Does anyone know truly the consequence of rap and it’s culture? A truly majoritively talentless genre of music corrupting the minds of the nihilistic youth, especially in the suburbs. It encourages stupidity and criminality.
Does anyone know truly the consequence of rap and it’s culture...
I'm not sure it does anything other than cause further stupidity.
Well yes it can cause further stupidity, but it can influence the intelligent to commit atrocity and crimes. I’ve seen truly remarkably intelligent people swept under by suburban gang culture; throwing their life’s away.
Your right op it also reinforces generic stereotypes aswell one day they might grow a brain
As with any ideology, those indoctrinated know not that they are in fact indoctrinated. I view rap and cultural ideology; it’s really something else.
That's your opinion. No one is forcing rap music down your throat.
Rap is good modern rap has just been shit GANG GANG DDDDDRATT LEAN LEAN BITCHES HOES YAYA absolute autism
I remember reading somewhere rap culture was a product of the FBI's counterintelligence program? You'd have to research it yourself, but I think the idea was to identify blacks most likely to commit crime by getting them to imitate rappers. I dunno. Seems like rap is a tool used to keep niggers in the ghetto mentality.
> Ain't nuthin but a bitch nigga
> Rollin large workin up the clubs, nigga
> Just another ol fashion bitch, nigga
> Fuckin wit yo ho while you watch, nigga
So inspiring and truly worthy of the attention it's given. If you listen closely, you can almost differentiate the 3 or 4 different prefab beat loops they use. Melody? Why bother. Just curse and talk shit into a mic and have your homeboy copy/paste last sessions beat to it. If you really want to add some flair, maybe get a friend or two to throw in some "ya"'s or "uhh"'s in between bars.
White girls love it.
White boys love it.
preaching to the choir aren't you? these racist white men hate black people and their culture. don't worry. you're safe here. they'll circle jerk with you.
blame conservatives
they cut arts funding in schools during the '70s and ruined everything for the next 40 years.
Like your mom
Sexual intercourse in regards to anal is extremely painful with such a large penis, but to each their own I guess.
God damn nigras
awwwwwe shiiiet here we go, idk about you but seeing how hype dis lil niggaling is with the power in his hand n shit gets me hyper as a mothafuka in turn namsayin *smacks lips profusely* where da white sissies at, my balls need washing
Anyone else notice how a bunch of those Brits who went to join Isis were pretty much failed rap artists?
tay k did nothing wrong
I disagree, even rap of the past is a medium in which all things evil may be conveyed.
Narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies surpassing all race.. thank you Sup Forums
I have no animosity against anyone of any race, I believe that is self-evident user. To critique a culture is not racist, that is a stupid proposition by radical-leftist.
Get a grip. Rock has just as many references to the shit rappers talk about... Oh wait rocks dead. Hahaha
You sound like the guy who made Ghostbusters 2 IF YOU DONT LIKE THE GHOSTBUSTERS 2 YOU HATE WOMEN AND ARE A MISOGYNIST just fuck off outa here just because our opinion is negative about rap music doesn't mean we hate blacks
I like rap music and hate blacks... what’s that mean?
I shouldn't of used we
we hate blacks for everything else, BUT rap music
May as well be holding signs that read “I’m a future single mom,” “My baby daddy will be out of prison soon,” or “I will never buy a house with our combined 500 credit score.”
lol u mad
Agree 100%. Stupid millenials all trying to be little niggers.
There’s literally nothing to be mad about there. Nobody would be envious of any of those things.
Kek learn to cope
That's completely correct. I'm sorry, you're not racist for hating black culture.
Yeah you're right. I'll leave this thread. I'm so stupid for assuming you guys were racist towards black people.
Sorry you feel that way lol, rap is ghetto poetry that paints a vivid picture of how life in the ghetto really is.
Ps free my nigga Tay K, he allegedly killed those people
Tay K is a rap snitch
Just be clear that rap is not music. There's no tune, no melody, no harmony no timbre. Rappers aren't singing, aren't playing a musical instrument. They didn't spend years at a musical conservatorium under a professional musician studying the theory and history of music.
The fact that these cretins call themselves musicians and are ushered into the echelons of music royalty really brings my piss to a boil.
That doesn’t make any sense.
"You're culture is different! Reee!" face ass
Agreed 100% again. The joke is on anybody that buys in to that shit.
btw that's how a tone-deaf person sings.
