I’m gonna say it since everyone is too pussy to say it because of backlash.... EMINEM IS FUCKEN TRASH! He’s garbage , dumpster juice , literal diarrhea water, DONT GET ME WRONG , old Eminem is fucken fire but this man hasn’t made good music since he quit cocaine and ecstasy, I wouldn’t even let my deaf uncle listen to fucken Eminem, we’re living in the age of denial where everyone wants so bad for him to be the goat they blankly fucken lie to themselves trying to convince the world that he puts out nothing but fire just because he is a Legend , YES HES A LEGEND BUT PPL LITERALLY ARE BECOMMING YES MEN AND LYING TO THEMESELVES AND THE WORLD just to go him and cry themselves to sleep at night in their mothers basement because they know he’s ass juice, opinions ?
I’m gonna say it since everyone is too pussy to say it because of backlash...
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Thats an awfully hot coffee pot
Obvious bait is obvious
He use to be good don’t get me wrong and he is a legend but his albums and singles over the years have tried to recreate the old him and he’s not himself anymore, we need to castrate and euthanize And kill rappers after a certain age when they start to fall off because when they fall it’s hard to keep watching them
He makes me want to take a rusty spoon and pop my eardrums out everytime he speaks on the mic , lord help me because kamikaze hurts to even listen to, I’m starting to think they’re gonna use his albums on Iranian soldiers as a form of CIA torture for the war
I will kill an infant before I put my AirPods in and listen to a second of this cancer fest known as Eminem
I would like to fight eminem and beat the trailer park out of him, I mean he should just be rich and shut the fuck up
I couldn’t have said it better HOW ARE U RICH AND STILL MAD? Jesus get some prostitues or something
Shit bait
It’s not bait u cuck I actually despise this piece of garbage OLD HIM IS GOOD NEW HIM IS TRASH fag
I agree
He's really bad right now
He lost me with orange man bad
Daaayum, I didn't know MGK posted here.
Bait post but ima bite. If Em is trash now, then who is better? Name anyone...
Money doesn't make everyone happy
Kendrick is way better than that ugly mf , JCOLE IS EVEN BETTER THAN THIS MF, JOYRDEN LUCAS IS BETTER THAN THAT MF , id rather beat my meat listening to logic than ever play a Em song
Draaaaaakkkeeee ?
That's Eminem now? LOL He looks like Thom Yorke.
Mmm dubs
I will surgically remove both my testicles and implant them in my chin before I listen to Eminem
Haha that fucking half-breed that got murdered by Pusha-t?
Drake... that’s laughable
Kendrick, Joyner, Logic, and Cole all worship the dirt Em walks on, bitch plz... had you said someone like King Los or Tech N9ne we could have had a real discussion /smh
Idk ab drake but I will say Eminem is a legend and he has good music , but dead ass he hasn’t been good since his early 2000’s songs when he was on drugs sober Eminem is a sad old man that doesn’t know how to rap anymore and his quality production is horrendous It sounds like he was recording out of a McDonald’s chicken nugget
Seriously though, MGK won the battle. Killshot was trash. Kamikaze was trash.
It's like he can't do albums anymore. He's only good on features.
Found the Canadians
Legit, met Eminem 3 years ago. Dude offered me water with lemon.
How about everyone is better than that hack of a performer. Dre is only reason he got to go mainstream. Well after he helped him learn how to rap for the masses. Fuck him. Give me MF Doom any day over vanilla ice 2.0
I mean... When you're up against this...
Stupid thing to say. Em wrote most of Dre's verses you're sucking his dick for. Nas and Kendrick did too. He's a hack. Great producer though.
MGK rap devil was in fact better than killshot killshot sad.... if em is the greatest of all time that was a sad fucken exscuse for a song
Let’s just all agree if pac and biggie were alive they would’ve been relevant and Eminem would be a former shell of his old self and have the same fall off as flavor flav lmaoo okay maybe that’s too far but seriously tho Ems trash
Yep. His old stuff was good. Now he just sounds like a grumpy old man with a whiny teenager twang.
