I heard this star wars film was a major disappointment

I heard this star wars film was a major disappointment.

Has anyone here seen it and care to share why it was a disappointment and what happens in it?

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haha this faggot is too broke to buy a movie ticket hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

They spent all of it basically undoing TLJ. I don't need cinema to give me fanfic pissing matches, I have the internet for that.

One word, Disney.

Found the real faggot

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^ this asshole is correct

Generic, nothing compelling happened (don't have to kill main charterers for that). Just low effort in general on plot development. I'm not even a Star Wars fan either. At least the nigger got cucked, they got that right at least.

Yeah i've been watching star wars latley and i put on the 2nd one that disney made i think and i watched it for literally 5 minutes and turned it off.

the last jewdi

The only thing worth seeing in this movie is papa Palpi and Chewbacca breaking down realizing everyone he’s ever loved has died and he’s stuck with all these new cunts. And even then with Palpatine he basically does a song and dance of “UNLIMITED POWER!”, looking like he’s about to win, as he kinda should after putting in all this work for 30 plus in universe years behind the scenes. Just for Ray to do a literal “I am iron man” Thanos snap and save the day

Apart from the han scene and the movie sucks and no Anakin force ghost scene should of had Anakin do lukes scene would of been better. they shouldn't of made these movies thatd be better

Spoiler: Darth Vader gets reincarnated.

Tbh palp should of won no one in Disney cannon would match him after the rei kylo absorb

if was a rip off of this

The rebellion has become a matriarchate of overpowered women who make all the wrong decisions.

Thats such a disappointment.
That JJ Abrams and disney murdered star wars and it was my favorite movies.
No other fictional story line comes close to star wars.


when I watched I was expecting Disney to hand me a massive pile of shit and tell me to enjoy
so I was pleasantly surprised in that respect

the best I could hope for was a good attempt to salvage the shit of 7&8
I feel this happened about as well as could possibly be done

it had a better star wars feel to it than the previous 2

No, you forgot about the literally made up on the spot "power of two" which some how kills Uncle Palpi and then Ren does force ghost.

watch the Mortis story arc from Clone Wars

No it did not man
Out of nowhere they bring back the emporer and this stupid bitch rushes in without any training, without a plan, and she pulls a victory out if her ass
She even self sacrificies without having to die
Can’t wait to see the ms marvel crossover movie.

With how many fucking Snoke clones he had and Vader being the ultimate force user from being a son go midichorians, Palpi should have cloned him at full health again, trained him from day one, he would be even more powerful. Instead, Palpi just fucks some chick to have a grandkid that he just decided she should take over when all be has to do was clone himself anyway. WHAT IN THE FUCK?

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>Clone Wars
Please tell me you werent an adult watching this episode 2 spinoff horse shit.

I'm not going to any time soon, I assume it has that or something? Explain for us.

I agree. I was disappointed.
Though the SFX were great.
Like, has anybody really ever been so far even as decided to use even go want to look more like?

why was this movie so dissapointing?
find out in one easy step:
1. watch it


it was shitty
-there are a lot of scenes that don't make much sense
-every major plot twist is undone very quickly
-GLADOS Imperator
-the rebels wins because they have to (it's a family film fyi)
-drama for dramas sake (rey-kylo-fin-poe love-square)
-not much story just a lot of "we have to get there and do that- done it? okay let's go there and do that" just over and over and relatively fast
-the fucking death star didn't explode into small pieces nooooo there seems to be a great wreckage that has never been seen or heard of before
-rey buries anakins lightsaber in fucking sand (poor guy)
-rey is important not because she herself overcomes great pain/danger/training noooo she is important because of her ancestors
-the imperator didn't learn at all from the failed death stars, i mean - come on ... one guiding beacon on the ground ... and one on a ship ... thats it?
for an entire fleet?
that's just bad planning as always ....

they had to end the saga in some way i get that
and i get that with either ending a lot of people would be upset
but damn .... they nearly couldn't have done worse....

Theee is a gay love scene betwen obiwan and anakin (power of two), that defeats the evil of the polymorphing space clown.

Anakin, Obi, and Asohka respond to an ancient Jedi distress code
they find 3 people, a Father, Daughter, and Son
the 3 are Force wielders, pretty much embodiments of the Force
the Daughter embodies the Light side
the Son the Dark
the Father keeps them in balance
the Father tells Anakin that he is dyiing and needs Anakin to replace him
Anakin refuses and ends up getting all 3 killed which restores balance to the Force in that world
the Father tells Anakin with his dying breath that Anakin will do the restore balance to the Force in the Galaxy if he stays on his current path

big take away is that is sets the precedent of diads in the Force

Honestly had rey died instead of kylo, would've been much better, but thats not saying a lot, the movie is a mess and half the characters just feel like plot devices

just what i thought

maybe imagine this:
since kylo would have survived and he was a sith and is now (more or less) a jedi
he could have gone grey and bring true balance to the force by teaching the younglings (seen at the end of ep.8) the true grey path of the force
the balance

but then we wouldn't get a PC heroine forced into the story

yeah well
maybe that would result in a few more feminist twitter posts but it would have been a more surprising end, no?

true shit i miss the clone wars

Here's what Uncle Palpi should have done. He can clone himself and has seen clone armies, and how they work, so he could have cloned a massive of 100's of millions that xab shoot lighting and fight with a saber, along with a short life band loyal to the main one, but the time they attacked they could have all jshr shr there and force lighting before the evdd enter.

well ... the clones didn't really work ... (see snoke)
shitty as the film was .. that they explained

I was waiting for the Poe/Finn shower love scene the entire movie

No they didn't, it did work and Palpi was a clone, hell maybe even the first three movies he was a clone, we still aren't sure if he survived the death star some how or he's the original. And look at the damn clone wars from Jengo Fett, worked for him.

Haha, same. I think they through that love interest robot daft punk chick to let then know he's got a fag, but they did have two women kiss at the end, it was the big nose one of course.

I wish they really did bring Jar Jar back or make him the ultimate Sith, that would have been cool to see him twisted by the dark side after 60 years or whatever.

Attached: ahmed-best-jar-jar-binks.jpg (600x600, 28K)

Fuck my grammar, I'm on narcos, just had a surgery.

The movie was great. It was your mom that was the real disappointment.

It's worse than TLJ if that's what your asking.

>I heard this star wars film was a major disappointment.

You can't be disappointed of you have no expectations. Anyone who had expectations for this movie is an actual retard.