Hey roomies - I'm gonna make a run to the store, need anything?

Hey roomies - I'm gonna make a run to the store, need anything?

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1 gf pls

Can you pick me up some chips?

a clothesline.

you'll find me under the bridge

Two bottles of store brand orange juice and some firewood.

let me get some candy, some rope, and a shovel

NEW meat tenderizer. I broke our other one the neighbors capybara. Fat, hairy shit was eating our lawn chairs, so you should probably get new lawn chairs as well.

A quart of buttermilk, a gooseberry pie and a pint of three bean salad from the deli

Some Chex mix, starburst, a fifth of vodka, some tonic water, and a lemon please

five loafs of almost out of date bread

some icecream you can pick the flavor


Vaseline and fun-size candy bars.

a tub of smegma butter

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A lamp because someone throw a goddamn rock at my last lamp

Milo's sweet tea :3

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Get another ice pack and duck tape

Chocolate milk

Please go to Food City. I work there and there's a profit sharing program that will go into my retirement.

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Sleeping pills. Duct tape. Rope. Condoms.

Who buys firewood from the grocery store? Shit's like $5 a log

Some of that shit we used to eat back in the day


So someone's going to have a good time


Flintstones chewable morphine, please.

I will go there and complain about you


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