I would come out and fight you guys but my dad said I have to clean the garage

I would come out and fight you guys but my dad said I have to clean the garage.

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you are the reason why they say the left can't meme.
fuck your trips. and fuck you.

The left is so fucking cringey and can’t meme for shit.

Check out these faggots crying over their orange daddy.

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i thought it was funny. dont know the origin or if its actual oc..
for fact: I am not biased and dont side with "left or right"

>my dad
>messy garage
This is what you get for have a dad that has a shitty garage. There's no need for my kids to clean the garage and if I did I certainly wouldn't trust them to put my tooling away properly. Maybe get a dad that doesn't wear a thong and host glitter parties.

Carry on, Trump handled the Iran situation to absolute perfection and made a national address that is as masterful and presidential as anything seen in 100 years. His new term is assured like the sun coming up tomorrow. Good luck.

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Too busy draining the swamp.

More like he was hoping for overwhelming support for him overnight thinking the public would want him as a tough war president but pussied out when he found out the people didn't want war.

BTW, he didn't forget to DIRECTLY AFFIRM that Obama was categorically the author and cause of Iran's terrorist resourcefulness, making him clearly the most useless and unqualified waste of space ever to occupy the oval office. Touche'.

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All is well!

yeah this. he's not a leader he's a fucking reality show douche with a focus group

>faggot posts girls from North Carolina, a red state that loves Trump.

The left can't meme for shit.

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he doesn't have to "hope" for support does he fool? Only troglodytes like you lament his historic leadership, ever diminishing in number, because NOTHING penetrates your murky gloom. Happily, we clearly don't fucking need you do we? Go sit over there.

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I honestly don't mind lefty memes as long as they're funny, but my god are the least funny things I've ever seen, most lefty memes are either a novel in length or just right wing memes that they put a maga hat on the idiot and then turn around after stealing right wing memes and say the right cant meme, it's they have absolutely no creativity what so ever

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So many reasons this thread is super valid

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>> I honestly don't mind lefty memes as long as they're funny, but my god are the least funny things I've ever seen
There's been a lot of this type of "comment" lately. Are the rightwads getting shaken up by the truth of the left's memes and trying to discourage them with this fake "commentary" and "advice." Seems so … so, more leftist memes men! We're getting to them!

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More leftist memes! The rightwads hate them, they make them think thoughts.

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