
So, this guy was on route to close the PEACE NEGOTIATIONS (between Iran and Saudi Arabia) and he was ASSASSINATED by the USA.

How is this not state sponsored terrorism?

Attached: Qassem-Soleimani.jpg (1200x734, 137K)

Other urls found in this thread:–20_Iranian_protests?wprov=sfla1

Because it's for the sake of Israel, goy.

Unironically because America did it and not some shitskin country.

trump cock suckers deny everything he does

No, he wasn't. Not any of these things.

Fake and gay

Like fuck he was. He is why Iran is a regional pariah.

f a k e

n e w s

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>on route
bullshit he was fingering his asshole

He also slaughtered 1500 of his own people for protesting peacefully a few months ago. He was a goatfucking monster.

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It's not, because america won the last war.

Welcome to politics.

Yeah youre right. The guy was a peaceful saint

>everything I don't like is fake news
>also everyone who disagrees with me is an NPC
oh, the irony.

>How is this not state sponsored terrorism?
it's only terrorism when the other guys do it

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>He is why Iran is a regional pariah
sure, sure.. a week ago you had never heard of this dude, and now you suddenly know that he was a clear and present danger to world peace etc.. funny how that works.

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>He also slaughtered 1500 of his own people for protesting peacefully a few months ago
got a source on that? Sounds a bit off, mate.

>How is this not state sponsored terrorism?
By being a war crime.
It wasn't "state sponsored terrorism" cos it was done directly by a state.

Don't worry. Iran fires missiles at the US and we do fuck all about it. Trump is the fucking failure here.


>He also slaughtered 1500 of his own people for protesting peacefully a few months ago. He was a goatfucking monster.
So drag him before the hague. Don't drone strike him on allied territory without the consent of that ally.

>now you suddenly know that he was a clear and present danger to world peace
you fags are just making this up as you go along... even your lord and savior Obama knew soleimani was a filthy terrorist and had him listed and sanctioned for planning attacks.

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>So, this guy was on route to close the PEACE NEGOTIATIONS
And the first guy the New Zealand shooter killed said "welcome brother," as he walked into the mosque. We've heard this all before.

but until your boi was getting impeached, none of it mattered at all. Actually, for the common mortal, this carpet surfer wasn't even a noticable threat until Orangina man had to start a party to stay relevant.–20_Iranian_protests?wprov=sfla1

Until he attacked an US embassy

Don't worry, he'll be gone tomorrow. And if that ever WAS true, you'd have Mike "You like the cock? electroshock!" Pence. I wish you morons would impeach him. Trump would be pardoned immediately and you'd be fucked with an even more conservative president.

It is.

Sometimes we have to take the opportunity and puff our chest. We already destroyed Iraq, what are they going to do about it?

What a faggot

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They wrecked the US embassy in Baghdad, and Trump did fuck all about it. Trump was the fucking failure there, too.

says nothing about the salami guy ordering 1500 people killed, mate.

He was the fucking general in charge, you blockhead. The ayatollah is just as much to blame and I wish we could turn him into a hunk of meat too.

>He also slaughtered 1500 of his own people for protesting peacefully a few months ago. He was a goatfucking monster.
since when did the US give a shit about the plight of sandnigger lives?

damn brah you really care about innocent, muslim lives. What's your take on the situation in Yemen and the plight of the Saudi women?

cause we wanted to be the ones to kill them

so many meathead trump humpers want to prove their loyalty to the country that will gladly throw them away

Since god emperor trump

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valid points lol

when we can use their deaths to justify killing more of them

omg wtf I love muslims now

>trump cock suckers
You're the one thinking about sucking his cock.

24/7 365, another 5 years of your seething.

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if only your masters were as honest as you

Because he is a terrorist himself. Fuck you and fuck inbred sand niggers

>n-no u...
seethe more

>Propaganda e

he was there because of his terror attack on a US embassy

And Trump says he's gonna put new sanctions on Iran!

