If everything goes as planned I’m going to lose my virginity this weekend to a woman I’ve actually get a connection with. I’ve only ever kissed a woman before and I’m pretty terrible at it, do you fags have any advice for your first time? Thanks
If everything goes as planned I’m going to lose my virginity this weekend to a woman I’ve actually get a connection...
You fucked up in thinking it's a for sure thing. I don't care if she out right said she would, she gets a sniff of you thinking she owes you sex it's over.
We’ve already talked about it. The reason we are getting together is for sex. She just doesn’t know I’m a virgin
you're going to nut early and not know what you're doing. by the fifth time or so, you'll get the hang of it.
Is it true I’ll last longer if I jerk off before? Or should I avoid doing that?
Let her peg you, it will help you transition into a alpha chad.
Don't do that. Sometimes you get so nerves your fist time you can't even function.
Whatever you do, don't think the whole time about not being able to get it up.
just relax.
if you're just getting together for sex then if it goes badly at least you're not stuck with her.
yeah, whenever i know that my GF and i are going to be having sex, i jerk off at least twice. I'd rather her cum before i do. don't jerk off more than twice though, what's the point if you aren't going to cum?
Gee thanks, now that’s all I’m gonna think about
jerk it every day before. itll help you last longer. if you jack it too soon before you do it itll be difficult to get hard
You just need to close your eyes and feel me that's all
Oh shit, is that you? Lmao
Tell her you are nervous, and a virgin. If it's like you said and you have a legit connection, then she will be cool with it and will help you out.
True, better to be up for it and over too quick than not able to at all
Exactly. Nothing worse then her thinking she isn't enough for you to get up.
>advice for your first time
You are very, very likely to be completely shit in bed. Make peace with that now and try to approach it with an open mind and a sense of humour. If you want to be good in bed eventually the traits you need to foster are adaptability and attentiveness - women really are all different and knowing how to please one does you few favours with the next.
Take charge. Think at least a few positions and act it out in your head. Man handle her how you want her. that's for most girls anyways, they like it.
chill out dawg
Put your ding dong in her sex hole and go UH UH UH! until you both cry.
Slam her boy pussy while jerking her fem penis op