Nah nigga that's Snoop Dogg, 50, and 69. Tay K was and still is a real ass nigga
This is the exact mentality that keeps perpetuating black crime and the destruction of their youth
>Nothing is wrong they are fine don b raycis
You are retarded
Like your mom
Rap is poetry spoken over rhythm and simple melody.
Sounds like a load of bullshit you're speaking there buddy.
Replace “rap” with “rock” and congratulations, ur ur own fucking grandparents .
Ppl really tend to misunderstand that shit talking a genre of music and trying to explain why you think other people shouldn’t be allowed to listen to it, will literally make it more popular than ever.
not the point brainlet, read above to be educated
Fun fact: stilted speech doesn't make you smart
Or niggers?
I fucken hate niggers
Kek I feel the same about thrash/doom/fucktard metal
i think the culture created rap not the other way around.
I get watcha mean about "sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll", but unless you can find me one rock song with the lyrics "suk a nigga dick fuckin wit yo bitch, super Saiyan all up in yo face cuz I'm rich" I can't entirely agree.
Are you comparing rap lyrics to rock lyrics?
rock, metal and punk rock are not dead at all. it's just not main stream anymore and zoomers don't listen to it. which honestly is better in some ways now.
This, poor dumb black people with nothing to do but do and sell drugs, kill each other and treat woman like objects is what created rap music.
This is how I know you don't listen to rap and are just parroting shit from 2009 lmao what a fag
>Does anyone know truly the consequence of heavy metal and it’s culture? A truly majoritively talentless genre of music corrupting the minds of the nihilistic youth, especially in the suburbs. It encourages stupidity and criminality.
/fixed to fit your mom in the 80's
What's good music to listen to as an alternative?
white bois can never compete
Alright, could you show me some modern rap lyrics that break the mold?
>Well, be-bop-a-lula, she's my baby
>Be-bop-a-lula, I don't mean maybe
>Be-bop-a-lula, she's my baby
>Be-bop-a-lula, I don't mean maybe
>She's my baby doll, my baby doll, my baby doll
>Well she's the girl in the red blue jeans
>She's the queen of all the teens
>She's the one woman that I know
>She's the woman that loves me so
So inspiring and truly worthy of the attention it's given. If you listen closely, you can almost herp da hurr to the durrr da derp
no one is arguing if you should listen to it or not, the argument is people under 25 still have a undeveloped brain are extremely susceptible and easily influenced, especially if it is in the form of looking cool and fitting in. And if you take rap music as a factor of what it talks about and how they behave younger people might try to mimic and act out things they hear in song in the community around them.
You sound like one of those fags from the 50s that thought dancing was obscene. Popular music is silly. It was silly when it Elvis and its silly now. Its not as important as your imply and all the things you erroneously attribute to its existence like gang violence and drug markets existed before rap did.
FBI should put this dude on a list and watch his ass
black bois can even compete in the middle class economy
"I fucked up on her cousin
Or her sister, I don't know nothin'
And my niggas getting ignorant
Like a lighter bitch we ignit"
Straight poetry. I really don't want to break down the bars but I just know you don't get it.
>but unless you can find me one rock song with the lyrics "suk a nigga dick fuckin etc
prolly can't many rock songs to match that, but venture into the realm of metal and you'll find far more disturbing shit than that shit.
not him, but in all honesty.. rock is dead, bro. It may life it's own, silent afterlife in the underground like punk, metal, jazz, funk and other obsolete genres but it's long gone from the airways and the mainstream markets and that makes it technically dead as a genre.
And this is coming from a core Gen X'er who loves rock n fukkin roll in all it's forms.
I'll give you that one, I'm sure there are a ton of satanic cults in like Norway or whatever tearing it up to the next band with snot as their logo.
Although "ignorant" is basically rhymed with "ignorant", I still like the world play on the lighter line.
Norwegian Black Metal is still a thing, and as dark, grim and trve and cvlt and shit as ever; but they don't run around burning churches killing each other any longer.
if you like black metal btw, check out Myrkur.
It's lit
You're listening to the wrong shit, nigga. Pump is a fag. Kids see Ghosts r mufuggin lit cuz
I had a lighter once, it was lit.
Ride for Revenge - From the Gutter and the Grave. Good shit
The word play is the whole point. Pulling random quotes from some dumb club bangers is always going to sound like shit. Its just club music made to entertain dancers. Its not deep. Its just entertainment.
Literal shit.
