Where were you when the TWIN TOWERS fell?
Where were you when the TWIN TOWERS fell?
Asleep in Australia. By the time I got up to watch TV before school the second plane was crashing live.
Skiving from school playing vidya
in my living room watching power rangers with my 2 best friends, ill never forget.
In New Jersey I think, sleeping or doing whatever else 3 week old babies do.
I lived 3 k from the twin towers and i worked at night when i went to bed or tried to I turned the TV on only to see the second plane hit the towers.
waking up at 2030 for school huh?
Smoking weed at home. Turned on TV and was like damn, I gotta fly in 3 days. Had my flight delayed cuz of that shit. Life isn't fair.
Back in my day we had to walk for 12 hours barefoot uphill in the snow and cross through a river of magma to get to school. Zoomers wouldn't understand.
It was 6 AM
God damn user. I'm sorry.
sensual jane
I was at work listening to Howard Stern and he was talking about Pamela Anderson when someone came in and announced it. Fun fact, I still work for the same company, been there 20 years now.
Balls deep in your mom
sucking a black guy off, then my buddy trump called and said that we were going to make a lot of money. BERNIE 2020
Fourth grade math class. Everyone got picked up by their parents and I rode the bus home alone lol
Don't remember. I was a three year old, so...
5th grade classroom. My teacher had the news on and we were all just watching quietly.
I was 15 years old in my Physics lesson, My school was an all boys and we just merged with the nearby all girls school. Had my new uniform that day too
Huh.. I just got my new Scout uniform that day too
Thanks for reminding me of something insignificant lel
home sick from junior year in high school. mom came and woke me up and told me to come watch tv. saw the 2nd tower get hit live. all in all, a great day.
Jesus, has it been 19 years? We didn't watch the news much, which a friend knew so he called and told us what was happening. At the time it was believed that the fourth plane was shot down by the US military because it was headed for Washington DC.
Was asleep like every other Australian primary school student, first time I saw the footage of Flight 175 hitting the South Tower was when I woke up just before 7am expecting Cheez TV to be on and instead Mum, Dad and my younger sister were crowded around the living room TV watching what had happened overnight. I remember looking at the screen in horror, and at school that day the teachers had to calm down all the students and explain what happened, everyone in my class were pretty scared for a few days afterwards.
Did people there really pay that much attention to something happening in America? Seems like most other places wouldn't give much of a fuck.
in the jungles of nam fighting gooks
Well, aren't you just fucking great
Um, no. No, you weren't.
Hah pussys. 5th grade, I didn’t know what was happening, where or why and I didn’t give a shit. We went through the day as normal.
Yes, we did. It had as much of an impact in Australia as it did over there. It was the first day many of our childhoods or lives were interrupted by such a thing
I was in a hotel room in Berlin, getting sucked off by a local trans hooker.
I was in middle school. 8th grade. My parents made me take a few days off. My father said to me "This is the most important thing that you will ever see in you life. You need to watch everything that happens right now." I can say now, I won't forget what I saw those first few days.
Idk I was too young.
In cad class watching it live..sophomore year
At a friend's house playing Rainbow Six on N64
>be me, 9/11/2001
>summer abroad about to wrap up
>homesick for murrica, so watching CNN international
>not really watching, but it’s on in the background to hear murrican voices
>nothing interesting on really, W being his ignorant self
>it’s hard to believe now, but back then we thought W would be the worst, most idiotic president ever
>all of a sudden, some breaking news
>plane crashed into WTC
>jesus fucking christ, some moron lost control of his cessna?
>at first, there are no pics yet
>nobody thinks it’s a big deal, incl. CNN anchors
>it’s gotta be some accident
>i’d summer jobbed at the WTC, so I’m trying to figure out if the wreckage of the tiny plane might have fallen onto the plaza, the street, what?
>finally get some video of the gaping whole
>huh, that tiny cessna made a pretty big whole
>reports start coming in of some big airliner smashing into the tower
>WTFing for reals
>that musta hurt
>still everybody thinks accident
>suddenly live video of second plane
>JFC, it’s also flying into the WTC!!!
