The wife is thinking about selling used panties (pic not hers, not home).
Is there a market for this for normie girls? I'm not a pantyfag so IDGAF and I have no clue on what people want, but I want to feel this out to see if it's even worth approaching. I know nothing about this and I have so many questions.
1) Where's the best place to sell them? 2) Is there a type? Lacey, cotton, thong, etc? 3) Is there a difference for dirtiness? She works out, so is it smell, visible mess, period, etc? 4) Other shit, like do buyers expect a picture, a log of activity to create such panties, do they want them in a plastic bag, a little letter saying "enjoy my 11 hour hike?", what?
1) Reddit has a few selling subs. (Usedpanties / sexsells / fetishelling) Or you can try websites like scentedpansy / pantydeal.
2) depends on the buyer
3) depends on the buyer
4) I haven't personally bought anything but a face pic always made it much more convincing. And plastic bag would be nice. Maybe a photo/video of her wearing it included would also be incentive
Asher Bennett
Not to op but a question to the audience. Are you people just shipping this things straight to your front door or is there some pickup or in between services?
Nolan Sanders
I mean, as long as the seller seems legit, I don't see any danger in sending it straight to your house.
Only real danger is if she decides to doxx you. But that's on you to try to determine if the seller is legit
Noah Sanders
I've gotten one pair mailed in a letter envelope, sealed in zip loc bag. But that was the only pair I ever paid for and it was mostly a novelty thing. This is a patrician fetish but you have to go nab these panties yourself on your own raids. People who buy these for their whole collection are chumps
John Turner
Thanks, I'll check it out.
Nathaniel Anderson
Well I'm paranoid as hell. It doesn't help stupid carriers drop my packages off at neighborhoods houses and of course they always accidentally open them.
Nathaniel Bennett
What is the pricing like? She's not an insta star or anything, just an average woman with a vagina. Nice ass though.
Gabriel Young
Yeah, that's what I did years ago but now I have a different mindset. I'd rather pay for quality things than scrounge around for free hoping to get lucky
Aiden Clark
why do you care what carriers think? They get paid minimum wage and deliver to hundreds of houses a day they've seen some shit, why do you care? Where are you where they open packages? Isn't that against the law
Gavin Rivera
I think user's talking about mis-delivered packages being opened by the church lady next door.
Michael Cruz
If you ever get investigated by the cops, they're going to think you're a total degenerate capable of raping little girls. They'll also be aching to put you on the sex offender registry if you're not there already.
Jack Rodriguez
2 pairs of panties got me $150.
Dominic Cox
>investigated by the cops For used clothing, user? Goodwill would be considered serial rapists.
Ryder Mitchell
>The sister fixed that for you user
Brayden Davis
there is absolutely no money in this shit because so many roasties do it on reddit. if it's your kick and gets you off as a fetish than go ahead but thinking you'll make money without providing videos and fan service joi videos featuring those panties is delusional
Jordan Baker
I did a bit of research when my wife floated this idea.
There is lots of info if you google carefully.
A few tips I seem to recall: 1) Most custom goes through platform websites like pantydeal, since it's more secure and also that's where the customers are. 2) Some of these sites will charge you a monthly fee (or similar). Some will take commission. Do your research. 3) Most/all buyers will expect a picture of the girl wearing the actual panties they are buying. In my research, I noticed most were well-lit, well-taken pictures, but they just showed legs and butt, or legs and crotch (no face or body). Most sellers seem to email the customer a full-size copy of the image upon purchase. Some girls were advertising "3 images with every purchase". 4) All buyers will expect to receive panties in a zip-locked bag. This is essential. It also means you wife can wear them, take the photos, zip-lock them, and wait a week for a sale if needed. 5) Most sellers will give very clear specifications of wear. Some will make it a selling point that "I wear all panties for 18hrs including a gym session". Most girls will offer custom options, like you pay extra for piss stains or whatever.
My overall findings were THIS IS A VERY CROWDED MARKETPLACE, I'M OUT. However, if your girl is willing to treat it seriously, and make decisions about how to stand out from the crowd, you can make money.
David Bennett
i sold panties some time when i was goint through some stuff, told a friend to take a pic wearing it and i just peed 4 drops and rubbed my penis 1- 2 days without cleaning it on the panty, then sold them for 60.
6) DO NOT USE PAYPAL. They prohibit transactions for any sexual services. I read about one girl who had her account frozen with loads of funds in there. The majority of sellers accept Amazon gift cards, which can be anonymous and are basically as good as cash.
