Dream post guy here today I wanted to talk about something a little different...

Dream post guy here today I wanted to talk about something a little different. I was wondering what your thoughts are on a few subjects starting with nothing. What do you think was there before everything, perhaps literally nothing? Assuming that nothing is an impossibility do you believe that it's possible that an inanimate object sees(percieves) a color like black instead of literally nothing? Modern teachings say that black is the lack of color and hence forth nothing (which is impossible) do you believe that this concept could be flawed as I do? Can you prove that there is a 1d space inside a singularity of a black hole? It's to my understanding that everything is infinitely dense as there are new levels of subatomic particles being discovered. I will be posting my art again for eye candy. Comments, experiences, theory crafting shoot.

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Op here

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awareness or the self is fundamentally void, and nothing. Nothing is god. Idk. Nothing isnt black its the color outside your field of vision


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I had a dream a few nights ago where if I was touching someone as they were against a wall, they started phasing brought the wall and dissapeared. It seemed distressing both for me and the people in my dream.
My now drunk mind wonders if it was symbolic of the way I've casually and inadvertantly begun pushing people out of my life through lack of contact, a byproduct of severe apathy.



Maybe they were right. Maybe there is a god, and maybe he is nothing.

By dream post I mean I posted about the possibility of a realm similar to what this realm is compared to a dream. But, that's a strange dream for sure. I've completed a falling dream before op

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I have a theory that we have a god that is just a huge cloud of particles and that we dreaming inside of it while it decides what to do with us. Op

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God is a bad word, since it humanizes what is not human. What people call God has multiple tiers: First, the universe which is everything in existence, at it's core, everything is consciousness and we're a part of it. Second is our true self which remains intact and has memory of all of our experiences throughout lifetimes. Third are disembodied guides who help us along the way, family who's passed away, for example.


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The truth is known in bits and chunks, scattered throughout our stories, history and culture

Imagine a meme that is thousands of years old, how much of it would be different from the original, yet still contain a hit of what it’s original meaning was

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Our brains will never know truth, there is no awaking for us only not knowing. Possibly there is truth to be had with our (soul).
Other dimensions exist with varying (natural systems). I would hope to explore them all one day they are very beautiful and intricate.

Nice art op

Thank you

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