Why is the left pro-Iran now?
Why is the left pro-Iran now?
the left isnt pro iran, they are just anti war
fuck iran and fuck trump
Seems like Trump is the pro-Iran one now. They tossed some blanks last night and he caved lol
the left is anti united states literal invaders
they're anti american imperialism
Why don't we just start a war with Iran to get reelected. Trump said Obama would, but in turn decided he's going to do it instead, because like Trump said, it's weak, and Trump is weak.
They’re all fucking apologizing to Iran for that fucking shitbag (and murderer) Soleimani and they’re bashing the US for his death now
He didn’t retaliate because no Americans were killed. Is that the same as caving?
Yes. He’s a pussy and always has been.
Because Orange Man Bad.
Also Obama kissed their asses so the Democrats feel they have to keep doing so.
Of course. They flexed their muscles and now he wants to be their friend. Fucking pussy
OMFG liberals are so fucking stupid and hypocritical..... this puke was labeled a terrorist by the OBAMA admin you leftist cunts..... go whine some more over there in the corner then eat some tide pods
>Oh no, Trump shouldn't bomb terrorists that have killed and plan on killing Americans! That could start a war!
>Iran bombed an airbase killing no one, Trump is wrong for not bombing them!
Make up your minds, are you anti war or just anti Trump pansies?
they STILL can not believe they lost the election
everything they do is based on this
Because the Left is brainwashed by the NWO. The NWO wants Muslims to be the standard world norm for the time being because they destroy culture. Nothing will break apart the strong white nations of the world quicker than Mudslims can.
This is the actual answer.
y r u pro war rabbi?
Ask El Shebab Omar
>fuck trump
24/7 365 for 5 more years.
More of a "Are you done throwing a tantrum now?" kind of move
They're pro anyone that hates America and is peak degeneracy.
Why can some people only think in idiotic binaries?
Whatever the right does, do the opposite. That's literally their entire strategy. They've made up the right to be so close to Nazis that at this point even agreeing with the right will make them targets in their own groups.
Why is the right fighting Israel's wars and slurping zionist cock?
Obama sucked too
implying trump is pro-war.
The left is anti-war, not pro-Iran, you dumbfuck.
We always were dumbfuck. We want democracy there.
>Why don't Americans like their Israeli sock puppet of a president
Oh I wonder
What I find comical as most of these dumb niggers honestly think this wouldn't of happened 3 years sooner if Hillary was elected. At this point I'm just waiting for the meme impeachment thing to fall apart, so I can openly call people sheepishly stupid in my own local area for repeating this stupid rhetoric while my own domestic leader cries at the wind blowing.
If you're pro-regime change in Iran, you aren't a leftist.
No they aren't. They are bashing Trump for ordering an attack on a foreign power without the consent or knowledge of Congress.
Because no left-leaning people have ever advocated overthrowing an oppressive government. You're 12, right?
Absolutely correct!
>durr hillery durr
fuck off trumpshit
absolutely autistic
If you're pro-regime change in Iran, you are a Zionist kike
There's people on the right who don't give a fuck for regime change in Iran. Doesn't matter if you're right or left, user don't be retarded.
Wanting a regime change is inherently leftist though...especially when that regime is a religious and conservative regime.
Ok, third option was give niggers liberal arts degrees, and probably once again go to war with Iran. Smoke more crack lefty.
Some of you really need to professionally address your obsession with Jews before you hurt someone. Or yourself.
Whatever you say Goldberg.
Oh, because like Iran, they haven't evolved since the 15th Century. Just ignorant.
>Wanting a regime change is inherently leftist though
no it isn't dipshit
Bush invaded Iraq to topple Saddam. He wasn't a "leftist."
Also "leftist" describes extremists, user. Why do you want definitions of politics handed down to you from angry frogposters?
>Fox News induced delusions
>I have a tendency to post screenshots of autism
lol k
they literaly are retarded. They will support totally opposing ideologies at the same time as long as it negatively effects white people.
im personally looking forward to the day of reckoning when they have to choose between feminists and fags or Islam. lol that will be the ultimate fuck you moment.
If you want America to invade Iran you aren't a fucking leftist. You can't support US imperial slaughter and call yourself left-wing.
I didn't say anything to contradict that.
user there is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish. You could get watched by the FBI for your nazi shit tho js
your mom might not like that
Didn't say "invade"
but Obama's deal was enabling Western culture to influence the population and they were looking at toppling the govt. That's what we want. You aren't going to vote that shit out and US military meddling makes it worse.
go live in the true utopia then comrade, where everyone has liberal arts degrees but cant get a job because its a worthless asset
Call it what you wish, but it's correct.
The right and left are both filled with a bunch of uneducated shit stained neanderthals. I really can't wait for the retards to wipe each other out so actual intellectuals can fix this country.
Actually you can get good jobs with liberal arts degrees. The point is you're anti-education. You don't want people to be intelligent so they can be stupid and vote for the next Trump.
lol trumps been anti-war from the start.....you fucking kikes just got kiked. Hows it feel shlomo? you thought we were going to war and dying for you inbred turko-ugairic dirty fucks but NOPE HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA FIGHT YOUR OWN BATTTLES LITTLE KIKEY!
no the left will just do anything to fuck over white people and america...they would literally go to war in a heart beat if it meant they would get any sort of advantage.
