Let's start a bedbug thread since United States is filled with them.
Let's start a bedbug thread since United States is filled with them
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That's not the only thing that's infesting America...
Um no
My apartment was just infested with these fuckers. One of the most tiring, expensive fucking things to get rid of.
How was sleeping
Why are we wasting time attacking Iran when we could be conducting the war on bedbugs?
Gross. I lived at my parents for 1 month and had no issues. Moved back to my apartment and after the first night woke up with about 8-12 red itchy bumps along my arm and ass. I immediately had an idea what it was. Guess they were hungry since I was gone for like 30 days
Just saw your video wow what the fuck.
It depends on the severity of the infestation but if you can catch them early on diatomaceous earth is your best friend. Sprinkle it in cracks and corners. Anywhere dry. Just don't breath it in.
Ops bed is ground 0
that's a stinkbug
thank god i dont live in a shit hole like USA.
What's the bed bug's grand objective? Can we negotiate with them?
Definitely a bed bug. Not even close to any species of stinkbug
Uk, Most of central America and the middle east have it even worse. Worldwide epidemic.
never seen bedbugs here in Finland
some bugs aren't looking for anything logical, like honey. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some bugs just want to watch the mattress burn
Can't we take this problem to the UN and form a military alliance and propose a Final Solution?
I had an unconfirmed case of bedbugs.
We have carpet beetles which are basically bedbugs, but they only feed on fabric.
Their hairs can cause allergic reactions tho. Something was biting me or giving me a rash and I got tired of it and steamed and used that weird powered earth shit and bought mattress covers and haven't had issues since.
Don't know if it was the beetles or the bedbugs, but we had the issues with the beetles for a year or so and no rash.
Never found any evidence of bedbugs except for the possible bites
I get called out for inspections all the time that turn out to be carpet beetles. Luckily carpet beetles are simple to get rid of cheap. Bed bugs are not.
Thanks, now I'm going to rip out all my carpets because I can't sleep.
Look up Antitec. They specialize in bed bugs in Finland
im not saying there are no bedbugs in Finland, im just saying its not an epidemic, they are never talked about apart from travelling to other countries where the few cases all seem to come from.
I'm allergic to bed bugs. Found out when they almost killed me.
I had termites and carpenter ants once. Why do they keep making homes out of things that bugs find delicious???
We need to introduce legislation that makes all residential homes out of stainless steel. Welded with no gaps. Stainless steel bedding and furniture and steel wool carpet.
just go to prison
Bed bugs, or unrequited prison love?
Guys guys. Bed bugs are delicious.
I want to hear your argument on this.
Probably won't convince me but I am intrigued.
little fuckers. i tried everything i could think of. chemical bombs, fumigation, spraying the entire room with alcohol... nothing worked. in the end i donated the mattress to the salvation army (because i hate them) and moved to a new apartment.
the old place was fine until i had a housewarming, and one of my friends invited a bunch of ferals, and they commandeered my bedroom and fucked on my bed all night, the filthy little shits.
thanks, Daisygirl.
because bedbugs would probably survive a nuclear strike.
Where would you procure bed bugs?
mi casa, su casa
a bed
invite hippies or ferals to fuck in your bed.
Goodnight Sup Forums
Fuck these bed niggers! i currently have a court case filed against Marriot hotel in San Diego
this is fucking terrifying
There have been many cases of people commiting suicide because of years of fighting these things. People have spent their life savings trying to fight them and causes insomnia and mental breakdowns.
The only logical solution is suicide
That's fantastic
Cockroaches eat the larva and nymphs of bed bugs.
Meant eggs and nymphs
Im starting to get super paranoid. Because everytime i wake up I have all these red bumps on random spots on my legs or back.
I've probably checked a dozen times inside and out of my mattress and bed frame, thinking its bed bugs.
But I NEVER SEE THE SIGNS!! I dont see bugs..or droppings. Cant figure out wtf it is.
Come to
Trump Doral
for the bedbugs.
Stay for the Novichok.
>replace mattress protectors
>create a perimeter using diatomaceous earth around your bed
Nuclear bombs seem to be the only suitable method in killing these fucks