US kills your general

>US kills your general
>hold funeral for general, stampede kills 60 of your people
>shoot missiles at US air base, miss all targets.
>shoot down your own passenger jet instead.

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It was confirmed a jet malfunction

That's not what Ukraine has to say about it. It is their plane after all.



Based on what? The Iranians won't let anyone see the black boxes.

WoW, murica attacks a poor country again

hahahah a POOR country

they're all poor when you're the richest

Miserable bait gets miserable replies.

>the richest

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what part of that is bait, Ahmed?


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expert juggler here

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Yeah, interface with a concussive force will do that.

Jets tend to malfunction when they get shot down

who is the fake crybaby routine supposed to impress? Are they implying that American's are way dumber than normal people, or is it their own followers that they think are fooled when they do this gay ass charade?

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a poor country which hassles ships belonging to other countries in international waters, kills people from its own and other countries, tortures the same, and for dessert attacks an embassy within its borders.

This is like the older brother getting in trouble for hitting the younger brother back. Shoulda known better.


>when the list of US wrongdoings is too long to bother to write it down
>Ez win

>the list of US wrongdoings
is 240 years long. They just need to be wiped off the map and other (sane) countries handed that land.

>US kills your general
>>hold funeral for general, stampede kills 60 of your people
US holds Black Friday sales, stampedes kill people. eh.
>>shoot missiles at US air base, miss all targets.
Likely deliberately. Crazy dicator screaming at military to "bring death to america", military knows they can't win a war, turn it into a dud shot.
>>shoot down your own passenger jet instead.
Assuming it wasn't a malfunction, it was probaby jumpy anti-aircraft operators. Shit happens. After the shit that already happened in Ukraine, you'd think their airline would pull out of potential conflict zones anyway.

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What kind of malfunction renders a plane to not only spontaneously combust an engine (an easily survivable "malfunction" btw, especially when you're already landing) and the main controls to be disabled? It's odd everything went so smoothly and then just went up in flames over a hostile territory isn't it. Or are you implying all engine and rudders and contact with ground control lost function at once in a fiery blaze and that no maintenance man ever caught on to deteriorating circumstances during a ground check?


3 years of libcuck seething and screeching down, 5 to go.

Attached: !cryingloserliberals2020.jpg (1191x1200, 189K)

I mean, bird strike can cause those things. Also it was on take-off not landing iirc.

Please translate, I don't speak Swedish

>miss all targets.
60 US soldiers died

Me and my roommate have been having a long, LOOOOOONG debate about this.
I'm always in the middle of political issues. I literally told him: "we don't know what happened until we actually see the facts."
Being the Trumptard he is, he immediately blamed Iran- saying they have a track record- which believe, I know how mudslimes are.
But we really don't know.
The only thing I gave him (which made him jump for joy and say he won the argument) was that it's extremely iffy the Iranian government claimed it was a malfunction, and is refusing to let any other people see the black boxes.
We'll see, right? Occam's razor, I get it- the track record- mudslimes terrorists- leaving Iran for fucks sakes.
But we still don't know until every fact is actually, legitimately released. For now, who the fuck knows.

>Member of EU

>Trying to talk trash


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Bird strikes result in flight diversions.
And you're right, it was taking off, but you know what a plane with no engines is? A glider. A plane with no controls is a missile. Birds don't take out controls.
During my Google search to see if it was a departure or arrival, the president of the airline said it was one of the best maintained planes in the fleet.

Try it, bitches.


ok Mahmoud

Um.... they didnt

Boy if they would just release the black box and absolve themselves of this crime, ya know? Who conceals evidence like that? Oh yeah, guilty people..

0 casualties.....
0 damage......
Where on earth is this information coming from? I feel like it'd be hard to get anyone to tell yo my that.

Birds can take out controls (and interfere with navigation instruments).

>Partial or complete loss of control may be the secondary result of either small aircraft structural impact or large aircraft jet engine ingestion.

I agree with that it's not possible to come to any conclusions yet, but my current guess is that it was caused by a bird strike or similar.

Not even seething here, just bringing things back to a sane realistic assessment.
Trump is actually pretty liberal.
Good luck to Trump in his second term.

>ˢᵘᵇᵗˡᵉ ᵏᵉᵏ

That was quoted from Iranian leaders with 0 evidence.

You have no clue what you are talking about

Please put that cock back in your mouth and shut the fuck up

And for the consumption of their own subjects.
>see North Korea et al.

When this is true than Iran is in a much stronger position than anticipated. Probably Russia or/and China backed. This would fucking mean the US gonna back off

Man... The Ukraine just can't catch a break. I'd bet Putin sent a few bucks Iran's way to make that happen too.

Enlighten me, then

Iran has always been a Russian red line, that's why it hasn't been invaded to date. GWB would have given it a shot given half a chance and HRC was chomping at the bit.

we don't have to. Your retarded ass will do it for us sooner or later

they purposefully missed with their salvo of inbred twat

>Says bird strikes do that much damage
>gets shown link proving them wrong
>gets buttmad and hurls insults

war mongerer

>we’re losing on purpose
The only sure thing is they were not aiming for they’re own passenger jet.. that’s why they hit it!

God damn Dems love terrorists--I mean 'FrEedoM FiGHteRs'

Birds don't make a plane turn into a fireball flying 45° down into the Earth at terminal velocity
>B-b-but they said it wasn't them
>Also won't let anyone know what the black boxes on a foreign plane say

source on "fireball flying 45° down into the Earth at terminal velocity"?

we gotta nuke em

It would have only been a malfunction if the plane was designed to take explosive impact.

This is 100% a win for the US. Not a fan of pres faggot, but he played this good if he does economic sanctions and doesn't send missiles.

Translate pls I don't speak durka durka.

Is that gif supposed to be Sherlock Holmes?

What, you need a translation for the picture or the meme?
I think you're a little confused on who this durka durka guy is, ha. Quit regurgitating "facts" you learned from your local propaganda maker. You might learn something actually reading from other sources, kek.

what does World of Warcraft have to do with this?

The picture and durka durka is referring to the language that is typed out, and it's a reference to team America force
Durka durka is a slang term I use for Arabic and other languages of that kind

I feel for you. Perhaps one day you'll learn what true culture is.

First off, I ain't American
Secondly, I'd kill myself if I was.

>shoot missiles at US air base, miss all targets.
You are not intellectually equipped to talk about world politics.
Maybe you should stick with your middle school lunch table, you probably kill there.

>using America's media-inspired propaganda
>saying he'd kill himself if he was American
HAAAAA. You've already been Americanized, user. Welcome to the degenerate club.

>American not even understanding why their own fifth amendment is there.

Expected calibre


America attacke a rich general, that's different