>durr both sides bad
>I rise above
>me and my libertarian penis
K Goldberg.
>durr liburulls brainwashed durr
I don't wish to call it autism, it simply is.
I'm sorry mommy made you start going to the bathroom upstairs user. Maybe when you're 18 you can get your own place.
user you're literally so retarded i lost a couple brain cells just sending your (you). Hope you enjoy, happy New years!
K Goldberg.
Not only am I not a trump supporter, I think populism is a red flag towards serious societal discontent. Try and understand that everything isn't black and white, fucking retard.
>they are just anti war
It must be weird living in the year 2003 when it's 2020.
>ize a liburnedoutarian
>kick me
>kick me kick me kick me kick me
happy new year to you too user
hope you don't have a shitfit when Bernie wins
>lol trumps been anti-war from the start
Mmmhmm. Is that why he filled his cabinet with pro-war neocons, abandoned the deal we had with them (thereby permanently fucking over the pro-diplomacy moderates in that country and empowering the pro-war hardliners), and fucking droned one of their most important and beloved generals?
>populism is bad
So then we need to be ruled over by a bunch of technocratic elites who disregard what would actually help people and fuck us over at every turn?
What does that have to do with you hating people being educated user?
Many liberals ARE brainwashed through msm and social media, user. It's very apparent, especially on Twitter. Is what it is.
I'm not saying that republicans aren't at times as well. However, there is a lot of brainwashing going on, successful brainwashing at that.
why repubtards so triggered
user if I'm "brainwashed" to want the kind of world Bernie Sanders and AOC are trying to create, cry that much harder.
Fox News is the best example and you fucking know it.
look into the long history back to rome on why populists arent good.
Reread my comment and then respond.
I was talking about the masses. I didn't say "you (place your name here) are brainwashed because you like Bernie Sanders".
Also, it sounds like you're triggered.
I think you are missing the point. It's about job creation and availability, not keeping the downtrodden down. You can't mess the supply and demand of a job market without serious societal problems.
Because they hate America, and will always do, they long for it's downfall and the rise of communism or worse, Islam.
Pffff. Fox IS one, but CNN is just as guilty, right along with CNBC. Don't get be started about Buzzfeed.
uh oh got pulled over by the Faggot Police
>durr their all bad durr
I expected this response lol
How about you fuck off. I will continue to vote for and support politicians who are trying to build working-class power.
He's been on the list since 2005.
Supply and demand controlled by the super-rich, sure. We can talk about artificial systems if you'd like.
depends on what the populism is
user--racist bullshit like Trump's
or the Green New Deal
As I expected your response since you lack debate skills, which is why you immediately go to insults instead of argument.
They've always been. Why do you think Obama gave them that billion dollars? They delivered it in the middle of the night and told no one. If it wasn't for that article exposing his shit, we'd never know what a dirty nigger Obama really was.
thats what I thought, you fucking loser
Reminder that the Islamic Republic only exists because of Western meddling in Iran, specifically the 1953 coup (done by MI6 and the CIA) and support for the pro-West and anti-Iranian Shah.
A war with Iran would only make everything worse. First it was a constitutional monarchy, then an absolute monarchy, now a theocratic republic; if America invades now, the power vacuum would make Iran a chaotic hellscape just like Afghanistan or Iraq or Libya.
The only way I would be a loser is if I voted against my own interests, like you want me to do. How about nah.
sandniggers thrive in chaotic hellscapes. all theyre good at is killing each other
The meme new deal will destroy New York and everything else that accepts that stupid meme garbage. AOC is a delusional donkey that can't comprehend a valid position on Israel, let alone reform the country off of the failed FDR new deal. The whole thing is so comically stupid, that only people smoking their own hubris believe it will work. The sheer fact you are trying to contrast the meme new deal as a positive against Trump as a whole is quite hilarious as well. You black and white ideologues will suffer unto your own doing, and I am going to revile in every second of it.
Because I always notice you "both sides bad" types try to lump in all corporate media with Fox. There really is no comparison, there is no "hmmm that's ONE of them."
it's kind of an insult for me to take your overall premise seriously. The masses are not "brainwashed" to take Bernie Sanders' idea's seriously, they tend to believe shit like Fox if they're obstructing social progress.
Not that user but most of the time larger news organizations are big faggots.
>FDR new deal
Imagine unironically being this fucking retarded
I was being ironic you retard
Not being in America and learning about your politics allows me to have something called an "unbiased lens", and I'm telling you right now, it was almost a complete failure. Not some iron-clad constitutional addition. It's a meme, just like your meme ideology.
Its hilarious that people actually believe the New Deal "destroyed the country" lol
The worst part of the New Deal was when FDR stopped the Keynesian spending in 1938 and crashed the economy again, and had to re-instate New Deal legislation again right before WW2 started.
Meanwhile WW2 was basically the New Deal in overdrive.
For the public eye its anything against trump
Ok so you're more closely aligned with Trump's racist fascist bullshit after all, because that side agrees with you wholeheartedly.
>You black and white ideologues
I only see one. You. I want a world based on recommendations from science and other brilliant minds. That isn't black and white, it's common fucking sense.