S/fur 2.0

s/fur 2.0

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Oh look a clue!

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not again

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TOP GUN BABY (Although that was the tomcat)

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na just the only jet to yet be taken over by the Sand or the Com


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Meant for

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Flying one of these would be the be all end all job. Your a God. Steering 100+million dollars around faster than sound, no one can catch you and you can kill anyone within range

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The feeling could be described as pure euphoria.
I wish I knew what that felt like.

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Ive thought about it. If only i passed the medical. I would have to join the US airforce or navey though, Canadas air force is gay. We flopped on getting the 35. You know somthing is expensive when librals wont spend money on it.

Just go into the Army and get yourself killed because you're obviously worth nothing more than cannon fodder.

I fucking hate pro-military people so god damn much.

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I would only join the US airforce. Canada almost bought the f35 but the deal flopped when we voted in liberals. If i think if i passed the medical i would stand a chance flying one.

I bet you an F35 pilot would be chad enough to fuck one of these anthropomorphic animals drawn to be likened to attractive human female forms. I guarantee you the people drawing and sharing these furry pics are in no way within the league of the furry pics they share.

If you really want to do it, do it. It's going to be a long haul and you'll have to work your ass off, but if you have the dedication man go for it.

What a loser cuck you are lmao. Imagine having no sense of duty, or even simply wanting to fly one of the most impressive machines in the world.

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You do realize that the USAF prioritizes flying drones over manned aircraft, right? You'd just be slaughtering people behind a screen, and I still hate everyone who thinks it's a good idea to go into the military.

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Wish one of my coworkers would do this

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I used to want to fly jets so I could become an astronaut, signed up for JROTC, then realized I'd just have orders yelled at me. It doesn't matter if it's "impressive" if its sole purpose is to murder people. When the government comes to take away my guns or try to arrest me for shit I say on the internet then I'll gladly shoot some pigs, but I'm not fucking going to war in other countries like a god damn cowardly piece of shit.

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I already do that in all the games. Eliminate G forces and the need to be physically prime and then im a REALLY good pilot

No, you'd just be subhuman scum

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This is incorrect

my wife has found a cute girl to have sex with in my absence
I was jealous for a while but I think I've gotten over it after having gotten to know her
I wish I had a partner out here though to make me feel validated in my existence on lonely nights like this

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I've never wanted to be such a violent anarchist until this bombing shit went down. Fuck every stupid right wing retard in this country.

Is that why drone strikes do far more killing than $100M manned aircraft? Because the technology is so advanced that we don't even have to have people killed, and make it look like Call of Duty? But I'm wrong, sure.

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Dash just shut the fuck up, didn't you just fucking say you were going to stop arguing with people in the last fucking thread?

I'm in the USAF and you are wrong

Yeah your right, the Gforces make it more fun. And drones arent personal enough. I would want to see my ordance land through the targeting pod

If you fucking conservative scum would fuck off with your military bullshit then I'd stop arguing. I come here to post furry porn and converse with other furries, not have you fucking Sup Forums retards shit up these threads.

I don't care, and you're also scum, go kill yourself in war

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shut the fuck up loser

Are we fighting any wars right now? No.
All we're doing is insurgency operations, and for that there's no need to fields fleets of aircraft. Drones and CAS are all we do for now, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't build and maintain the best air force in the world.

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I think my least favorite part of the furry fandom is that it tends to be obsessed with stupid fucking planes and tanks and this is coming from a literal aerospace engineer

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I don't believe it's the cowards who're going to war....

>I come here to converse with other furries, unless I disagree with anything they say. In that case they should die.


Based. These antrho women would probably fuck you.

Cringe. Words can't describe how wrong you are.

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The US is always in war, we're fighting in other countries' wars for them because the US corporations profit off it, fucking moron

I think it's pretty fucking cowardly to go into another country and kill people. That's not "brave," that's fucking ignorant and horrible. I hate you people so much.

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eat shit and die you fucking subhuman filth and your warmongering death machines

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go to k or something you annoying cuck, this is a porn thread

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ffs fine, do what you want also I was just trying to be somewhat nice. I honestly don't give a fuck what your stance is on politics because BOTH are full your retards that just do nothing more then throw shit at each other. Just to look better then the other. Also you need to fucking get off this shit ever once in awhile, didn't you say you were going to start going to bed earlier so you can learn to drive and use more of your day.

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You realize half your posts could easily be posted on Sup Forums and people would think it's normal. And you complain about "Sup Forums retards"

Cowardly is planting roadside IEDs that cant tell the difference between a US uniform or a regular farmer or kid.

Cringe. Spurg more, retard.

I am posting porn.

Even Sup Forums isn't this bad, he's like leftypol but worse.

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I'm not nice to people who encourage war in other countries. I'm nice to people who want to fix our own fucking problems, not create more. And I can only drive with my mom and Tuesday and Friday because my stepdad is so pussywhipped he doesn't even like riding with someone learning to drive as a passenger.

