Women wearing converse is hot as fuck change my mind
Women wearing converse is hot as fuck change my mind
You're welcome
damn bro wow
Hot as fuck
Got anymore?
Who is that anyway?
>hot women wearing converse is hot as fuck
Posting more if people also post stuff
god i wanna fuck her
Yeah no landwhales. Fit girls in a pair of chucks is my weakness
if you want to see more post some pics of girls in converse or give me some details about what you wanna do with her.
how about i just show you this insteaed
wanna chat on kick?
Girls in white chucks low/high with ankle socks peaking out
dk what the fuck happened with the thumbnail kek
Lol you know her?
no lol just saved
so hot
Yeah she's my gf
converse are for faggots
You lucky bastard. That her only pair?
wanna chat about her on kik? i might trib:
hopefully you fuck her when she wears her chucks
Who the fuck cares what shoes women wear. That's gay as fuck.
Sadly I don't have kik, and that is her only pair. I'll try to get her in different shoes soon.
Fucking nice.
i thought you did we talked a couple months ago
4c_ember or something?
make a new one?
how should I approach my gf about her fucking me in her chucks? Kind of a weird question for me to ask but it would be hot as fuck
sure gimme a sec
I got lucky because my girlfriend and I both share a foot fetish and this is a natural extension of that. But honestly, just be frank with what you want. People on here like to treat sex & relationships like a game, and that's just not the case in a healthy relationship. Open up, let her know, and the worst that can happen is she thinks its a little weird and you'll have to convince her just a little more.
I have a mild foot fetish I guess. It's more of a thing for ankle socks and/or converse. Thankfully she owns both. But yeah good tinking
nice trips? made it yet?
kik: anonforconverse
Totally get the ankle thing. Ankle socks are great.
Yeah they drive me nuts m8.
I'll make a kik just for some pics