Wtf? I just bought a CBD pen and it seems to be empty.
Bamboozled again
Wtf? I just bought a CBD pen and it seems to be empty.
Bamboozled again
what the fuck is wrong with your thumb?
also, kill yourself for being a degenerate drug user
Fucking square
Not op but does your thumb look like???
Double jointed
That's because you're a huge fucking retard and you bought the wrong brand
GOD I fucking hates posts like this! People like OP have ruined Sup Forums!
Holy fucking shit, are you fucking retarded?
CBD, doesn't get you high
I don't get it... The pen is empty, or the battery dead? I can't tell from pic.
The battery is fine. It lights up when I suck.
I'm turning this thing upside down, and I can't seen any signs of liquid looking through the little window.
CBD, better off with tincture anyhow.
Ah, fuck CBD. I'm just gonna stick with THC pens.
Then why use CBD? Different uses. Thc gets you high, CBD is just calming and helps pain. In fact, higher CBD count in hybrids means less of a high, but being more relaxed.
My man.... you are buying knock offs. I know they are cheap but, they are rip off and sometimes you don't even have CBD only vitamin E
I don't know, I just wanted to try it.
ONE knock-off, user. I bought one knock-off one time. Pic related is what I usually use. And no, it's not a knock-off because these things actually do get me high. You can see the amber liquid in the window.
getting difficult to post
The amber liquid. Left pen is almost depleted, right pen is full.
>The battery is fine. It lights up when I suck.
So, the batt has been lit up for the past 25 years?
no u
Ooooh burnnnnnn
Ha! Screencapped and submitted to archive. Truly epic