Aiden Bailey
>3) Is there a difference for dirtiness? Tell her she might want to try regular old Poshmark. Most women who sell used clothes on there wash them beforehand, but balanced against that is the thrill men get from buying from unsuspecting women by pretending to women. In your wife's case she'll will know exactly what's up and I suspect others on there do too but it's a huge hidden market there. You will have to sell in volume but if you make yours a bit more expensive than the next, you will run into your fair share of men larping as women on there and you'll know them when you see them. Their desperation while at the same time trying to blend in is hilarious.
Jace Parker
Why would men want to buy clean clothes at inflated rates, when there are dedicated websites for actually buying dirty underwear?
Eli Cooper
>50% of pop is female >other 50% pay for used underwear\ who the hell are these retards?
Connor Powell
Why do men watch to watch porn of amateur couples where there are dedicated whores who actually film fake sex??
Isaac Cruz
What's wrong with buying some ladies panties?
Gabriel Jackson
uh, it's fake?
Tyler King
I'd rather watch real girls just fooling around instead of porn. Who would you rather see naked, your hs crush all grown up or a model
Michael King
I don't see how that's comparable.
Imagine buying a job lot of clean, second-hand women's clothes, and getting off to that. It makes no sense.
Logan Reed
> They prohibit transactions for any sexual services Why couldn't they just "send money to a friend" or "request money" if the seller is reputable
Tyler Fisher
Nobody wants your dick soaked drawers, we want women's drawers
Charles Jenkins
I don't think a reputable seller would risk their reputation by doing this
Noah Brooks
My point was they came from ordinary girls who are most likely just trying to pay for college and have no idea they're selling fap fodder. You can't see the appeal in that?
Joseph Garcia
Also, you've never fantasized about sneaking into the room of a girl you know or barely know and rifling through her underwear drawer?
Owen Moore
Do girls sell used (clean) pamties? I mean is that a thing? Will goodwill take old drawers? I've never even thought about donating my old (but newish) tighty whities
Ethan Johnson
> have no idea they're selling fap fodder. So they probably wouldn't include a face or other pic in their ad.... how do you know you're not buying 60 year old aunt Bettys drawers?
Brody Flores
That's the point Yes, the retarded hamster squeaking after five seconds of thrusting and high-pressure jets of water shot out of a vagina in professional porn isn't a real orgasm. I'm sorry.
nigger you are a literal retard. no ordinary girl is selling panties without realizing it's fap fodder. seriously how could someone be as dumb as you are
Charles Cox
Look into Poshmark… it's social media and girls attention whore there just like everywhere else. You can find the seller by her real name most of the time too, especially after you've gotten the thing in the mail.
Ryan Reyes
I just assumed they threw question able items like that out. Who is willing to save a few cents on a pair which may or may not have a skid mark.
Brandon Allen
The Canadian girl I'd been dating for about a year flunked/dropped out of University and, to delay having to move into her mom's basement in Halifax, she ended up moving in with me over the summer of 2013... so all this is about 7 years out of date, YMMV.
1) There are (or were) a couple different subreddits (REE!), eBanned, and craigslist. 2) We only ever bothered with the mixed-pastel-colors-dozen-for-$10 type plain cotton panties. She didn't really wear any otherwise. 3) There's a market for anything and everything. Had a friend offered $5k to poop in some tupperware and mail it out. 4) The product listings contained an activity log (ongoing, she'd wear 'em until they sold, usually a couple days or less) and I'd include a description of the flavor and aroma of her vagina each day written like it was a wine tasting review. Everything was vacuum-sealed for maximum freshness. She/we made regular posts to GoneWild (u/glass_antelope), so whatever content was created while she was wearing them could be included.
We just kinda picked $80 at random, payable in BTC. Whole project took under month, at which point she'd made enough to cover her vodka budget for the rest of the summer and felt no need to continue.
She was 20/21, half-Asian/White, has/had AMAZING everything. But she was otherwise just a normal girl who appeared out of nowhere and then disappeared a month later.
I was talking about this with a friend of mine who camgirled and has been doing professional porn for a couple years and she said $50 was her usual price (in 2016). Maybe the market is oversaturated at this point.
Liam Perry
So much easier to go raiding. I've been fapping with my thicc cousins dirty thongs it's so fucking good busting a nut and a half knowing I'm smelling her asshole and cunt.
Luke Sullivan
I blame orange is the new black for the over saturation
Jacob Carter
I think it's just a general increase in thottery due to social media, etc. I mean, why bother contributing to society when you can make 1000% profit merely by selling byproducts of your existence to perverts?