I want to impregnate her
I want to impregnate her
Are you trying to upset me?
no, but i'm tired of seeing this faggot posted everywhere. are you the one who made the thread before?
I have made threads before, but not that often.
You know that’s a dude right.
No way, I used to follow this bitch and had no clue. Is there proof?
Well if that is the case then I want impregnate him. Get on it science.
Amy nudes?
looks like mister been
what site is that? mc server 1.14.4
very cool user mc server 1.14.4
her curiouscat
i'm confused...
There are better looking goth girls out there.
Spider is unique.
would be hotter if she had tits
tits are overrated
I love her creepy wide open eyes.
For a female she looks really manly
thats very progressive of you
>he doesn't know
Not really.
^this, i love small tits.
doesn't know what?
Meh, I’d fuck her, but she’s def crazy trap mode. Suicide watch
>crazy trap mode
what does that mean?
That is a Man.........
Means she is gonna be in the percentile that kills itself when it gets sad that it’s sperm are dead and it can’t get a proper hard on
he has a girlfriend, dude's doing fine
Goddammit, Crispy. I blame myself for this happening to you.
>t. Crispyman, 2015-
I'd love to fucking break this lil niggas boipucci
anyone willing to do a deep fake?
Didn't think it was a real person at first.
Aw yiss OP, I love this creepy little cum bunny
post the first one
where can i find her?
CursedArachnid on Twitter
I want to creampie her
I want to eat creampies out of her
I've cum so much to her
I want to sub for her. I'd swallow every drop for her.
Anyone have the $10,000 to pay for her nude?
>can see his cock balls bulging in first image of thread
that could just be normal shadows, doesn't mean she has a dick
Like at this post right here And tell me they aren't balls
I think someone's creampie fantasies are crumbling
Spider said he will show his dick if someone pays him $10,000, or $6,000 for a preview. I don't have that kind of money but would like to see it.
I want her to drink my cum
a hole's a hole, would still eat that sweet boipussy like it's breakfast
Every hole is a goal.
i'd pay money to see shad draw porn of this creepy trap
He's such a degenerate that already draws plenty of real people, bring this bitch to his attention and I bet he actually would.
wait... so he admits he has a dick? why is him being a trap even a debate then?
ok but is there any real proof that it's a guy?
You don't understand, I NEED to know this. I mean, as long as there is no legit proof of him/her where you can clearly see dick, it's not gay, right?!
Just said she will "post a dickpick". Didn't say that it would be hers. It could just be a meme since nobody in their right minds would pay 10k for that shit.
paying him is the only way to know for sure, but i doubt any desperate enough bastard would give that much for a nude.
Fuck. I used to fap to her like twice a day or so. This would ruin everything... But I've watched her streams before and not only does she sound very female, but if I remember correctly she talked about her period or some shit once. Obviously this doesn't proof much since she could just claim that if she was a guy... God fucking dammit I hate traps, trannys and all of that shit. Why are these fucking fags so desperate for attention that they try to make straight guys fap to them?! Fucking trannies!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
you have no proof
She has claimed many times before that she doesn't get periods, so that might be what you heard. It's not much of proof as many real girls don't get periods either for many different medical reasons.
looks retarded
DAMN looking better than actual women
I can't believe you're falling for the trolling lmao. She's obviously a girl. You're obviously a retard though so it's probably better if you think she's a dude.
Meanie... :(
what we do know based on her twitter and twitch rants:
>gets no periods
>would get bullied and called a fag in school
>would wear a wig to high school. in her words, she used to have ugly short hair and wanted to change her appearance (check her old pics and you'll notice it's a wig)
>old friends call her a "he"
>has either no tits or is flatter than the normal woman. claims women clothes are not made for her body type.
she might just be a tomboy who didn't develop right during puberty, so i still don't know what to believe.
for reference, this is a wig, and this is her real hair.
Looked cuter when it was a wig
I prefer her natural hair.
hot af
don't know about you but i prefer natural, real women...
U know this is "him" this guy Just want to be a girl but he has Dick soo idk what u want impregnate
"Her" lack of a vagina will make that tricky.
it makes it better!
If that girl was a transvestite,
that was the Mona Lisa of transvestites.
i want to mitosis
there's plenty of other good ones around, this one looks too boyish
I know it. We have Natalie Mars and Bayle Jay. This goth girl with charming eyes is just another fag to make happy another fags that love goth girls.
thats clearly a male, and probably underage. fuxking sage
He's an adult in his 20's
That only expands the dong, and you know it