I have the best cock on /b

I have the best cock on /b

Proove me wrong.

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Idk if best though

I’ve seen better, but I still wouldn’t mind having it down my throat

My donger

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i have

suck it

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its nice but there have been many nice ones on here. big ones too

I love those balls!!

Op is better but this is suckable

I would go behind my bf's back for that dick

I dont see you posting.

No that would go to the traps.

Mine is better, but posting your dick so a bunch of guys see it is gay as all fucks.

Your balls look like they’re insanely huge, your dick is nice. Idk about best on Sup Forums though

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Can't be the best if it's cut, sorry mate

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Those balls are fucking huge how low do they hang when soft ??

pick one nigga

the same guy who posts in every thread hating on circumcision...


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Yeah I don’t know if you’re from A middle eastern country, but a lot of people despise the practice every where else. Next time try keeping the sand out of your foreskin and you won’t have to cut it off

Fuck off

>(((user))) defends genital mutilation
what else is new

I'll throw my dick in the mix

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Player 4 has entered the game

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lol I love the way people shit on that guy.

Probs not the best, but like an 8.5/10, very solid

go away spam cock

moar pix of yer cawk n ballz liek this plz

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Idk if mines better, but I think we might be evenly matched OP.

Also looking to kik with someone tonight if anyones interested

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nice 8/10

New handbreeder here. :3

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this guy is really the only challenger to OP in this thread

nope. multiple people dislike your shit

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actually too big wtf

Too big?! >:(

Well thank ya

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I'd suck that dry 9/10. like the socks too

9/10, probs better than OP.

OPs is big but not ridiculous like yours. im not trying to get my insides destroyed

thanks ^_^

Forgot this pic was hd, had to make a size edit

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would just take too much work to have sex with that :( i like your socks tho

You all got some mighty fine dicks. If mine can barely be classified a clit, let alone a penis, I’d share.

you're acting like its a foot long!

A fair challenger to OP, if you're into big dicks. You said it's not a foot, but it looks like it's just a few inches short lol

..well it's not exactly 10 but close I guess. >.>

Can't be the best when it's cut. Sorry bro.

i agree with other posters you have a really nice dick and a good challenge to OP but i think its a bit too big

Implying it's always the same person because who would actually not like a mutilated cock!

imagine thinking a wormy dick is best

Pshh. How would you know?! You've never sucked on it!

Can I suck that thing IRL?

a wormy dick.? that's a new one. haven't heard that before :o


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Be my guest, its perfectly thick for sloppy deepthroat


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has anyone ever noticed how it's always the uncut fags talking shit to the cut fags? I think it's mainly the eurofags

its like the same 2 people who post on every dick pic they can find

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really nice dick, bigger than OPs but idk if its a good thing or not
your shaved pubes and hairy legs are distracting me
9/10 big dick and nice shape, huge balls looks manly overall.

Guess I’ll throw my dick into the ring

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Chris ur a fag

All I said was "circumcision". You guys drew your own conclusions.

close but not my name

Are uncutfags worse than trumpfags?

Mouth-watering. Breed me, Daddy.

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>> I have the best cock on /b
It must be true, your mom says so.

Why does the word circumcision trigger you? I didn't even give an opinion, you saw a word and it made you spaz out. Is there something that bothers you about that word?

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Fair enough. Little less distracting?

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Literal third leg

Is that bad? :o

you have a really nice dick also. def top 3 in the thread

Why not

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not sure. for some its good for some its bad.

Nope, post more

skye wingpop has best cock and butt on Sup Forums ever

would pay to see this guy and OP in a porn

In a porn? Like together? Orr

Who’s that?

Lmao leave it to an uncut fag to act like a literally 10 year old with the "I didn't say anything" routine.

yea you guys together


Doing what exactly?! Who's fucking who!

great cock but kinda weird it’s shave and pubes on top gone but so damn hairy right beside it. Odd looking like that. You should keep some hair on top of your dick for balance but just trim it.
You’re welcome for my queer eye assessment

Why thank you

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I’d let my girl blow him as long as he wanted. No sex tho, don’t need her pussy stretched out or risk having a kid who grows up with a dick twice my size

>the guy who comes in to a thread just to get upset about whether other men have foreskin or not calling anyone else triggered

that's rich, guy.

how about all day under my desk? :)

Are you ok? Why does that word bother you so much?????

Hell Ill volunteer my mouth as your under the desk cocksleeve

Here's that >You you ordered

On the contrary, you are the one who seems bothered.