I really do love my girflriend Sup Forums but somehow the idea of her getting used like she's no more than a cocksleeve to the guy, just a condom. is a big turn on. she's at least a 8-9/10 to me but the fact some might think she's less and would treat her badly just makes me so hard. Would you do her Sup Forums ? what if you could only do anal.
I really do love my girflriend Sup Forums but somehow the idea of her getting used like she's no more than a cocksleeve...
More ass and general, OP
She looks good btw
glad, you like her, would you have a go ? especially if you could only do anal
Them thighs man keep going
she has awesome legs
i'd love to see someone try and "seduce" her without her knowing i'm ok with it.it's stupid but it would be hot if she was someone easy for some random guy
she would fit into the role of a anal cum deposit for 50 guys
would buttfuck her OP keep posting
Would fill up. Any full body
would like to eat her out
Lol I know her.
even if you were limited to anal ?
first name ?
I'd only fuck her ass if she sucks me off afterwards to clean her shit off my cock. It only makes sense.
God damn right. Watch it drip out from her abused hole
We talked before, I have her snap, it has Jane in it.
I hate it it's painful he's gonna have a hard time dilating and making it moist also I don't want to grind it so get ready
Al een paar keer gevraagd om af te spreken ma ze wilt ni xp
would pound her so hard
Her cunt is too loose for me. Her asshole is the only thing that is tight enough to make me cum.
Seek out a mental health professional.
Stop watching porn, stop fapping, have sex with her.
You’re letting your imagination and addiction ruin your day to day life.
I’m not saying porn is bas, I’m saying you are mentally ill.
This is not a fetish, you are not healthy. Get your shit together.
Fuck off kike
damn, jammer om te horen :(
glad you enjoy her
she's plenty tight but if you were to speak to her would you tell her you wouldn't even bother with her pussy ?
i appreciate any comments, also how much would you rate her out of 10.
Kan je mij haar WhatsApp bezorgen want ze antwoord precies ni op snap :p of uw WhatsApp?
7/10 her tats brings -1
Of geef mij een e-mail adres en ik mail u :)
Hell yeah. Id spread her ass wide open Take a good look at the ass pussy combo from behind. Breathe in its scent then spit right into her asshole for lube. Slide my dick right in just to use her tight anal sleeve to cum. Pull her hair back like pigtails instead of holding her shoulders. Definitely wouldnt wear a condom i love the feel of raw female anus. Id save my load up and take zinc and vitamins too so itll be like i jizzed in her ass 4 times in a row like. Shed immediately get the urge to shit from the sheer amount of jizz i pump into her ass. See it drip out all over her sweaty pussy.
Fuck man i woudnt wait to drill her ass while choking her with my arms. I'd make her scream
4/10 looks like a crack whore with all those tattoos.
i get that tats aren't everyone's taste.
zou eens moeten kijken om een throwaway te maken.
really like reading these. would really love to see if someone could get her so far to give up her ass after 1 meeting. especially if she didn't know i was ok with it. oddly enough she reacts better to be treated badly than compliments, she has a few issues
one from before she got tats for those of you who don't like them
true but i wouldn't mind a fuck or two.
Ik heb nog een wegwerp, mail hiernaar. Geen zorgen ik houd da van u privé
[email protected]
does she suck cock too?
surey i'd fuck the shit outta her, pin her to a wall and finger until she dies for the cock
Stroking to her, keep posting her body
of course she does. and pretty damn well in my opinion.
glad you enjoy.
it's getting pretty late so i'm not sure how much longer i'll be posting for, get some hot comments in before then so i can post more good ones for you before i gtg
Ik heb nog een wegwerp, mail hiernaar. Geen zorgen ik houd da van u privé
[email protected]
Im the super jizz guy. Zinc. Ive got 6 years of body language study in my belt. I can flip the switch to pickup artist pretty fast. I also dress well. I have a feeling in my grunge look id turn her head. Then i could ignore her at first, theb seem bored and ask if she knew any hot girls i could meet. But really the target is her dirt hole.
Sure, but does not make her better. This face...ugh...she also needs solarium or vacation. Her skin makes her look like an zombie. Would not bang.
More tits
do she take it balls deep too? i would like to fuck her sweet face.
Als je mij mailt kan ik gesprekken met haar tonen
that sounds like the kinda thing that would really get to her, kinda make her feel insecure. Honestly i'd almost pay to see someone pull that on her. please do continue, would you make her feel like she's just a sleeve to you once you got far enough ?
depends on size i guess, she can kidna do me but i'm only average
she's easily the hottest girl i've seen in RL for me, but i understand that tastes differ, plenty of people love pale girls
>depends on size i guess, she can kidna do me but i'm only average
sounds good for a starter. i like them gag here and there.
Judging by the tattoos she probably already is
Itt a gay dude posts pictures of a random girl and he pretends it’s his gf. Anons then say kinky shit about the girl and op jacks off to gay thoughts. Enjoy yourselves faggots
I've talked yo heron snap, it's reall
I'm exactly the same with mine but I want them to use her pussy and fill her whore hole over and over until she is leaking cum all over