Dot Dot

Dot Dot

Attached: Riamu442.png (708x1003, 782K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Safe Safe no worries pls

oh Im just hanging out whats up?


No worrying :)
Nothing much, just a placeholder thread

Attached: Riamu441.png (1240x1754, 1.93M)

Im going to make a dmc claim
This thread name is copyright protected by Konata©

Attached: Konata451.jpg (1181x1748, 232K)

Attached: 0123.jpg (700x700, 105K)

Oh no.. Sorry Konata. Please don't claim my thread, you can have all the money from it

Attached: Riamu440.png (975x1650, 778K)


Attached: 504.jpg (1024x576, 61K)

You can use it
I alredy got money absolutely not from any sponsor made from me

Attached: Konata855.jpg (490x416, 56K)

Heh, blue has lots of sponsors. How are you?

Attached: Riamu403.jpg (1080x809, 100K)

cuddles :))

Attached: 28.png (560x746, 202K)


Attached: 1567314632881.jpg (386x386, 27K)

Nice cuddles

Attached: Riamu425.jpg (850x919, 212K)

nice pinky :) cuuute pic

Attached: 364.jpg (729x540, 136K)

>dmc claim

Attached: gzfy1bez4t311.png (240x262, 91K)

Im doing good, nothing special to say
Hope youre doing good as well

Attached: Konata968.png (379x370, 168K)

look what i bought

Attached: 80058ffa.jpg (2149x3840, 649K)

10 minutes of prostate for you

Nice china :) Cute pic also
I'm doing okay, I'm glad you're well. Drinking anything nice?
Hey bunbun, wait that timestamp is recent! I want one, it's so cute

Attached: Riamu436.png (800x800, 420K)

A very powerful tool...

Cute cute cute
Now you can sleep with Riamu

Not really, i was going to make some coffee

Attached: Konata121.jpg (461x532, 29K)

it'll end up crusty from a lot of cum

Coffe sounds nice, I hope you enjoy it
No lewding the Riamu pillow :((

Attached: Riamu431.jpg (608x900, 476K)

Thats not possible
Riamu pillow is only suitable for hugging and cuddling

Attached: images (82).jpg (555x529, 31K)

bahahahaha i pranked not mine tch
and pink was supposed to be pissed off!!!

the guys seemed like he do it yes

Attached: 1576288012870.gif (205x350, 34K)


Attached: 1573850716703.jpg (719x429, 84K)


Attached: 42352.jpg (640x640, 54K)

Correct :) Hugging and cuddling
Actually yeah! I'm pissed off!@# heh
Lewd bun wants a pillow of pink :)
Huggy hugs, adorable pic

Attached: Riamu51.jpg (754x1200, 375K)

no, you're adorable :) hug

Attached: 0602.jpg (885x1200, 345K)

im not lewd!!
and thats not real pissed off!!

Attached: 1577954623539.jpg (600x800, 105K)

Bury evil bunny :c

Haha, no more

I wonder how much it costs

Attached: Taiga1850.jpg (750x562, 111K)

Hi fren

Attached: megaman-pu2.jpg (500x750, 53K)


Cute china :) cuddle
Silly bunbun, how has your drawing stuff been going? You aren't lewd
Trips! Is that a Taiga poster :)
Heya fren, nice tunes

Attached: Riamu329.jpg (850x1201, 404K)

aaaaaaaa trips have doomed me!!
i must go!! and cry in shower!!!

i havent drawn any thingnndns!!!!

Attached: 1540607278988.jpg (1200x1111, 134K)

That's okay :) Bun can draw whenever he wants. I hope Banichan is good too

Attached: Riamu435.jpg (622x932, 189K)

cuddle :))

Attached: 79.jpg (650x768, 168K)

Cute :)

Attached: Riamu53.jpg (952x1200, 581K)


Attached: 016.jpg (1024x1024, 286K)

you can see yourself how well banichan do!!
cause im not sure ;-;

Attached: 1559938040894.gif (600x450, 1.08M)

You heard anything you like recently m8?

Attached: mega-man-8.jpg (640x480, 63K)

I dont know why but 8 bit music is starting to really like me

Hurts right in the poverty

Is that a question

Hope you clean yourself correctly

Attached: Taiga2087.png (1378x2039, 139K)

Cute pink
Hmm.. Website hard to navigate...
Hmm.. Nothing too interesting, I don't listen to 8bit music too often
I suppose so.. More just nice to see you. Taiga is cute

Attached: Riamu290.png (1000x1415, 1.19M)

huggy :)

Attached: 055.jpg (972x1230, 118K)

i just cry!!!

it was blog.

