Waifu thread - legs edition

Waifu thread - legs edition

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Hirasawa Yui

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>Be me, Tendo Soun
>have 3 daughters
>elder is a lovable, perfect lady
>sadly is bound to end with a retard autistic homeopath
>middle is a golddigger cunt that would make the Rothschild blush with her jewery
>youngest is a violent turbodyke without a single redeeming quality
>talk to best bro
>arrange marriage
>he shows up as a fucking panda and a tranny boy for a son

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Hi hi.

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she's so smol in the show

She's smol in general. Smol and cute.

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we need more cute eyepatch girls

I'd not complain.
Considered being the change you want to see in the world?

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as a seasonal change

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lucky seat


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meant for

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cute pachinko

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Cute Yui Akihabara

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One unbreakable shield against the coming darkness,
One last blade forged in defiance of fate,
Let them be my legacy to the galaxy I conquered,
And my final gift to the species I failed.

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The Emperor Protects!

she was posting her rude

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Niggas really be out here ruding

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fuck I'm wasted again

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hell yeah


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watched one of my friends get wasted in interchange, fun times.
done for the day, how's you

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I'd hella grope that ass

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Was your day fine?

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no don't do that

no don't do that

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hey, how have you been?
help i keep getting on losing teams

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gonna do it anyways

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Are you having fun at least?

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*licks tummy*

Hell yeah! tho I've gotta piss off soon. Got school tomorrow and need to be fit to play MHW iceborne.

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Just means you're not carrying hard enough

that's a lewd


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does it make a difference?

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little legs meant to be licked

Mostly bored, in this week nobody goes to school so there are no homework or anything relevant, and yours?

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Just finished up for the day too. Good loot in my stash, time to lose it all tomorrow.
I'm doing alright, just winding down and jamming for a bit. Yourself?
Uneventful and quiet for the most part. Good naps were had. How was yours?
I'm a bit confused myself. What's up?
Madlad getting lit on a school night. I can respect that.
What's good?

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Well, if you put it like that

STOP! You violated the law. Pay the court a fine of serve your sentence. Your waifu is now forfeit.

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yeah but it's 4:30 already. Not much time to keep goin.
all ur lewd belongs to me

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Quiet? did you stayed in home all day?
>How was yours?

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just posting, how about you cute

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ah, sorry...
i guess i could agree. life has been up and down.

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Nuh uh
ʸᵉˢ ᵈᵃᵈᵈʸ

I would get on but I got called into work because of the sheer incompetence of a coworker

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should just give it all to me, won't sell it I promise
went from 900k to 1.7 mil, today was a good day.
what're you listening to? I'm good, just really tired even though it's early for me

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good girl
now I'll piss off to watch netflix tho

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Why do you say that?

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Damn homes, go to sleep! How are you gonna pay attention to class?
I left the house a couple of times to run errands for my mom, but that's not exactly interesting.I just played videogames with my friends and napped for the most part. We're in the same boat then more or less, but i'm out of school.
I'm doing alright, just doing the same while I wait for my family member to get outta the bathroom. How was your day?
what? when? where? why?
Whole lotta memories with this song. I remember when the album came out I was listening to it with my friend in his car just having a good time. Time flies.
I'm sure if you do a couple of raids with me and the boys and you'll pick your fair share off me after I rush ahead and get myself killed. I get tired pretty early most nights. 'Round 8 is usually when I start looking at my pillow like a long lost lover.

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be gentle and patient with him, please
he may never thank you for it but at least he won't hate you for it
i'm a little foolish. it's nothing worth worrying yourself over. i'll be okay in the end, hopefully
i don't know, he's on third, and i don't give a darn!

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I can't really complain, he outranks me so he gave me a few hours off as compensation

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Indeed it sounds like a quiet day for you, well, it could be worse.
I hope you are right.

Sorry that my stay here was too short, but Im sleepy and tomorrow Ill go to work, see ya next time, farewell.

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I'd smoke a blunt to that, damn
if you want to carry dead weight in labs, sure. I've only went in labs once, thicc boi SA-58 fucked me up.
and if anything, I'd probably be pushing ahead and die too, I love being a pushy cunt.
My friends usually play late and spend an hour talking and bantering after we get on before we get on an actual raid.

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Third? Third base? Gonna hit a home run anyway just for show!
Stuck in my own cozy hell for a little while longer, yeah. Not gonna complain.
Only been into a labs three times. All three we've been dumpstered on by a single guy. Granted, the first two were just duos. You'll hear the booty calls in the discord when someone wants to play im sure. I play most during the day because I'm always tired the second the sun goes down.

Speaking of tired, I'm gonna go get ready for bed. Rest well comrades!

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Claiming my original waifu

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I was under the impression you went there more often honestly, maybe I will answer that booty call sometime soon.
you have a good one, heading to bed as well

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my day was ok except for work. how about you?

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