too.

They're not. They're good at falsifying themselves on a large scale.

They focus ALOT more on education than we do. Its not really close.

Obviously there are exceptions, Im talking population as a whole.

Also, not a nigger in sight, user.

the first lady and her broken english

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You must be a euro

China nambawan

nice digits faggot

English is her 6th language.
Get over yourself.

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so, you admit that she's unamerican

Moving goal posts I see

OP, your mom for not aborting you

I'm using the goal posts set by OP. She is dumber than an American because she has lived here for decades without learning the language and she is not American, ergo, dumber than an American.

She's hotter than your emo #metoo woman.
Get over yourself.

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Sorry you're so butthurt, i was just trying to point out something true and funny

>She's hotter than your emo #metoo woman.
That's not very nice internet bullying. I guess you think the BE Best campaign is for total losers, not trolls like you

making this same thread 3 times a day

I'm defending a man and his wife that have received nothing but bullying from the media and sore losers.

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Trump has nice wives, not fat bitchy women. Leave him alone.

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Melania is low maintenance. Her haters are high maintenance jealous types.

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you're not being very best though. almost like you too think they are completely full of shit, and not to be taken seriously

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Go back to your Bernie facebook page.

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an american who supports trump

Trump family has all nice pretty women.
The left has nasty pigs.

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I am an american college graduate and I've taken the Stanford Binet IQ test twice and scored 155. so...
>name something dumber than an American.
around 7-7.25 billion people, technically. and that's being conservative.

that's what she says yet nobody has ever heard her speaing anything but broken english or her slav subhuman dialect

If you don't like America, stop asking for its help.

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again, that bullying is very hurtful please be bester soon.

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Why no white knight for Melania, but that GoT hunchback gets all the knighting she wants?

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There are more people in that room than will ever care about you.

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Sup Forums is Trump country. Haters gonna hate

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Value Added Tax

Americans are so stupid that they're the top military/economic/cultural power in the world?

Jealous much?

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This thread

but i know more english than all of them put together

Some scared Canadian/western European sees the pissing match going on between Trump and the goatfuckers and panics.

Posts a thread like this.

It ain't going to change shit.

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you because you dont understand the grading scale that makes everyone match up

found the newfag

Speak it to yourself as you jack it to anime.

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New shit, old shit, all the same shit.

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Eurofags that welcome muslim immigrants with open arms to rape their women and destroy their culture are way dumber.

All the hate.
But Trump is love. Trump is life.
Choose life.

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Two Muricams

internet bully defends Be Best cause being a trumpfag never puts you in an awkward situation

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I would be marrying her for those tits, so her IQ is of little consequence.

Fixed it for you.

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fag? Now you're a homophobe? What would your antifa buddies say?

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Maybe I agree, but only until all those little Mohammeds grow up and fuck up what was once the grail of civilization.

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Stop the hate.
Unite with Trump and stop the bullshit.

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Now? I've always hated faggots like you. Why is it only bisexual people have the magic super power of being able to make a choice. You can stop sucking dick any time you feel like it faggot and everyone knows it.

Thats a man

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that’s still an American, dumbfuck

she's white she's not an american


two americans


Trump having a non-American as a wife, makes him liberal. Wtf guys?

Obama's "wife" legit has a dick

The french