Did Saudi Arabia put sanctions on us after they toppled the World Trade Center? It's pretty demented to commit an act of terror and then punish the victim for it! lol

Well, since soleimani was responsible for most of the terrorist activities in Yemen for the last decade or so, I think you can figure out my opinion.

If it is ok for the US to do what it did, then it's okay for say Russia to strike a US general it has a grievance with on foreign soil (say, in the Ukraine) too. The US is supposed to be about equality and rule of law after all.

His problem was setting foot out of Iran, dipshit. Or wait, lemme guess, he dindu nuffin and we should quit judging him on the color of his skin

yeah, I can figure out that you're a moron.. the attacks in Yemen come from Saudi Arabia.

user, Saudi Arabia was not the main instigator of those attacks.. follow the money


well, according to the most broadly accepted definition, this wasn't an act of terrorism because it was a strike made by the regular armed forces of a country, who are occupying the country, in which said strike occurred, and it was against a military target, a general, a pretty important general. sloppy wetwork? sure. terrorism? hardly

money literally leads to saudi arabia, via pakistan

Does anyone else remember "America fuck yeah" playing on loop for days when we killed bin laden? Now Sup Forums is defending these shitskin goat fucking terrorists?
I think it's time for me to finally go....

It is fake news. Note that yo prethident has no finesse and any real President would have this guy taken out in a plausibly deniable way. Trump had him triple destroyed with ordinance. No finesse.

weak and predictable

you didn't cry when the nigger did it kid

weak and precictable

Pence doesnt have dementia so +1

Same with Iran shooting over 30 missles into occupied military bases and missing every shot without a single casualty and saying, revenge complete.

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

reddit fags ruined Sup Forums

Hope he recovers from that caustic remark soon.

weak and predictable

No Iran is a regional pariah because America decided 50 years ago that the government wasn't favorable for them so they organized a push and made it into what it is today.

weak and predictable

> You didn't cry when the nigger did it
I did. Criticised anyway, which is what I take it you mean by "cry". Some of Obama's drone strikes were justifiable, many weren't.

I'm surprised no one is talking about the people that was with him that also got killed. What about them?

weak and predictable

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weak and predictable

ITT: Good goys happily defending Israel. Israel wanted Soleimani dead, and Trump is Israel's bitchboy, so that's what happened.

The best slaves are people that don't even realize they're in servitude. How does it feel, goy?

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wow lots of snowflakes undermining lord emperor obama who sanctioned this hit in 2011

KYS you pathetic little internet faggot cock sucker.

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weak and predictable

sure kid

>I'm surprised no one is talking about the people that was with him that also got killed. What about them?
I think it was an inappropriate strike already. If someone who was with them made the strike more appropriate then perhaps they're relevant, but that seems unlikely.

weak and predictable

keep it up, bro.. you're totally winning for Trump.

sure kid

>I think it was an inappropriate strike already
Isn't that wonderful that what you think matters to not another person on this earth.

who's defending him?

weak and predictable

ur mom is gai

thinks this is about trump
lmao at the retard

War hero of which side?

>Isn't that wonderful that what you think matters to not another person on this earth.
The same applies to you and everyone else in this thread and on this board. Yet this thread and this board exist.
Someone was wondering why people weren't talking about some collateral damage. I explained why I wasn't. I can't speak for others.

grow up faggot

Like...the leader of Hezbollah?

Your safe space isn't Sup Forums.
Get back to it and your paranoid delusions, cuck.

You're the one proffering your idiotic opinion on whether the strike was appropriate or not.

In other words shut the fuck up.

>sure kid
I've had issue with the policies and actions of WJC, GWB, BHO and DJT. GHWB isn't on that list cos I was too young to be politically active at the time he was pres. There is no such thing as a politician who is all good. Every president does fucked up things, every president does some decent things. Welcome to life.