>immediately clear that terror attack
>unprecedented terror attack
>anchors shocked
>me shocked
>girlfriend shocked
>still, everybody thinks this means people on the planes died plus perhaps a few dozen or at MOST one or two hundred at the impact zones
>think murrica is resilient, will fix damage to floors quickly, fbi will catch terror planners, not TOO big a deal (beyond the devastated families)
>tower collapses
>know nothing will ever be the same
in me dads nuts
At work building a house, high elevation near the Hudson River valley 1 hour north of the city. I literally seen both planes coast over Dutchess county. Didn’t think much of the first besides it being low in the sky. Naturally we assumed it was probably landing at Stewart’s. After hearing about the first hit we made mention of another low flying plane we seen and joked about it hitting another building assuming it was a fluke accident. Low and behold that one turned out to be the second plane. Then putting 2+2 together, realized we seen both planes.
I remember this. Cheeze TV wasn't on that morning and it was heartbreaking.
It was 9 am in New York. Explain yourself
Feel the Bern 2020
i just woke up and was taking my first sips of my first cup of coffee and my mom said look at the TV you faggot, and there was the first tower smoking from the airplane crash, and about 20 minutes later the next plane hit the other tower
i think it was an inside job, but it can not be proven because the powers that be got all the loose ends sewn up and they arent talking
Yep. It was horrifying and it stayed with me for days
Must have been rerun footage, but as the user above confirmed, that's all that was on our TV sets
Yea was too in NY. A lot of tv was still analog, a lot of channels were out for weeks.
Are you turtley enough for the turtle club??
All I can tell you for sure is that day put a definite line in the sand between the good and bad times.
8th grade middle school English class, 10:30 am, starring at Mr.s Sherman's big fucking tits.
Watching my friends father die live on national television
Ladder 56
I was 25y/o.. working a double graveyard shit in Copenhagen; i didn't learn anything about it until the morning after when I got off and went to get the papers on my way home. That was a rather big bruh-moment, like the kids say these days.
Hello fellow NJ brother
I was in 3rd grade, had a babysitter over. Was on the west coast getting ready for school, my mom called and told us to turn on the TV
Out in Florida training for war.(active duty military)
>Did people there really pay that much attention to something happening in America?
not him, but yes. I'm Danish and everyone was up in arms about it.
yes, I was. They never told me the fucking war ended in 1973... I didn't come home to Nebraska until 2008. Fucking sucks, man.
High school my friend saw me in the hall way was like we’re going to war with no other context to the conversation. Go to library they pull out a projector with cable Fox News I think anyway saw the first plane hit was like could be an accident saw second plane hit was like holy shit nope.
I was beating my meat, or I say I was beating my meat, your mom was beating my meat. Well not really, she was doing the turkey, gobble gobble..
damn, bro.. that gave me the feels
I feel like it was the first event that really buried the old USA/USSR and defined the new chessboard.
Watching the cell attacks the radio station episode when It aired on toonami. Dumbass bush interrupted it.
>my mom said look at the TV you faggot
US Army military police basic training Fort Leonard Wood Missouri
Developing pictures of the slutty highschool cheerleaders in photolab. I was literally thinking
>"Nothing could possibly ruin this day..."
*knock knock*
Teacher: Hey user can you come out?
>Oh shit wtf, is he on to me, did one of the other cheerleaders rat out her slutty friends.
>Throw the topless pics down, shake them out, cover them in plastic, then put them in paper folders, normal ones leave up.
>Swallowed hard, opened the door.
Teacher: there's been an announcement, and we need to turn the tvs on for all the students. I'm afraid you'll have to come out.
>"Oh okay Mr. T"
>Video of World Trade in smoke, people panicking. Wondering what's happening.
>Another Student asks, what happened.
>I go into diatribe and educational lesson of middle east politics and that we're under attack.
>Teacher leaves, comes in, students are freaking out, because of the info I gave.
>Teacher is mad at me, tells everyone to calm down we're not "under attack"
>News instantly shows reports of Pentagon...
>You What?
there is truth in this
yeah, I know bro.. I fucking know
In school.
