Name something trashier than owning a cat

Name something trashier than owning a cat.

Attached: 21803757-1381-411C-8634-4D0847195823.jpg (667x1000, 93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

having eyeglasses

Being the meme.

Attached: 15828282_1.jpg (1200x250, 28K)

Owning a Ford

Hating cats.

Attached: Duckroll.jpg (598x477, 45K)

Not being a Goth.

Attached: goth-rf-gettycarstenkoall.jpg (968x681, 55K)

Owning a pitbull

- What are the occult forces? Various ancient esoteric teachings/traditions have talked about these hyper-dimensional realities and forces acting upon and manipulating humanity.
- Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga and occult hostile forces
- Distortion, misconception, and over-simplification of this topic ever since it became more popular
- Victim/Blame trap
- Entry points
- Matrix on over-drive to keep people locked in the Madrid frequency of Divide & Conquer
- New Age Love and Light distortions
- Laura’s experience of encountering these forces during deep meditation
- Yogic consciousness – Perceiving occult forces directly
- Anyone who is on the verge of a true awakening will be interfered with
- Head-Centric living serves as entry points for occult forces
- Importance of meditation and detect energies coming in from the outside and reject them
- Limitation of psychological self-work alone
- Free Will vs. mechanical/programmed behavior
- Attacks/manipulation through our own minds and damaged aura
- Traps of Agreement – Negative forces posing as positive ones
- Psychics and issues with channeled material
- Entity attachments via engaging in rituals, ceremonies – Traps of Agreement (even lasting over lifetimes)
- Occult/Psychic attacks through other people – Agent Smith Syndrome
- Energy Vampires
- Occult interferences and psychic attacks on Facebook/social media
- Alien Love Bite/Dark Side of Cupid vs. Interferences in a love relationship of two people who are meant to be together (based on true Love)
- Teaching function of occult forces – Initiations
- Psychic Attacks – Thought projections from others

See, you multiply this, dumb aliens

Being a sick fuck who kills cats.

Being a cocksucker like you OP?

s o y

Being so small and weak the you need to kill cats

Owning cargo shorts.

Posting on Sup Forums about not killing shit

they are feral animals here in aus that do terrible damage to the native species you dumb cunt.
.22 is the cheapest and most effective form of control.

Hope the fires are crisping them good tbh

Voting for a Republican.

Being a nigger, jew, sand nigger or Indian from india nigger
Also being illiterate or being a cuck or mutilated cut fag

Die from choking on cum faggot fuck

Attached: 1578530996787.webm (852x480, 1.8M)

Wuts wrong with a lee navy? I own a model 1885. They are worth a decent amount of $$$

>itt: how trashy can a human become

Attached: how to completely destroy your life.jpg (1704x2438, 1.12M)

Owning any amount of dogs and letting them sleep inside

Something trashier?
Starting up a thread on Sup Forums asking that stupid fucking question.

Oh and picking up dog shit