What drugs are Sup Forums doing tonight?
What drugs are Sup Forums doing tonight?
took 8g kratom. probably gonna do DXM this weekend
Year old Lucy
mega horny from propylhexedrine, gonna be fapping for at least 8 hours
Kratom is nice, especially higher doses like 8g, but it’s still way too tame.
Percocet and vidya. Just started Shovel Knight: King of Cards
Started off with coke and then moved to speed. Have work in 4 hours, fuck!!!!
just some extract
pic kind of related
yeah shit never does anything for me unless I go heavy on the dose. it’s good when I do though
Just a couple footballs and kraken. Gonna be playing siege or oblivion havent decided. Have a good night OP
Meth, I’m a white dude
Dealer had 20 bars to sell me but keeps taking them and passing out so I’m stuck with only kratom until he regains consciousness
No one cares shut the fuck up
No one loves you and you will die alone
I can't do more than 3.5 or 4g of kratom or it gives me a wicked stomach ache. 5g a few years ago had me on the couch for a couple hours until I finally puked. I get the nose itches like I am on actual opiates, so I loooove kratom.
Does anyone have any success getting RCs from vendors anymore? I first learned about them years ago but never dove in and ordered anything. Wanting to get some psychedelics, but feel like I am too retarded to learn about bitcoins.
Also on 2mg clonazepam. Dubs names my pipe.
None because I believe in god, you heathens.
JK Edibles.
Klonpin doesnt do anything for me for some reason. I was on it for about 5 years and never once got fucked up.
Not recreational, more for my own health
weed isn't drugs you faggot
I feel you, when i first got Dx'd i was on it, i ended up addicted without any benefit. So i was like fuck it and quit. It was hell the first week.
shit, if you like that, then you're going to love meth. fapped and edged for 10 hours straight without climaxing because I wanted to wait until I found the perfect porn to cum to. You'll either A. say fuck it and just ejaculate or B. cum by accident because you edged too late. Once you do cum though, you're going to feel paralyzed from all the pleasure.
Oblivion ftw
get adderall, man. the crash on that is fuckin awful
it's a drug
"In pharmacology, a drug is a chemical substance, typically of known structure, which, when administered to a living organism, produces a biological effect."
sounds great, I don't have any though. wish i could get better stims, would love to try jerking off on different ones
Adding a few mods and then im gonna start playing, what race and class should i go with?
yeah i know. wish i could but i dont know anyone
on meth I literally had 20 windows of different chaturbate whores open on three monitors. I would masturbate and shoot meth all night and morning and night. You really have to becareful though, your dick is going to hate you the next day
None because I'm not a faggot.
If I'm being honest it's mostly because I'm too lazy to grow shrooms.
Breton conjuror
did you have trouble staying hard? its difficult for me to stay hard on this stuff but i kinda like it, makes it take longer to cum
Coke. To be honest, I'm getting kinda tired of it, the no eating/no sleeping thing fucks with you after a while.
I've always wanted to try Adderall. Get some of that medical grade level shit. Can't get perscription pills that easily in my country though,
Tried Tramadol though but I have no idea why people do it. Worst high ever.
Weed is still my fav.
Same drugs I'm on every day. Adderall and weed
Maybe you should, you know, eat. Its not that hard, dipshit
as long as it's warm and has constant stimulation. It's very cerebral. Not as much peripheral side effects like adderall or propyl. You can get meth in the gay community pretty easily. Asking for "tina", you can also find GHB and "dick" pills like viagra and similar drugs.
did 2g of coke during the night,7am atm again and still thinking if i should finish it all or hold..down to about .5 now so ill probably go all in