Hey Sup Forumsros, what does one do about a wrongful rape accusation...

Hey Sup Forumsros, what does one do about a wrongful rape accusation? This stupid bitch at my University has very publicly accused me even though she has no evidence and nobody saw me do it. How fucked am I? I used some cbd oil, idk if that helpd

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File a police report that she's throwing out false accusations. That's what I would do.

Do what this user says and she will be caught, you're still fucked tho as you'll still be a named rapist girl who cried rape

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You are on Sup Forums.
You did it.

You are probably fucked, but try to act first and go the police

“Nobody saw me do it”. So you did do it.


Sue here fucking lying ass back to the stone age.

The police have already interviewed me. they seemed pretty chill and just wanted to hear my side of it. I'm meeting the detective guy tomorrow to do some paperwork or some shit


This is why all sexual interactions with women should be recorded.


Do not speak to the police without a lawyer present.

>Why would i spend 5 or 6 hundo for that when the cops were super chill anyways

You're going to "fuck me in the ass" prison lol

If she's going to accuse you of rape, you might as well actually rape her. No sense in going to prison for something you didn't do.

> and nobody saw me
> do it

that's a confession

Fuck you no im not

Why are you helping him? It looks like he actually is a rapist, we potentially could have potentially triked him in to sharing a pic of her victim, locate her and give the confesion to the authorities, now we can't

When the cops brought it up you should have claimed she threatened to tell people you had a small impotent dick if you didn't fuck her. (counter-claims do well for rape accusations. Especially if you cultivate a reputation as being asexual ahead of time)

LMAO, you larping retard. CBD oil to do what, help her with a muscle ache? Fucking moron.

>The police have already interviewed me. they seemed pretty chill and just wanted to hear my side of it. I'm meeting the detective guy tomorrow to do some paperwork or some shit

God you're an idiot. Expect to be arrested when you show up, dumbass.

Second this

From experience: say NOTHING and have a lawyer present. They are always chill and cool right up until they slap the cuffs on you. When you have legal representation, tell them EVERYTHING. If this was consensual sex she says was not consensual, there will be evidence of sex but as long as they don't discover you are lying it becomes a 'he said she said' thing. Not to say you're in the clear then... unfortunately the law protects HER because it only assumes the girl is telling the truth... when they are lying... you find yourself very quickly fucked beyond belief...

This thread again?

You would know faggot

You literally can't benefit from speaking to the cops on your own. This will LITERALLY not assist you in any way and can ONLY fuck you over.

What the fuck do you know faggot besides the one cop or detective or whatever was chill and just wanted to get my side of the story . Fuck all you jew kikes trying to get me so spend sheckles to have one of your jew lawyer brethren charge me 4 grand to do my paperwork for me

Plus what would look more guilty to the cops than getting a lawyer? Dodnt think of that did you fucktard

They told me not to go anywhere or leave the county just while they get it sorted out but they're on my side

>actual guilt matters
Meh do whatever you want but there's never been an instance where the primary suspect spoke to the cops and they were like "yeah man just tell us all this stuff on the record, cool we good no worries breh"

Think about it, if the cops are spending their time and resources to interview you it's because they think they have a case... They're just a business too at the end of the day