What are your fetishes, Sup Forums?

What are your fetishes, Sup Forums?

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clown babies


Diapers and feet. Wish there were girls that were in to the first thing that also didn’t come with a bunch of problems but whatever :/

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They exist, i got one


Diapers and not feet. But also /ss/. Juicy /ss/...

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bad dragons?

fucking butterfaces, hot chicks just lay they are take it. Butterfaces will eat your ass then hop on your dick til its sore. Ugos with hard bodies anyday, fight me.

piss, also dubs

being a sissy

based responses, diapers is the correct answer

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Fat girls

Weird cause I have a fat girlfriend but she does nothing for me

>went on Sup Forums today
>saw 2 men confess to being attracted to women in diapers
>saw a 3rd man call their decision "based"

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Sissifcation and specifically big frilly sissy dresses.

IDK why. But I hope to find a dom girl who will "force" me to dress like this and turn me into her bitch.

No desire to transition. I have some fun with just normal crossdressing but this is my jam.

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Sniffing female ass and sweaty armpits etc

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Organs, they're so squishy moist and warm

Cold big arses. Never realised until my ex was sitting in the toilet for ages and it was a cold night and that room never heated the best, she came into bed and my dick nearly exploded when I spooned her. Now I don't have a gf and it's gonna be hard explaining to someone that I love cold asses.

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try this on

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im into blowups

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Same here. I don’t want to be a real woman. I just want to be an objectified sissy used as a toy by alpha men.

poor asmon

fucking kek

>saw 2 men confess to being attracted to women in diapers
Woah easy there. Don't be putting words in my mouth

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Is this Shawn Levy?!

Min call time favorite gif is the one where the cute dyke licks the other cute dyke’s asshole in public. Then she goes in for a kiss but the Dom dyke turns away.

Shota feet

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I can see myself getting into some fucked up shit but, I don't see the appeal of diapers. Does someone want to elaborate more on it?

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I love sniffing and licking my gfs asshole. One time I ate her ass, jamming my tongue deep as I could get it. Without her knowing she released a silent fart and I sniffed it all up.

I love little girls and want to fuck them!

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Also I love smelling my gfs pits when she forgets to put deodorant. She gets all shy but I get all in there.

That's the dream...I'd cum just from breathing in that feminine odor.

Hot water bottles

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Oh you.

Being held and emotionally recognized...

God, I miss being told that I matter.


Fucking same

Short nerdy chicks with daddy issue

Drinking breast milk that coworkers leave in fridge at work. I'm addicted to the stuff. It's such a turn on when you know exactly what big set of titties it came from. I grab a coffee straw and turn that milk bag into an adult caprisun. Of course I can only drink some so as not to draw suspicion.

You will make it user.
I made it currently.
We can all do it.

Sniffing dirty panties. One time I had a chance to sniff my gfs sisters panties. I licked the white dried discharge stains. Even went as far as to pluck a pubic hair from the crotch of the panties. I saved it, folded it in paper about the size of a stamp. I keep it in my wallet as a souvenir. I know, I'm a freak.



Sniffing maxi pads. Not the ones with blood but the ones nearing the end of a woman's menstrual cycle. Sounds demented I know, but the smell of pussy is so strong. Omg you guys. Lemme tell ya.

I've been trying to get back to a balanced place for the passed 25 years. To put that in perspective, I'm 30.

had a few days off work and hadn't had sex in a while so I started browsing escort websites, ended up fucking a chinese bird for a hundred notes, kind of a hobby now.

Gagged girls in distress - younger the better

Shit forgot pic

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Uniforms. I have a few, but I'm trying to track down a cop with a bit of a belly who may be willing to misplace one of his spares for cash.

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I cum into shoes of people I know closely, GF, GF's mother, female friends and coworkers.
Most of the time let it dry and enjoy watching them walk around in them later.
Been doing it for 16 years.

Very nice. She love you long time?

ive lost it Sup Forums
im stalking 2 downy girls that work at fast food places near my work
i hang around till they go on break and then talk to them

fucky sucky

the chink birds are way better than the eastern europeans, they're like fucking dead fish, at least the slopes put some effort into it.

mexican border town girls are enthusiatic and cheap

might be a bit of a commute seeing as I'm in bongistan

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my sides

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not the same guy but heres this fuckin kek thread thats actually reasonably accurate besides being cringe as hell

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You just need to keep working on yourself and fuck what everyone else thinks. There are basic roads to love and success. Read up on them and customize them to your existence user. You can do it just like we all can.

That's interesting. I fantasize about doing that but to panties.

I like heartbeats and hearts. Kind of always turned me on since I was six. Still don't know where it came from. Anyone else feel the same?

What do you hope to achieve? Are they really downy?

Throat fucking. It has been my thing since with my ex. My new gf is not as submissive as her so i can't take control but today out of nowhere she told me she wanted me to throat fuck her, to try it out. I made it Sup Forumsro's i can't wait for that sloppy sloppy on my hard cock

sexy women puking

Everything legal. I’m the biggest degenerate here

Dirty panties

can relate

Vampire girls

no you're not. if you were you wouldn't draw a line at all.

Amen. How dirty though? I like well rounded with pee stains, pussy stains, and even some skid marks... Nothing too thick though. Kek

Fuckin weirdo. I bet you like missionary sex for procreation too, don't you? Your kind makes me sick.

Submissive girls, and also when they're uncomfortable or not really consenting. Not as far as entirely raping or murdering somebody. It's not like a driving obsession or anything; I have regular vanilla relationships now. Haven't attacked anybody since college, and even that didn't really count.

Also have something of a thing for girls in a lot of trouble with the law.

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Plane crashes, idk why it gives an orgasm, even had dreams about and felt like so good.

Well I think pedophiles and necrophiliacs are the only ones who are bigger degenerates than me.

Even dirty maxi pads like that one person said. I personally like sniffing seats. There was one time.inhit the jackpot and got that smelled like coochie. Fuckin Heaven.

The more dirty the better, love a wet pair of panties hahah

well that's something i guess.

No dirty is too dirty for me haha

its the thought with fatties, the reality is always dissapointing

It's all legal until someone finds out. Did you know that female dogs can squirt like real womens do. Kek

Didn’t even know dirty maxi pads where a thing. Have scar fetish, piss fetish, fart fetish, bbw fetish, diaper fetish, beastiality, humiliation, clown, pegging, even furry stuff.

I hear you.

Lol I dont blame ya

skunk spray, and girls after they have been sprayed by skunks

Sounds good. I'm not too into the diaper thing but I'm not one to judge.

I don’t like wearing them. I’m more into seeing a woman wear them and shit in them and stuff. Glad my gf wears them. She doesn’t want to shit in them though. She’s only pissed in them like twice.

Voyeur stuff too, if that’s a fetish idk

I've read every self help and success book there is. Nothing can take back being a 4 year old raped by your overweight father.

I'm a guy, not a girl.

There was this fat woman at my work that would blow up the toilet. I'd do in after and sniff the air and get hard. Shed always leave a greasy ass crack print on the seat. I'd get a piece of tissue paper, wipe the grease stain up, and smell her dirty ass all day.

Nice. If we could all be so lucky.

Do that with my gf. I wait until after a nasty shit or a really sweaty workout, then I bend her over spread her ass and just smell it maybe eat it.

It is and I'm into it too. I gotta stop though because it's getting out of control.