You still make no since, a genre isn't dead because it is no longer popular and main stream.
punk bands and metal bands i listen to come out with new music every year and and i come across new bands all the time. A real example of a genre that would be dead would be disco because no one makes that music anymore.
I'll look into it
just the way we like it
we have different takes on what constitutes "genre death", but I think you get my point.
Do you get the bar?
"I don't know nothin"
>Ignorant : lacking knowledge...
"And my niggas gettin ignorant"
>ignorant in this sense is used as rowdy
"Like a lighter bitch we ignit"
>Using ignit instead of ignorant implying that slang is ignorant
>ignit is ignite without the e thus reinforcing the ignorant stance
>lighters ignite flames
>lighting something on fire's past tense usage is lit
>lit is slang for cool
He uses ignorance as a bar.
>A real example of a genre that would be dead would be disco because no one makes that music anymore.
disco is a sub-genre to funk, and people still make funk. Just like grunge was a sub-genre to rock, but whereas people still make rock no one today makes grunge anymore; same goes for brit-pop as opposed to pop. Jazz also lives in the underground, but ragtime is gone.
that's actually.. pretty fucking clever
Kendrick Lamar's entire discography even the C4 mixtape (especially best rapper under 25)
> Functioning addict, I’m high off her passion Chasing history’s baddest, I mastered this apparatus Rackin' my brain, I'm scared of being average Going against the grain just tryna maintain my savage Foolish of her to try to play towards my vanity And foolish of me to let her do it, I love calamity I love a challenge, naw I love the fantasy And this is high stakes I risk it all for a pair of snakes Connect the dot nigga this is fate
I'm talking predestination I'm talking blind dedication Plan B is contraception we didn’t make it Sexercise a little bit of patience The love of the rush is us I'm addicted to violence, helicopters, and sirens Blood pressure is skying, nigga I'm trying I never felt more alive than I felt dying, Heroin
>Too legit, they still looking at me with one eye The company I keep is not corporate enough Child rebel soldier, you ain't orphan enugh A rapper turned trapper couldn't morph into us But a trapper turned rapper can morph into Puff
>I remember all the nights on different corners spittin' pitchin' water
Now I'm richer off the shit I thought of
From the home of the richest ballers
I'm Richard Porter mixed with Mr. Porter
This picture all the jiggy shit I ordered
I went to France and almost got deported
The fans is screaming when I hit the border I visit Nice like it's my sisters daughter Vision broad, I thought of all the different kids and all Whore without a sip of water, time to get my shit in order And do somethin' different, gettin' tired of the same old shit When I'm spittin' lines, 'bout the section lines, I sit you kids who listen for us I see prison for us until we pull back, that's a true fact Get money, yeah I do that, thought you knew that
I’ve thought about this before. The conclusion I reached was that while gangster part of HipHop contributes to the problem but not all Rap.
> Kendrick
> Wiz
> Kanye
> Logic
> Hopsin
> Uzi
Rappers like the above don’t glorify or push the “gang” culture. Sure they might discuss it. But they comment on it, not glorify.
Plus I think this music is a product of it’s environment. The disparity that birthed it must be tackled because that is the core issue. As long as poverty exists, people will do fucked up things to try as escape it. Sad.
duh.. he also makes you a part of the bar. Your preconceived notions of rap being ignorant helps it go over your head.
for example this poster.
And there it is, funny lyrics with a fat baseline. Boom, popular music in a nit shell. You can not like it, I actually hate most new music. I will always vehemently defend its right to exist, as should anybody with any interest in music at all. Somebody somewhere tried to
shut down the music you love. Don't be that motherfucker. That motherfucker always deserves a punch in the dick.
I was agreeing with you shot lord, bu trying to explain taking lyrics out of MUSIC is a loaded argument. But on second thought, fuck you.
oh hush, we've already agreed. we're not arguing anymore.
i liek mudkipz but yeah you'r right
not him but I am
Thats our first exchange, you're confusing me with another user apparently.
"you'r" is so triggering.
Idk, you said something about agreeing with me. I don't know what your complaint is. I gotta be honest.
damn.. I hit the typo gold; the perfect fuck-up.
This I was agreeing with you about the wordplay being the primary draw, and saying that anybody can throw some lyrics out of context and claim its shit pretty convincingly to other biased people. You quoted that as a person for whole rap lyrics go over their head, which i am not.
I don't like agreeing with people; I'm a disagreeable kinda guy.