Y’all take a look at this video why Eminem is trash youtu.be
>eminem is trash
You’re just figuring this out now?
Aight since most of these opinions are trash imma lay it out. Em is by far one of the most inventive MCs ever. His vocabulary is crazy, his wordplay is insane and he’s garnered the respect of his peers which counts for more than the opinion of the average joe. However. His recent projects are trash but not bc he’s garbage. He’s just making the music he wants (something he quite often admits to) and knows his real fans will support it no matter how cringey or horribly produced it is. and yet. Despite being way past his prime, no mainstream rapper can get on a mic any time of day and start spitting like Em does. Yes Dre gave him the light to shine in but there’s a reason he’s one of your rappers favorite rapper. Dudes talented, period
Fuck off, Brad.
eminem has shut the door on any white person that atempts to rap, not that they should, since rap is purely coontoons and 20 iq poetry about how youre the best. but anyways everytime a white rapper shows up its immediately: "oh you think you eminem or summin?" lmfao stupid fucking hip hop worshippers liking a cuck that listens to his daughter politics, wake me up when this board has some semblance of sanity.
Not even white. I can just appreciate his skill without actually liking his music. I feel the same way about Nas but that’s probably more bc Hov is one of my favorite rappers and Takeover will always be better than Ether. That’s probably too much of a deep cut for you tho. I bet you think G-eazy is a really cool dude
Facts he is talented I 100% agree but thank you for admitting his recent projects are trash that’s all I wanted to hear
THATS SO TRUE THO Eminem basically black balls any other white rapper wtf is his problem is he reverse racist ? Does he know he’s not black himself ?
Lol bait harder
kys harder kike.
Bro I’m not fucken baiting I just said dude is talented u stupid fucken cuck, even the other agrees he IS TALENTED HE IS A LEGEND BUT HIS CURRENT MUSIC SUCKS u fucken illiterate cunt
Scared of the truth I guess , ur favorite rapper really made a Donald trump disss.... coming from the man who use to rap about fags and killing ppl.... let that sink in... he’s literally a sell out
Explain Yelawolf?
Eminem is
Post your SoundCloud or suck your own dick cuck faggot
So you listen to shitty radio hits and only pay attention to the people making the most noise. Good for you. I guess we should all disregard Kendrick’s discography, Danny Browns most recent projects. Tyler, joeys mixtapes, both Freddie Gibbs/Madlib collabs, Doom and all of his collabs and alter egos. Further back let’s say fuck Jay Z too, 3 stacks and big boi, pun, pac, big, nas, rakim, the wu, tribe, miss Lauren hill, and oh so many more just because you can’t relate right?
Me post my soundcloud ? Lol
>Takeover will always be better than Ether
I can't even with you
Honestly a lot of those people are overrated NF is even better than half of them sooo tbh u sound bro
I agree, he is pretty much just doing mainstream shit since he left drugs
I’m actually a blessed mix of both browns. Praise be to the Mohammed guy and the virgin or some shit
So no doubt, his old stuff is better, but there is literally no better rapper out there to this day. Period. /thread.
Shhhhh I know Nas killed Hov but I got to back my dude
Dude thank you back when he was ACTUALLY SLIM SHADY he was cool now he’s lost himself in this new day and age
His old stuff was tryhard and cringe.
I like icp.
Honestly I’ll listen to ice cube any day and give credit to him before I give credit to Em my boi
Damn I almost got mad there too. Good bait my guy
As much as I agree you can’t /thread your own comment fag
Eyedea, and he's fuckin dead
The short answer is... Who the fuck cares?
People make other people famous. When people are famous they change.
I never quite like Eminem. I mean yeah, I like a hand full of tracks from his whole discography and that's about it.
Should we be that amazed when he soon kills himself over depression or something?
To the rest of you Eminem is a lyrical master. He's new shit isn't awesome but it isn't bad. Why do you faggots always have to make it about skin color. "Oh! the black dude fucked the girl I liked and never had the balls to talk to."
