Be honest, would you let your mom suck you off?

Be honest, would you let your mom suck you off?

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No. But I would let YOUR mom suck me off.

Nope tbh but I'd let my sibling if I had

If my mom was Zoey Holloway i would let her

Hey man... a blowjob is a blowjob.

Yes. I'd just be happy to have her alive again, if only for a moment, however I could.

honestly no I wouldn't


That gross fucking tranny? Hell no.

Probably, yes. I snooped her computer one time and found nudes and jerked off to them many times.

No because I'm not a savant sex addict retard

Is she hot? Got pics?

Yes, I definitely would. My mom is 45 and hot as fuck and I've been fantasizing about her since I was 14.

Almost every night I jerk off to the image of her sucking me off with her juicy DSLs wrapped around my dick as she drags her long nails down my chest until I either blow my load in her mouth and she swallows it or I cum all over her pretty face.

Pic is from when she was 23.

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no, my mother died in 2010,

She did actually, I posted in an incest thread yesterday one night my mom who was drunk gave me a sympathy BJ because I was lamenting that I would probably "never get a GF" as I was a shy awkward skinny 15 yo that had pimples.

Absolutely. She has great dick sucking lips

can we see a pic?



i also choose this guys dead mom


motherless 063B774

Shes pretty hot. My friends always teased me growing up that she is hot but I never saw her that way until I saw the pics. She looks a lot like samantha 38dd but not nearly as big. But similar face and curvy body.

Very nice reference, my friend.

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can you paste the story?

Step mum is in her 60s and I’d plow her
>pic related

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can we see a pic?

I'm assuming you have no father figure.

you mean 43? christ

Nah. I hate that woman.

Nah man I posted some pics of my ex and someone recognized her and I lost some friends over it. I'm sure as shit not taking that chance with my mom

I want zoey so bad, I wish she did creampies
>and no

Samantha was always one of my favorite BBW pornstars. Have any pics that dont show face to share?

she does not look 43 in that pic you fucking retard

Ok no. too old and you are fucking disgusting. I hope your degeneracy is exposed to your whole family. You are pathetic.

no kink shaming, user

Yeah dad was gone when I was 11

I haven't go it written out, but the short story was I was having a hard time mentally with school and other stuff at the time and a few of my friends already had girlfriends and I was telling her how I felt like I was being left behind (sexually) and not feeling good about my self and she then pointed me over to a chair and then she started to pull my pants down and I was like WTF!? and she didn't say anything but just gave me this almost stern look like "Just trust me" and then she began to blow me. Not a sexy story by any means.

forgot to mention, i came and started farting

is she hot?

implying i havent

And shot the cum straight up her nose then she threw up on me then I pissed on her face.

She was OK at the time, she was 41.

can you describe her appearance? did she swallow your cum?

I'd let pretty much anyone suck me off. It's just a nice thing to do

it only happened once?

I’m not the other user but your mom looks like an old leather bag in that picture.

How about now?

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And then we all walked the dinosaur

She's a total Karen (I complain to customer service) type woman looks and hairstyle. And no she didn't swallow as soon as she/I finished she went straight to the bathroom spit it out and rinsed her mouth.

Yes just the once.

Zoey Holloway, Educate yourself.

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Is Michael cera your mum?

Better, 6/10. Would maybe go up a point or two if she had a button unbuttoned and her eyes open and smiling like a normal person. Looks like someone just blinded her. But I guess that was cameras back then.

If she were still alive.

That is honestly the funniest thing I've seen all day

how about this one?

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my mom is ugly as fuck. no.

Hell yes

back to looking like a 48 year old just divorced mother of 2. She looks like she's right about to whip out a tray of DoTerra and try to sign me up.

Out of all the comments here, this guy described how feel to a T. Never understood this fetish. Makes my assholes clench even thinking about it actually.

Nah i’m good

Your mom looks like a bar fly who gets banged in the Applebee’s bathroom bc she couldn’t pay the tab on the 3 bud lights she ordered.

I desperately wanted to fuck my mom when I was in my early teens. I had fantasies of knocking her up and living happily ever after and all that shit.
I stopped wanting to do that when she started fucking black guys and eventually got pregnant by one. So I guess my answer would be yes about 13 years ago and no now.

Top kek

would you fuck her tho?

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This thread is about people wanting to face fuck their mom and THIS is where the line is drawn? amazing

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It is all about love. A lot of guys can't imagine a woman loving them as much as their mother and end up developing a warped romantic attraction to them.

It is pretty disgusting. She isn't even related to him by blood.

No, have seen the regulars at Applebee’s? Don’t need sloppy seconds from those guys

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God I fucking love Zoey Holloway