It's technically illegal to criticize a President in Time of War.
It's technically illegal to criticize a President in Time of War
Its technically lame to bait on Sup Forums
Bumping for the Main Page. It is technically illegal to conduct Impeachment Proceedings against a Wartime President and most of the House could be imprisoned along with Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. Much of Trump's 2nd Term will be jailing of enemies.
>Imagine being so far removed from reality you just start making shit up
Enjoy losing the White House and Senate in november
Will you conservitards fucking relax? Nobody's taking your fucking guns or forcing you to give up your 'culture.' The worst that's going to happen is the rest of the world moves on without you because you refuse to grow up. Blue states are still going to subsidize red states, you can still collect your welfare without calling it welfare.
ok this is what I'm talking about
While we're fighting Iran we need to have a Unified Front amongst the populace. We can't let our enemies get the impression that there is this kind of division. And frankly you could be punished for it if Trump decides to enact Executive Orders protecting his Power of the President in Time of War.
Is it legal to impeach a chickenshit coward. Doesn't have the balls to pull the trigger on war, and runs away after a dozen missiles. I prefer my war presidents to actually be willing to fight a war
Go ahead and cite the legal code, and where it can be found.
We’ll wait.
>It's technically illegal to criticize a President in Time of War.
FUCK THIS FAGGOT! And fuck your too!
Boo, run away coward, president don't break a nail Donny. Biggest coward I ever met
Last time war was legally declared was world war 2.
Trump's been very very patient with you up until now.
Not scared, I got 13 bottle rockets and a decade of unused fireworks. I am safe
So what you're admiting to then, is that trump is living up to his reputation of constantly "obstructing justice" yet again?
What a faggot. And you're a bigger fag cuase you like the taste of his cock.
Look the fact is Trump is not going to put up with your shit much longer. There's still time to start rallying around this Administration's Goals, and you could be rich.
>you like the taste of his cock
This faggot sounds like he sucked his teacher's dick just to get student of the month.
Oh Mr dozen rocket man is gunna get me.
No, he’s an orange piece of NY Democrat shit. I honestly hope he loses 2020.
I’m also a conservative - he isn’t. He’s a RINO.
Is this the face you make when he's about to stuff your mouth with his 2 and half incher?
The President has the Power to Enact Executive Orders, and given the scale of mostly liberal divisiveness there could be unprecendented curtailment of criticism directed at a War Time President. We need to be putting on a National Unified Front in the face of our enemies. That is the real threat here and it needs to be stopped before it becomes a problem.
and you are technically retarded.
Just like trump.
>waiting for my arrest, should happen as soon as trump can form a coherent anything
US hasn't technically declared war since ww2
Trump failed at creating a war, and gave Iran the W.
>democrats do stuff trump does
>National Unified Front
Explain how to accomplish this when the poster boy for the divided country is the same guy you're asking us to stand behind?
>I prefer my war presidents to actually be willing to fight a war
>The President has the Power to Enact Executive Orders, and given the scale of mostly liberal divisiveness there could be unprecendented curtailment of criticism directed at a War Time President
Lol - no. That would be a direct violation of the 1st amendment if he tried anything like the Sedition Act of 1798 again.
But go ahead, your retardation is amusing, and Trump is still a piece of shit.
>gun bans
>support red flag laws
>supported the Clinton Assault Weapons Ban of 1994
He’s a Dem piece of shit.
good to see someone on /b who looks at the big picture and not just one subject.
>that was sarcasm
>durr guns guns guns are every issue durr
>i cant shut up about guns
ok the way some of you are mocking the President you may be required to serve working for his Re-Election Campaign as part of your sentence
Lmao the funniest part about that was the suggestion that trump supporters have culture...
Umm, no, the first sedition act expired when Adams left office in 1801, the second was repealed by Harding. In order for it to be illegal, congress would have to pass a third sedition act (which would never pass the house) and even then it would have to hold up in the supreme court (if it ever even made it that far).
Executive orders are not laws, they are policy that must conform the the constitution and current laws. He cant just write an executive order that charges people with a crime because a federal prosecutor would then have to go to court and present the judge with the law that was violated, which in this case would not exist.
I want my alarm to be YG - FDT
I literally don’t give a single fuck about most other subjects, because my livelihood is tied to the firearms industry.
He’s a lib piece of shit.
Found another lib piece of shit.
He sucks Pelosi’s cock for tea time.
>It's technically illegal to criticize a President in Time of War.
Well then I guess you're going to jail for criticizing Obama because we haven't stopped being "at war" since 2000.
Why would we want you to subsidize our niggers?
Technically, even Bill Clinton was helping out other countries in war when he was impeached.
>I literally don’t give a single fuck about most other subjects
that makes just as stupid as him
hopefully you put one of those guns in your mouth. soon
Every reply will be something other than the law.
It's technically illegal to download stolen memes.
Trump is tha worst prez evah. Come get me cia niggaz.
Ignorance is strong with this one
Technically we're not at war until Congress says we're at war. Which they haven't. And they won't. The presidents own shills in the GOP are turning on him because he insulted their intelligence with a retarded briefing about the assassination. I get it, you work for Steve Bannon and you're here to recruit impressionable retards to vote against their own interests. At least be not a complete fucking retard with your arguments.
Nah, we're good. A friend of mine recently got out of a pyramid scheme after I told them they were being had. You should get out of this scheme.
It's technically illegal to be a niggerfaggot
Oh? Did he promise to pay you like all of his other contractors? Good luck with that.
ha ha aha based!
Also practically.
Man, do you even English?
So gay.
Lolz no you're an idiot
>Man, do you even English?
"Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us." ~ Donald Trump
then why did you spend 8 years criticizing obama you stupid retarded fucks
Trump criticizes Obama with the idea of getting the U.S. in a war with Iran to win reelection, doesn't actually do that because of course Trump is a dumbfuck, but instead ALMOST does that himself to get the impeachment headlines out of the news cycle and to make him appear strong to Americans. And he still pussied out.
Way to go Republicans. You sure chose a winner with this one.
Hi, I'm from the future. Trump wins in a huge landslide and Republicans keep the Senate majority. RBG dies of cancer and Amy Coney Barret takes her place. Democrat party never recovers from communist subversion and two more Republicans are elected after Trump. America beats China to Mars in a space race. POTUS after Trump declassified ET's after we took one down near Utah. Also the way the "internet" works now, everyone can see anything you've ever viewed or posted online. We can view the entire internet all at once, all the time. No time to explain, gotta go. Later faggots.
as a fyi. You start that shit. you wont have to worry about just a world war. Cause you would have a civilwar you cant win on your hands too. There are way more of us than you. Becarefull you dont put yourself in a losing position. I would hate for Iran to begin funding your opposition
op is technically a fag
Just fuck the whole US and we are fine over here
You could literally tell any lie you wanted here and nobody could stop you but that's the lie you chose. Sad.
He blows, but still the best option
Boring shit. This meme is dead, like eating turds or Jaziri threads. Please mercy kill it. It's stinking up the place.
>13 bottle rockets and a decade of unused fireworks
Thou art a terrorist