I texted my 14 year old lady friend that I missed her and we had an hour long convo catching up on things.
Wtf should I do bros? She wants to come over this weekend and we were going to watch movies in my room together (that's literally it we not going to do anything bad or lewd or whatever)
Pick a movie you will both enjoy. Converse with her like she's an adult. Expand her worldview and way of thinking, for the better. Take pictures of her barefeet
hey guess what you'll forever be known as the childfucker amongst your friends and she's simply using you to show her friends how "mature" she is for her age.
this shit is fucking timeless and you're an idiot cunt for falling for it.
but go ahead and fuck the underage girl because you're much too socially inept to talk to girls your age. coward cunt.
Adrian Thompson
See Lmfao it's so easy to trigger Sup Forums tards nowadays
Matthew Bennett
> socially inept
Lmfao it's harder to talk to underage teens than adult women u fucking autistic butthurt homosexual faggot
Adam Watson
You are a pedophile, or you’re mentally retarded for thinking that its normal for a person twenty years of age to be “friends” with a fourteen year old. Fuck a fourteen year old doesn’t even have the life experience to hold a mature conversation, what do you talk about? How her day at school was? All the drama that happens at her fucking middle school? How her parents clearly don’t have the time to be with her and keep her safe from Pedos? How mature she is for having an older friend like you, and how shes oh-so-different from all the other fourteen year olds? Go commit die, child fucker
having sexual attraction for girls around 13 years and older is perfectly normal because this is when their body is biologically ready and they have sexual features that men look for.
The only reason why people disagree with it is because society and feminists made it 'wrong and immoral' and many of you mindless sheep follow along the bandwagon, seriously just look at the fucking media.... Most of those who disagree are ugly fat older women and white knights. Also fags that disagree love to yell insults, threats and the word 'pedo' like a bunch of mindless seagulls but never any factual arguments
OP shut the fuck up. We know you’re lying and want to fuck, there’s no reason to have a 14 yo “lady friend”. Do yourself a favor and stop talking to her before you catch a case
Zachary Lopez
Also mods are unpaid slaves
Benjamin King
13 year old girls are hot and sexy wanna join us in a 3some ;)
Robert White
Having the sexual attraction isn’t the problem knobber, its acting on it that is. If you’re too autistic to fuck an adult then commit to an asylum.
Samuel Foster
youre pathetic when I was 14 a ridiculous person like you seduced me too and postponed my life in years... now nobody understands why im 31 and married a 21 yo dude fuck you and your mental issues
Colton Wright
Also here is a fact, Body=fully developed=yes Brain=fully developed=no This is why it’s immoral.
James Ward
> too autistic to fuck an adult > doesn't realise that teens love and enjoy sex as much if not even more than adults > PROJECTING like a true faggot because he's never touched a girl during his school.and adult years
Brandon Diaz
>unironically posting this hypocrite...
You realize he fucks underage girls himself, right?
Anthony Roberts
>for. Thank you for saying all that. I’m a sex offender and it happened when I was freshly 19 she had just turned 15 and I added her on snap through someone else because she looked 18+ she sent nudes straight off the rip and I told her we could be friends and that didn’t work. One thing lead to another and we ended up have perfectly normal consensual sex and she was more of a freak than I was. We argued a lot tho and we would get into a lot of fights because she cheated on me a whole lot and I never cheated not even one time on her. She would threaten to kill herself when I would try to leave her alone. She once told me that her mom fed her xanax through the water or food she would consume. She said she don’t remember a lot of things when I caught her cheating. She manipulated me in so many ways. She drowned me in sexual pleasure. She made me think it was all my fault. That’s beside the point. I’m now a sex offender because her parents found out. I can go into further details if anyone wants to know. I don’t think I should be a sex offender personally. She took up for me in her statement that she got on top of me and took off her own clothes and mine.
Justin Peterson
If that's the case then age of consent should be late 30s because that's when the brain fully develops.
Fucking sjw moralfag
Aaron Nelson
>never said they don’t enjoy fucking >projecting what? That I fuck adults and not kids? Bruh if you don’t realize that you’re taking advantage of a child, and children are very easy to manipulate so don’t say you aren’t, then you need some help boyo. If kids want to fuck kids they can go ahead, the only benefit of fucking an adult is that they’re probably going to be smart enough to strap a rubber on and prevent another unneeded teen pregnancy, there are no other benefits to fucking someone that much older than you. I know a few women who were baited as children into fucking men older than them they have crippling alcoholism and drug addictions now.
Elijah Thompson
Age of consent should be 14 I known many teens that age that have manipulated adult men and practically raped them
Nolan Garcia
If we didn't have society horrifying and telling the younger girls that it's wrong, then they would grow up to be perfectly normal and healthy. Emotionally they can learn to accept and enjoy relations even if theyre 13 - its society that makes it seem bad. Nature, biology and human nature supports it. And without the villifying, it doesn't have any negative affects on anyone. As long as there is safe, consenting sex, then it's 100% okay and healthy to have intimate relations with girls around 13.
It's very typical for butthurt moralfags, feminists or homosexuals like yourselves to immediately think that they are predators when in reality the attraction is the same as it is with any attractive female. And 'preying' on any female of any age is fucking wrong.. Teens this young are old enough to be aware of the consequences and differentiate between what's right from wrong.
It's even more typical to characterise and give traits to try and justify a whiteknight's ignorance and lack of knowledge over teen girls - you'll notice a lot of times they compare them to little kids that barely know how to talk and say they wouldn't have any 'common or shared interest' when in reality a teen girl can talk and discuss about things any girl over 18+ does. They're not mentally handicapped like many of these moralfags and whiteknight's try to label them
People, this is officially a copy pasta now. Just forget this shit and move on. OP is doing it for the lulz.
Cooper Wilson
What a fucking moron.
Dylan Powell
Dubs of truth. OP is a pedophile.
Matthew Campbell
ww3 soon we're gonna round you up and publically castrate you fucks with rusty hatchets
Elijah Cruz
lewd her
Robert Ortiz
it aint what it used to be
Ethan Scott
Again, yes teens like to fuck, but what benefit does it have for them to fuck someone who is older, and knows how to manipulate them? I’m not retarded I realize they aren’t fucking toddlers, but seriously whats the difference between you fucking a 13yo girl and a priest fucking a 13yo boy? Both use something (maturity, god, money, faith, and other lies) to give them some sort of validation, and both receive sexual favors in return. I think age of consent should be 16, because at least by the time you’re 16 you actually kind of know what you want and are more likely to detect if someone is just using you as a cum dumpster, or at least you’ll know they’re using you as a cum dumpster and be ok with it