I'm gay, ask away

I'm gay, ask away

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do you take it up the ass?

What's it like?

ever been to a gloryhole or taken multiple loads in the mouth? im considering going to a gloryhole thats near me

do you like the smell of shit?

Why? Do you feel special or something? You're just like everyone else honestly.

Why are you gay

Nobody cares fag

Do you Jerk off to Philadelphia the way Jews jerk off to Schindler's List?

Do you guys like season your food differently or anything?

Y U not like wyman

Do you feel that the Trannies, Tarps, and no genders stole your thunder?

Except for the AIDS

Do you feel the same way I feel when watching Henry Cavill?

is the smell of excrement sexually stimulating in any way?

Do you think gay people should have more rights than jews?

Are traps gay?

Do gays think that Ice Cream parlors should have more gay flavors?

Excrement building up around your head no less. Uggh, don't get how gays get over having shit on their dicks.

Why do gays have sex with men?
Women have buttholes too, ya know.

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What are you, gay?

When people insult you, do they say "Straight!"