Long story but I watch everything from after the first plane live on TV. . . . Jumpers and all.
Nothing seemed to get better after that.
Why tf didnt you tell us about it man?
Yeah tell me about it... Spent a year helping out the family
Fucked up day
Who do you think you are? Alan Jackson? Fuck off
Did you at least show her morning wood?
One of the female reporters had big ones and kept talking about towers and big thick jets. I had to coom. Dont judge.
This coming from a guy living somewhere dominated by shitty American TV, shitty American music and probably wearing blue jeans.
In my 2nd grade classroom in nj. My parents took me out of school crying.
I was on the highway on my way to college classes. Nearing my exit there's breaking news on the radio of a plane hitting the wtc. I immediately thought accident like the plane that hit the Empire State Building decades ago. I continue to campus. Just as I'm turning into the parking lot the second plane hit. We're under attack. I stay in the car, listening as long as possible before heading to my class. Class is 90 minutes long. The prof heard something had happened but we kept on task anyway. It wasn't like we could do anything atm. Class ends, I immediately head to the student union and the TVs there. Both towers had collapsed by then and the mood in the room was grim.
Continuing my story I dont recall how long I stayed watching, only that I left to get to my next class. The students in this room were much more into discussing what happened. We never really got class started as word got around that the university had cancelled all classes the rest of the day. I sat in a traffic jam waiting to get off campus wondering what was going to happen. I had an hour to commute back home. My fiance hadn't come home from work, they needed to stay open. We were quite worried for each other because I didn't have a cell phone at the time and couldn't call her till I got home.
not born yet
55 Water Street, 31st floor.
Still at home because my parents were taking me to school late or something. It was just kinda quiet in the house after it happened and there was an announcement about it the next day.
Well that was a lie because the second plane crashed live at night Aus time. I was 16 and up watching TV late when it happened. I don't remember the exact time but it was after 9pm some time and I saw it live. Not sure how you were getting ready for school lol
yup can confirm as the attacks happened after 11pm Sydney time and just happened to be flicking around the channels when the news channels were talking about the first plane crash and assuming it was an accident before the second plane hit and then the shit really hit the fan
Fucking your moms
Came so hard as the towers fell
Was in morning detention in my Texas History class. Another teacher comes in and mentions the news. She gasps and goes "hwhat in the world?"
We could be Eskimo brothers or something. My clock radio was set to that smelly kike's show because he was so fucking annoying that he forced me to wake up and shut it off.
Anyway, the radio turned on, it was Stern ranting about "now America knows what it feels like for muh fellow Jooz in Yisrahell!!!" and I turned it off and went back to sleep for a few more hours. When I woke up and looked at the news on the internet, it was all about how Jew York had finally gotten a little bit of what it deserved.
And here it is not even 20 years later and the yids are throwing tantrums over Orange Man Bad because he wants to control immigration. Go hire niggers for your cheap labor, kikes! Quit importing replacements! I hope your Guatemalan housekeepers keep giving you tapeworms.
At work.
I was only 11 and although I thought it was shocking and kinda scared me, I was more concerned about the copy of Pokémon Silver someone sold me at school that day so after watching the towers burn for a while, I retreated to my room to play.
At home not giving a fuck about ameritards
I was in kindergarten doing some craft thing with colored construction paper. Another teacher came in the room and shuffled quickly to Mrs. Burris' desk and whispered in her ear. I heard her gasp and go white, and then she told the other teacher to bring in a radio. Five year old me couldn't really keep up with what they were saying on the radio, but I remember Mrs. Burris crying and covering her mouth in class, and everyone was trying to give her a hug so she wouldn't cry anymore. Went home early that day, people barely spoke to each other. I got a bunch of hugs from my parents, it was very weird for me.
I found out about it while in the lunch room at school sophomore year.
My friend Bobby ran into to tell us, and we all told him to fuck off.
Bobby killed himself two days later.
Fucken hell man
Lol, voting for a literal Jew
I was digging through blood and guts in the streets of manhattan looking for my brother. He was in northern Canada at the time.