I'm a jewish American, 34 years old. So I have a small business, and I previously had a few Americans as employees. Guess what i did, Sup Forums? I fired them all and replaced them with workers from the Philippines who were willing to work for less. I was paying the American employees 45,000 a year on average. I pay the Phillippines workers 6,000 a year to do the same work, remotely from their home via the internet.
Americans are trash. The more entitled you become, the more you demand benefits and unions and welfare and bullshit, the more we jews will fire you and outsource our companies. Enjoy being homeless and dying broke in the street with not a penny to your name, American trash. You fucking disgust me and make me ashamed to be an American.
look at the pathetic little americans, seething in rage, impotent with rage, as they all get fired and can't do shit about it because their jewish-owned companies outsource and hire foreign cheap workers.
Alexander Morris
haha poor wittle baby
Bentley Foster
Nice larp, you'd get better results posting this on Sup Forums. Also, muh 6 million dead jews.
Eli Moore
what you retards don't seem to understand is, rich people are SMARTER THAN YOU. You will try to force the government to steal the money of the rich thru taxes, but rich people will already have planned out 5 steps ahead, how to hide their money from the envious seething common man who wants to steal it. The more you become envious of the rich, the POORER you will become because the rich will leave and take their business elsewhere.
Jose Perry
Good now when a pack of niggers Rob ,murder you then burn the place down no whites will get hurt, just sub humans
Nathan Morris
This would immediately be deleted on Sup Forums, with zero replies. Not on Sup Forums though, pure cancer welcome.
Brody Cooper
haha but i am rich enough to live in a white gated community. YOU are far more likely to get killed by a nigger, you white trash
Jaxon Baker
Rich people don't want to live in a Third World shithole. They don't want to catch drug-resistant TB from a street beggar on the way into the opera. They don't want their kids held for ransom, with little fingertips and ears arriving by post. They don't want Uncle Morty eaten by hungry poors. They don't want desperate people invading their homes looking for loot.
These are all very good reasons for the rich to limit there desire for poor people to be poorer. The economy does better if the poorest people have money to spend. A vibrant middle class gives the best results for everybody of every class.
Zachary Harris
I knew this thread was a lie when he said >im jewish and i pay anyone anything
the funniest part of all is, you retard white trash goyim americans cannot do a single fucking thing to stop me, or stop jews like me, from destroying your life
Jeremiah Hill
>Rich people don't want to live in a Third World shithole Considering what they've been up to in the past 40-50 years, I'd say that's exactly what they want. To rule Ghetto Earth from ivory towers. As if that'd last more than one generation before they are killed in the streets, leaving humanity to starve to death in a disease and famine ravaged hellscape.
Daniel Phillips
the envy and redpilling is so effective they losing their shit rn
Ayden Anderson
Adrian Rodriguez
I will stop you. I will find you, and hunt you like the rat you are.
LOL there is NOTHING you can do to stop me, you white loser!
Jayden Cruz
who we kidding? Everyone in here's going to kill themselves eventually. sad bois in a scary world. rage at minorities and hentai will not satisfy our broken souls :(
Thomas Lewis
I have more money and more phillipino pool boys then your every will filthy rat.
“They put the Jewish interest above America’s interest, and it’s about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he’s an American first and a Jew second.” -RN
Liam Williams
you cannot stop me. There is nothing you can do to stop me!
Cooper Butler
Austin Torres
I get what you're trying to do here, but you're really preaching to the choir