Attached: 1562646508560.png (1474x1163, 1.09M)

I love that song and OP!
It can be anything you like fren. Doesn't have to be 8bit ;)

Attached: 022150883c87f6bec37cdc627aac02f9104312e0_hq.jpg (735x1019, 61K)

Huggyy :)
Still doesn't work..
Hmm.. Been enjoying this lately, it's nice :)

Attached: Riamu445.png (1200x888, 556K)

i just found out...
frem broke it...

nice hugs :3

Attached: 00112.jpg (981x980, 324K)

That's okay :)
Nice pink :)

Attached: Riamu439.jpg (850x1028, 101K)

i promised fren that he can has thing there and forgot it broke and had to do thingymajiub and now it fixed again -.-

I know how reimu looks I am being informed with precision

nice pinkyy

Attached: 0074.jpg (1150x857, 238K)

That's okay too :) Banichan revived
Is she cute?
Cute :)

Attached: Riamu423.jpg (1032x1457, 218K)


Attached: 69.jpg (1200x1200, 254K)


Attached: Megamananniversaryconcert.jpg (500x649, 111K)

7/10 not enough dots

Attached: warspite_and_m4_sopmod_ii_jr_azur_lane_and_1_more_drawn_by_kreuzer_00__sample-9aee6e93a3d6246b997d87 (850x604, 99K)

Nice pink :3
Yay, I hope you like it
Nice warspite fren :)

Attached: Riamu252.jpg (680x613, 73K)

War m8!

Attached: fire.gif (640x360, 497K)

hi warspite
hug hug :)

Attached: 105.jpg (1281x961, 419K)


Attached: 78167001_p0.jpg (1920x934, 736K)

i want to get into yuri
not sure what it is but it looked cute what i saw

Attached: 1552926450819.jpg (500x600, 51K)

Hey, been relaxing throughout the day.
Haven't heard this song in a while.
Hi there. Did you get enough sleep?

Attached: unicorn_illustrious_queen_elizabeth_and_warspite_azur_lane_drawn_by_gasari_jongh1803__sample-dcc8abc (850x607, 147K)

I'd like to think i did. I saw you went to bed shortly after i left. did you sleep well?

Attached: 457.jpg (970x870, 88K)

yuri is when two girls are in love or whatever, if that's what you're referring to.

o i just saw something called yuri and tought it was cute
pic related

Attached: 1572608860322.jpg (2406x2559, 621K)

I'm nostalgic for the Jackie Chan version kek. How have you been bud?

Attached: 16.jpg (288x192, 12K)

that is pretty cute. got more pictures?

I did. Been lazy today though slept in and browsed youtube.
From Rush Hour right? I miss those movies. Been taking easy today, worked yesterday and the day before.

Attached: (850x495, 133K)

being lazy is fun. got any other plans for todayy

Attached: 00888.jpg (600x776, 236K)

Yep. I've been taking it easy too. Hope you relax enough before going back to work buddy.

Attached: 5827a09a5ef12_megaman1euroboxart.jpg.75daac23fdd2d417fc35e09937debd53.jpg (1280x1627, 942K)

Not really, just some more youtube or hulu before I sleep.
Thanks. It was nice to chill and be lazy.

Attached: mskwsp200108.gif (500x500, 167K)

oh i see :) sorry i have to go now, nice talking to you, fren.

Attached: 347.jpg (1225x1585, 207K)
I'm gonna sleep too. Have some relaxing Capcom memories. Goodnight my frens. Rockman hopes your day tomorrow rocks!

Attached: rockman sleep.gif (480x270, 597K)

See you later.

Attached: queen_elizabeth_and_warspite_azur_lane_and_1_more_drawn_by_ishiyumi__sample-0fbc8d81430c1e58500b3c75 (850x680, 143K)

Attached: 5FE19691-4555-419A-861C-DED4BB3435BE.jpg (746x1212, 207K)

Tired too huh? Get some rest.

Attached: queen_elizabeth_and_warspite_azur_lane_drawn_by_tsukigami_runa__abd0c2d9b071084e08d1b678facc2156.jpg (600x849, 383K)

hey, rudes

Attached: Quotroriquot+that+doesnt+look+fake+at+all+_d714f12062cd60af6b1e404068f77514.jpg (986x810, 95K)

Less sickly this time

Good nighttime, sosu

Attached: EB7AAE90-CE86-49F3-BA0B-B72F8E802EBF.png (952x659, 857K)

Most of the rudes are sleeping

Attached: Taiga1981.jpg (2507x3541, 1.27M)



Attached: Taiga424.jpg (1024x768, 151K)

o :(

You can post if you want
Almost everyone is sleeping soo don't expect a lot

Attached: Taiga1968.jpg (1109x1286, 530K)

no its fine

soosu soou soossi soossinen
mothies off mothgirls!!

Attached: 1556457027993.jpg (584x875, 92K)