>it's not cowardly to go kill people for freedom, but it's cowardly for people in other countries to defend themselves from warmongering retards from the most hated country on the planet
full retard

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>I'm bad because I don't want people talking about death and violence in a supposed first world country, in a thread for furry porn
actually kill yourself you waste of oxygen, find something better to do

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>literally in high school with no license
>my opinion on the world is well-informed and everyone else is a retard who should die
It's like a joke but in real life, you cannot make this shit up folks

This post does nothing but support what I just said lmao

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I'm 22 and not in college because I don't care about wasting my parents' money for a degree that means nothing when I'm always going to be miserable because of people like you. Go fuck yourself.

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Rewording my shit and then throwing a generic insult at the end isnt really disagreeing though is it?

imagine wanting to kill impoverished brown people for no reason LOL
not replying cause he doesn't deserve a you

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It is because the US and its citizens have no business bombing shit halfway across the world.

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When the only new people that come to your threads are the worse of the worse
>I wonder why the threads are always the same images and dying a slow death.

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How is that not worse?
Also maybe don't get a shit degree. I hear STEM is good if you're not a brainlet.

He's mentally compromised, you won't get reason out of him,

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All these anti-Amercian furries... well, EXPLAIN THIS!?

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I really hope we have WWIII just so everyone on this planet can die already. I fucking hate humanity so much I'd kill everyone myself if I could.

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Ok then. Where and when is it appropriate for america to drop its bombs. And dont say america because we both know that doesnt make sense.

>I hear STEM is good if you're not a brainlet.
I can say that's a lie now. At least in my State school. They lowered the bar and made it so a lot of women that really really don't care or want to be in the degree are in a lot of the classes

I guess different types of 'tism go hand in hand

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Nowhere. The US shouldn't be in other countries. How fucking stupid are you? I've said this like 10 times in this thread and the last.

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Where's the based circus man when you need him?
This thread's a mess.

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Cringe, and edgy

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I'm "edgy" because I've had to live a life surrounded by stupid shit people like yourself. I genuinely hate you and your ilk.

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he's off killing more country leaders

Wasnt in the last one so sorry if i missed that. The US is in the US. Its literally impossible for a country to be in another country.

I'm surprised most of you lot aren't on the nihilism "It doesn't matter one way or the other if anyone/everyone dies" train

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based and black pilled

You wish everyone was dead becasue some times america kills other people? Wheres the logic there? Are you for life or against it?

I thought he specifically said he wasn't CIA?

>I fucking hate humanity so much I'd kill everyone myself if I could.
No, you're edgy because of this. Retard.

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I wish humanity were eradicated because there are still people in a supposedly civilized country that thinks it's good to kill other people for the gain of billionaires who see us all as tools, another number in their big game. Humans are so god damn stupid I can't help but hate everyone.

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why the fanatism to ruin a good thread

Here's a (you) for your farm, faggot

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He did many many times. Even explained how he coudn't be and how he would be in huge trouble if a lot of he said would shit can him if he was. But does that really matter? It's still funny to say it.

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I don't care if I'm "edgy" or not. The fact that I've lived through the kind of shit actual war veterans see, and had the balls to *not* blow my brains out when I had a shotgun in my mouth only because I knew my family and friends would be upset that I'm not around anymore, just to see more absolute fucking morons everywhere, yeah it's hard to not be "edgy."

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fuck ya man I loved that sound track to that game when it came out. I may have to re-download it some time soon

when you say one country is in another country you are referring to the military of that country, but you can be obnoxious and pedantic if you want
why would anyone be on that train, life should be important under any reasonable moral system

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If you want humanity "eradicated" start with yourself

I'm so going to get a shit ton of booze when my friend comes over on Friday. Fuck I need to get wasted.

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aight dude I'm on your side about getting war mongers out of this thread but if this is so personal to you you should probably go to bed

I suppose you'd prefer the chinese thought-policing or saudi ideas of human rights

he can't, didn't you just read what he wrote? His family and friends would be sad if he was gone

You are angry at society for creating suffering in the world for the selfish benefit of the few.
What can you do about that though? Your actions will have no measurable consequence on them or the universe in general.

Yet at the same time perhaps all of us and all of life is just a part of a bigger picture we cannot hope to comprehend.
Why worry about these fundamentally transient things in the universe?

See the beauty and miracle in the fact that you are right now alive. That seemingly a bunch of fundamental particles came together and can sense, think and even think about thinking and think about existing. And see the fact that all as we are now, the cars, roads, oceans and plants are all part of what is now. Live in the now, not in your head.

I don't actually want everyone dead. I just want things to be better than they are because there are so many things the US could be doing to help the world, but instead we're seen as psychopath monsters by everyone, including Europeans. That's sad to think that the "greatest country on earth" is only this powerful because we invade other countries, slaughter people, and steal their resources. It makes me embarrassed to be an American.

Everything is personal to me because I have feelings, unlike people who think it's good to be in the military since it's literally to dehumanize people so they obey orders and kill without remorse.

I'd prefer the US political system and corporations leave every other country alone so we can focus on all the problems this first world shit hole has.

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