Dot Dot
Dot Dot
Safe Safe no worries pls
oh Im just hanging out whats up?
No worrying :)
Nothing much, just a placeholder thread
Im going to make a dmc claim
This thread name is copyright protected by Konata©
Oh no.. Sorry Konata. Please don't claim my thread, you can have all the money from it
You can use it
I alredy got money absolutely not from any sponsor made from me
Heh, blue has lots of sponsors. How are you?
cuddles :))
Nice cuddles
nice pinky :) cuuute pic
>dmc claim
Im doing good, nothing special to say
Hope youre doing good as well
look what i bought
10 minutes of prostate for you
Nice china :) Cute pic also
I'm doing okay, I'm glad you're well. Drinking anything nice?
Hey bunbun, wait that timestamp is recent! I want one, it's so cute
A very powerful tool...
Cute cute cute
Now you can sleep with Riamu
Not really, i was going to make some coffee
it'll end up crusty from a lot of cum
Coffe sounds nice, I hope you enjoy it
No lewding the Riamu pillow :((
Thats not possible
Riamu pillow is only suitable for hugging and cuddling
bahahahaha i pranked not mine tch
and pink was supposed to be pissed off!!!
the guys seemed like he do it yes
Correct :) Hugging and cuddling
Actually yeah! I'm pissed off!@# heh
Lewd bun wants a pillow of pink :)
Huggy hugs, adorable pic
no, you're adorable :) hug
im not lewd!!
and thats not real pissed off!!
Bury evil bunny :c
Haha, no more
I wonder how much it costs
Cute china :) cuddle
Silly bunbun, how has your drawing stuff been going? You aren't lewd
Trips! Is that a Taiga poster :)
Heya fren, nice tunes
aaaaaaaa trips have doomed me!!
i must go!! and cry in shower!!!
i havent drawn any thingnndns!!!!
That's okay :) Bun can draw whenever he wants. I hope Banichan is good too
cuddle :))
Cute :)
you can see yourself how well banichan do!!
cause im not sure ;-;
You heard anything you like recently m8?
I dont know why but 8 bit music is starting to really like me
Hurts right in the poverty
Is that a question
Hope you clean yourself correctly
Cute pink
Hmm.. Website hard to navigate...
Hmm.. Nothing too interesting, I don't listen to 8bit music too often
I suppose so.. More just nice to see you. Taiga is cute
huggy :)
i just cry!!!
it was blog.
I love that song and OP!
It can be anything you like fren. Doesn't have to be 8bit ;)
Huggyy :)
Still doesn't work..
Hmm.. Been enjoying this lately, it's nice :)
i just found out...
frem broke it...
nice hugs :3
That's okay :)
Nice pink :)
i promised fren that he can has thing there and forgot it broke and had to do thingymajiub and now it fixed again -.-
I know how reimu looks I am being informed with precision
nice pinkyy
That's okay too :) Banichan revived
Is she cute?
Cute :)
7/10 not enough dots
Nice pink :3
Yay, I hope you like it
Nice warspite fren :)
hi warspite
hug hug :)
i want to get into yuri
not sure what it is but it looked cute what i saw
Hey, been relaxing throughout the day.
Haven't heard this song in a while.
Hi there. Did you get enough sleep?
I'd like to think i did. I saw you went to bed shortly after i left. did you sleep well?
yuri is when two girls are in love or whatever, if that's what you're referring to.
o i just saw something called yuri and tought it was cute
pic related
I'm nostalgic for the Jackie Chan version kek. How have you been bud?
that is pretty cute. got more pictures?
I did. Been lazy today though slept in and browsed youtube.
From Rush Hour right? I miss those movies. Been taking easy today, worked yesterday and the day before.
being lazy is fun. got any other plans for todayy
Yep. I've been taking it easy too. Hope you relax enough before going back to work buddy.
Not really, just some more youtube or hulu before I sleep.
Thanks. It was nice to chill and be lazy.
oh i see :) sorry i have to go now, nice talking to you, fren.
I'm gonna sleep too. Have some relaxing Capcom memories. Goodnight my frens. Rockman hopes your day tomorrow rocks!
See you later.
Tired too huh? Get some rest.
hey, rudes
Less sickly this time
Good nighttime, sosu
Most of the rudes are sleeping
o :(
You can post if you want
Almost everyone is sleeping soo don't expect a lot
no its fine
soosu soou soossi soossinen
mothies off mothgirls!!