No one is fucken baiting I thought most ppl on this thread AGREEED Eminem’s music WAS FIRE HE IS A LEGEND HE IS ONE OF THE GREATS TO EVER LIVE , but his new shit the past years is cancer to the ears and if ur in denial ur a homosexual
Old icp.
Some people like drake, migos and stupid shit like that. Some people fuck with country. To each their own,music is subjective.
Implying music for radio play is supposed to be critically good???? It was made to sound catchy therefore it’s one of his most popular songs. Also, how many radio hits still sound good today? If present day opinions affected the impact of what came before we wouldn’t have all these shit rappers trying to replicate the brashness and energy Lil Wayne brought in the bling era
Even snoop doggs new music is ehh bro , it’s nothing to do with skin color ppl just loose the groove as they get older man , that dude snoop dog went thru a Rasta phase like a teenager and made Reagae music
I'll tell you this about your boy. He didn't get killed on renegade like Nas said. I preferred Jay's verse over Em's
The taste is, not the quality
Mannn lil Wayne still can make good music CUZ HE CAN ADAPT TO THE TIMES MAN ! Cmon now I’m not saying go mumble rap but in order to get better and stay current as a artist u have to progress and get with the times Eminem is still tryina replicate 2000’s him it’s NEVER GONNA HAPPEN BC HES NOT 20 anymore
To be honest never like old snoop that much. But yeah that was weird phase. Honestly I think 2pac is overated. I like a few of his songs. But prefer biggie.
Bro pac is overrated it was just his presence in the media and how he portrayed himself that got him the credibility he has today YES HE HAS FIRE MUSIC but I agree Biggie was a more lyrical and pleasing sounding artist , I’ll bumo biggie songs till this day at a party with gen x’ers and they’ll still rock to it “sucidal thoughts” is a masterpiece biggie is timeless
Quality depends on the person faggot. That's why it's subjective. Some people like faggots screaming into a mic. They think that's quality music. They may see rap as pure shit. Just talking about bitches, drugs and getting fucked up.
I agree. But also all rap "music" is trash and made for niggers and plebs.
I mean most sheeple probably will be considering how much more clout xxx and the juice kid got when they died
Well at least one of you faggots knows what he's talking about. Agree user..
Quality is not subjective.
If you get a shit phone and quality it doesn't make it high quality. It's still a shit phone, and you're poor and can't afford a quality phone.
Same with the music. If you're uneducated, you find shit as being quality... but it's not quality, it's only your perception, which is wrong.
Please tell us what you listen to master. You're probably a pessant.
I have no fucking idea what you're saying there.
Dude okay if all rap music is trash then we can agree that Eminem is trash u cuckloads
Both of them trash
It was cringy back then and it is even more cringy today. It's laughable how he tried to pass off as gangsta, killing his wife in a song. The dude is such a cuck it's almost admirable if he weren't a cuck and used his energy to do something more effective other than being a white punching bag in detroit and still worshipping niggers.
Uhm... if you check out most of the rap consumers... you're kinda' right.
People considering they're gangsta, but they're just poorfag trash. People who think they are though, and get beaten to death by niggers, and mostly autistic children who want attention.
Honestly one of the only rappers I listen to is NF , after lil pump came around rap made me depressed , I listen to mostly rock like slip knot , nirvana, greenday etc, but if I have to listen to rap it’s NF , NWA, Wayne, Too Short , OR MAC DRE !
>wigger that make bigger music
He was never good to begin with
Like I said what ever makes you happy. Music is subjective cause it's not a material thing mits art and can be interpreted in many ways. We can both like a song and connect to it differently. So you're wrong.
Feel better? He’s old. Had his 15 many years ago. Rich but not relevant. Massive cringe when he tries to sound young. Also his whole “ashamed to be white” bullshit. Blah. Get out of the light and produce of retire.
Found the Pol faggot. Did the color kids take your lunch money.
Okay but if it’s subjective doesn’t that mean ur wrong for defending him because ppl are allowed to think Eminem is a cuck?