Daily reminder that it's perfectly acceptable to have sex with your dog as long as:
1.) It's physically possible to have sex with the dog without causing physical injury, and you proceed without the intention of harm.
2.) The dog initiates every interaction, and every interaction ends immediately upon the dog's slightest expression of displeasure. (This counters the consensual imbalance of power between humans and dogs.)
3.) You don't incorporate any sexual abnormalities not typically observed in canine sexual behavior (i.e. BDSM, scat, breath play, etc)
4.) You don't coerce the dog into cooperation. (Coercion, in this instance, refers but isn't limited to (a) punishment or the threat of punishment, (b) reward or the promise of reward, and (c) manipulative tactics like the use of peanut butter.)
5.) You don't brute force the interaction with the animal.
6.) You don't involve anyone, human or otherwise, who doesn't express somehow that they actively want to be involved.
Daily reminder that it's perfectly acceptable to have sex with your dog as long as:
Yeah, my thing is this: If you truly love your animals, and you already feel an emotional connection to them, getting fucked or fucking them is perfectly fine as long as you both are cool with it. If you want to talk about this type of stuff, that's what the feral threads are for: , we gotta stick to drawn pictures because of rules, but other than that the convo is usually pretty nice and I try to be as active as I can be. Hop in and let's chat
I came into the wrong thread
I feel u bro hahha
Laying in bed with animals is an abomination in God's eyes,it is sick and a corrupted act and will send you to hell. Exept Jesus as your lord and savior today and stay away from animals it is Moraly corrupted, think what your family or friends think of this act...think of what your parents would think, you know in your heart it's wrong please stop lying to yourself.
Nope! You came into the right thread. There are no wrong threads here.
What about those who aren't religious?
>Yeah, my thing is this: If you truly love your animals, and you already feel an emotional connection to them, getting fucked or fucking them is perfectly fine as long as you both are cool with it.
I know, I just felt a need to lay out very specific guidelines for what is and is not OK, not particularly for the zoophiles, but for those who believe zoophilia is inherently sadistic or damaging.
Then atleast stay away from evil acts like this, and tbh I'm not religious either, Christianity is about a relationship with Jesus and god not jumping through hoops. But I know one thing you can't deny you or anyone here, your heart is burdened by shame of this act, you know deep in your heart it's wrong but lie to yourself. Please think about it ok? Don't you think your better then this? That you deserve real love? This is wrong they are animals they don't know what there doing, you do though and that makes you corrupted and it hurts me that people do this to them selfs. I'm sorry for what ever drove you to sin like this but please think about this.
no thanks, doggie diq is tops
>Don't you think your better then this?
No, because zoophilia isn't inherently degrading.
>That you deserve real love?
1.) Zoophilia isn't always exclusive. Some people are attracted to humans and non-humans. There are married couples that fuck dogs together.
2.) Loving a pet is real love.
3.) Aromanticism stems not from self-deprication.
>This is wrong
No, it isn't.
>they are animals they don't know what there doing,
I tend to disagree. Dogs are pretty intelligent and not entirely driven solely by instinct.
I'm pretty sure that a dog that is trying to have sex with you under the circumstances outlined in the OP is OK with doing so.
>you do though and that makes you corrupted and it hurts me that people do this to them selfs.
An appeal to guilt isn't necessary, and neither is pity.
There is nothing wrong with zoophilia. Animal abuse is wrong, yes, but not all zoophilia is inherently abusive.
People don't have sex with animals because they hate themselves.
Love is supposed to be pure man and woman, laying with an animal is chunned by all man kind and god. When you choose to lay with an animal your disrespecting your greater good as an individual, and you say people are attracted to animal's no. They are sexually corrupted it is evil that's far from love. If you loved yourself you whouldent do this to your self or an inocent animal. It is animal abuse your blind by sin and I will pray for you. What would your kids think of this? Your parents? Your grandma? Your friends? You know it's wrong.
>Love is supposed to be pure man and woman,
Your assertion, not mine.
>laying with an animal is chunned by all man kind and god.
The majority of mankind, sure, but we're not sure if God even exists. So I'd appreciate it if you'd leave religion out of your arguments (although it seems that without religion, you have no argument at all.)
>When you choose to lay with an animal your disrespecting your greater good as an individual,
You seem to be implying here that you know life's objective purpose, which there isn't, and that sex with animals somehow negates that purpose, which it doesn't.
>and you say people are attracted to animal's no. They are sexually corrupted it is evil that's far from love.
Pure speculation. There are people, believe it or not, who are simply attracted to animals, sexually and romantically. Asserting "muh demon possession" here isn't going to change that.
>If you loved yourself you whouldent do this to your self or an inocent animal.
I love myself very much.
I also love dogs. They're not mutually exclusive traits.
>It is animal abuse
Only in a legalistic sense.
>your blind by sin and I will pray for you.
Pray all you'd like, but I doubt it'll change much. You still have yet to present logical, scientific reasons to oppose all forms of zoosexuality and bestiality.
>What would your kids think of this?
I don't have kids, nor do I desire to have children.
> Your parents?
My dad already knows and doesn't care.
>Your grandma?
>Your friends?
Most of them are also zoophiles. The ones that aren't also don't care.
>You know it's wrong.
I know it's not.
anyone got the vid of the girl from rockstar burgers? :>
You guys are fucking sick
I find it's perfectly acceptable to express disgust in the sexual preferences of others -- sexuality is subjective, after all -- but I think the bounds of sexuality only veer into "illness" territory when it causes the host to intentionally harm others, either through active malice or not caring about the well-being of others.
So, with the OP's moral guidelines in place, what's wrong with bestiality? They prioritize the well-being and consent of the animals and counterbalance the power dynamics between humans and animals. I don't see anything morally wrong with it.
Sure, you could make the argument that, "non-vanilla extramarital sex is bad because God says it's bad," like some other anons have argued, but that's an inherently weak argument as it's purely religious and displays little basis in reality.
my dog likes to lick my hard dick until i cum and lick my dick clean. do it regularly its pretty cool
That's hot. What breed?
respondent behavior does not equal consent
hes a white golden retriever
Why not?
which is why OP outlines that the dog must first initiate, not merely respond
I think that's just because of our definition of consent.
But generally, I think as long as the dog's having a good time, and the human's having a good time, no harm no foul. And it should be pretty easy to tell whether the dog is enjoying themselves.
dog sex god sex
Dogs can't consent. Not only are you a zoophile, you're a rapist too.
stop raping your doggo. he doesn't deserve it
Dogs absolutely can consent. They can't speak English, sure, but they can consent. Dogs are masters of body language and they have no ulterior motives; meaning their intentions are bare, easily interpreted and unmistakable.
When a dog wants to play, or is angry, or excited, or hungry, or feeling cuddly, you'll know. The same applies to sex.
I've never raped any living thing in my entire life.
now replace dog with kid
Where's that Jewish guy picture going "Yes, Yes." I think that's needed here.
No. Sexual interactions between adults and children are inherently harmful to the child, and as a result should remain prohibited and punishable.
But sex with (adult) dogs is cool.