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Surprise It's Still Sakura edition

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To lick a 4 year old's pussy...Hmmm...

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>mfw read the wikipedia pages on Japan's cultural history associated with pedophilia

what the fuck Japan.....

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Stop posting loli shit you fucking weirdo. This is why you're still a virgin smh

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Sounds pretty based

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I lost my virginity when i was 12 to another 12 year old thats why I’m a pedo

I dearly want to eat out a 6yo little girl, it’s such an arousing fantasy
I’m still a virgin because getting laid with the ideal females is a crime in our society

Those are the shittiest quality shit ever

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Whoever's dumping is my hero

This, but it started at 6yo

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You can't stop me nigger. Anime is laifu, lolis are my waifu.

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>taking over 20 years to officially ban CHILD ABUSE is ""based""
"However, there were no laws addressing the simple possession of any kind of pornography in general (which included (pizza), with no intent to sale or distribute). On 4 June 2014, a bill was approved to be passed to ban the possession, closing this loophole in the nation's ((pizza)) prohibition law, although it did not apply to hentai in anime and manga in order to prevent abuse of the law.[8][3][9] The bill passed on 18 June."

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good morning

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I'd add "I'm not a pedophile, it's cartoons only" but the people that project their virginity also project their inability to separate fantasy from reality.

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>there were no laws addressing the simple possession of any kind of pornography in general (which included (pizza)
Good. Child porn should share the same status as all other porn. Child porn should be legal.

Hey chris i want to tie up a 2 year old and spidergag them and make them puke cum milk out their nose with my penis face fucking them as they cry and scream

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I have found the cure for pedophilia.

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Simple possession of cp should definitely be legal. There no immoral action taking place

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You’re fucked in the head

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The fact it is illegal denies pedophiles their constitutional right to equal protection under the law.

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Varied Effects of Child Sexual Abuse

Many psychological effects of child sexual abuse are seen in children of any age, as no child is psychologically prepared to cope with sexual stimulation. Even a two or three year old, who cannot know the sexual activity is wrong, will develop problems resulting from the inability to cope with the effects of child sexual abuse.

As a child ages, the effects of child sexual abuse may be even more obvious. Most sexual abusers are known by the victim and so the child is often trapped between their loyalty for the abuser and the sense that what is happening is wrong. Telling someone about the abuse becomes terrifying as the child may fear it will result in:

Them getting in trouble, being shamed or judged
A loss of love
Violence (often due to threats from the abuser)
The break-up of the family

The effects of child sexual abuse usually include low self-esteem, a feeling of worthlessness, a lack of trust in adults and an abnormal or distorted view of sex. The effects can be so strong that the child may even become suicidal. Children who have suffered from sexual abuse are also at an increased risk of future abuse and may become child abusers themselves

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Nah you're just a pussy
Where do u think u are nigger

A 2 year old bleeding to death while screaming in pain is the good shit

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you learned this the hard way didn't you...

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Well what the fuck is the cure for your finger nail then

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But for real, how much of these effects are caused because our society *makes* kids feel like its wrong, shameful etc? Only a few centuries ago, kids were marrying at 14 and having kids soon after. Bilogically we havent changed, societally we are very different.

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I've never been raped in my life and I have many of the things from there.
Anyways fuck off, dumb frogposter.

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look mom, pedo's

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>as no child is psychologically prepared to cope with sexual stimulation
so I guess you are saying children are capable of experiencing sexual stimulation

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>no child is psychologically prepared to cope with sexual stimulation
This is false
>A loss of love
Exactly, mutually fulfilling romantic sexual relationships between adults and children are entirely possible.

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> I have personal issues in my life so i can justify raping underage people and destroy their lives forever.
stop it. get help.

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Retarded normalfag
Some people like younger girls than you do get used to it