So how does everybody feel about Greta Thornburg and climate change ?

So how does everybody feel about Greta Thornburg and climate change ?

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free swimming pools

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Cant wait for her leaks in Fappening 2020

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Does autism make her look that weird?

She really creeps me out. Honest question, does she have FAS?

Also, there's a picture of her on a subway standing up in what I believe is a pink and grey striped shirt or dress, she looks like a 2D figure and there's this nigger looking at her with a priceless WTF expression; been looking fir it for a long time, any user have it?

I care not for either. Don't see any reason to.

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>Greta Thornburg

I would love to change Greta's climate, and when I say that I mean taking my penis and sliding it in and out of her vagina until I ejaculate inside her.

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Ahhhhhh, I think I get you *wink wink* good innuendo.

How dare you say something like that about a child

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It'd be funny for her to get raped by rednecks.

god that face could melt a cock

Everything is going to be fucked anyways

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This is getting boring. Get over her. /thread

Do you think she's ever known love?

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She's a literal retard with irresponsible parents

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She has severe mental issues and she’s being manipulated for this whole climate change bullshit

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i think climate change is real. But i think greta is made up

This 100%

I don't give any sort of a fuck. Let me play vidya, watch movies, and die by 50, in the meantime I'm going to drive my fucking car and eat steak.

i read that. is was just like my college essay. jesus.

>She has severe mental issues and she’s being manipulated for this whole climate change bullshit
Do you think she could ever love a guy like me?

Id like to fuck them both

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An upper-class actor/director couple use their autistic daughter as a pull-string doll to shame exclusively western countries that are already the source of climate change activism, science and technology to try harder in a really unspecific but highly emotional way. The entire spectacle is marred with strange contradictions like being able to personally give a speech to some of the most prestigious bodies in the world but also schlepping it on a solo trip across the world.

In the words of Red Letter Media: "BAD SCREEEEENPLAYYYY"

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Honestly I don't talk nore think about her. I'm usually not opt-in with social networking drama or news.

If there's one person who's manipulating, it's her, not her parents. She made them stop eating meat, stop flying, ending her mother's international career by doing so, basically stopped eating and going to school because she got depression. She also has Asperger's, which may explain why she can be stubborn af.

I don't think her parents made her up. She created herself and her parents rolled with it.

No fetal alcohol syndrome.
And she's not a high-school dropout, she graduated.

Personally I'm astounded by her. She's probably the perfect distillation of Millennial / Generation Z.

She's the end result of the getting a trophy for everything parenting style.

>She made her parents do all that
In that case, those are some castrated, ineffective, pussified parents
Parents are supposed to make their kids do shit, not the other way around

Except for in doujins

Definitely user you have a great chance of banging her. But you have to put up with all this climate change bullshit

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Psyop to make people feel good about austerity.

The plastic polluting the ocean comes from a handful of rivers in china and india. Banning microbeads, plastic bags, forcing people to use paper straws, etc. in the West isn't going to help, but does make them feel like they're Doing Something and will soften them up to make them more receptive to future declination of their quality of life.

Same thing with "greenhouse gas" emissions. Hobbling individual Western economies with environmental controls and "carbon taxes" is just a way to get white people to innovate and pay for tech advances, while other economies overtake the market and then can implement the efficiency gains for additional profitability if needed.

Bullshit, her parents are literally movie directors and shit. The entire situation was written to be inspiring and cute and whatever from word go. How else do you get these stupid situations like she takes this picture pretending to struggle and then the German train company pointedly tells her that they hope she enjoyed her seat in first class? Because she insulted their train service, typically German way of dealing with it, too.

It's all fake, her parents are rich as sin and they got their friends to arrange all this. If anything it's proof the internationalist rich are even more interconnected and in control of supposedly prestigious and serious institutions than was already assumed.

Fake and gay.

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Mad that she beat Trump? Cringe...

Best way to help the environment is to stop helping the 3rd world. They don't need plastic, technology or clean water. They've been doing just fine for thousands of years being dirt farmers. The more backwards they are, the better for the environment it is, especially since they're getting cut down by diseases earlier and thus the balance is maintained.

She's irrelevant.

I genuinely don't understand Sup Forums's obsession with her, I would get it if she was JB or something; but she ain't even close lol

Heh, dirt farmers...

I think she's really cute and having mild Asperger's is no big deal: Lots of very competent engineers in my field are mildly aspie. I get along fine with them. They are just a little less social and a lot more focused on technical stuff.

I would pork her.

well she's def not a virgin.
has fucked the whole world.

She looks like a goddamn retard

btw. i'm dun with this site.
i've clicked my last fucking fire hydrant, traffic light, bus, bicycle.
Tesla, ur on ur own. I'm not training any more of your fucking self driving cars.

Just buy the pass bro.

And look at my fucking ads.

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She exposes those easily tricked by oil corporations on Sup Forums.

Its good fun because they have no idea how retarded they are.

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She probably let some oil tycoon cum deep inside her pussy if he promised to reduce pollution by a tiny bit.



He could film it and post it online.

Well, you can't stop climate change...

Feel? Fuck your feels.

I think she's been picked by someone powerful to be a sockpupet. They chose an autistic kid because she probably can memorize all the shit she must say and is too retarded to understand it. I don't deny that we need to sort shit out, but blaming 3rd world shit holes and the average Joe is pretty dumb, while massive conglomerates and corporations produce millions of tons of chemical pollution and trash. You can sip your vegan lattes through paper straws all you want, makes no difference if literally everything everywhere is packed in plastic films twice. It's just a distraction so the rich motherfuckers can carry on making money, simply by producing and selling "better for the planet" alternatives like electric cars, degradable packaging, etc. Nobody with money will get any poorer or more responsible.

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she is so ugly

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Lmao, you are so fucking dumb. As if anyone is gonna read that and think you're not an oil corporation shill.

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fuck off back to fascist land you fascist cuck.

cute little tater tots she has

Budding along

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Small tits, but huge nips.

I wanna see her naked.


No, I don't think I will.

Remember when Trump twitter told her to chill and watch a movie with a friend. He told her to Netflix and Chill, i.e get laid, on a public forum... And no one talks about it...

I'd help her chill...with my dick.

great now im thinking of her sucking on trumps tictac cock while they watch netflix

She's on the right cause but she's done it all wrong.
If she was truly committed, she should've at the very least called out the fossil fuel industry CEO's by name.
But she never did. So it makes me suspect that she was just a publicity stunt.

I don't doubt climate change, but continue to deny it as I want a significant portion of the world's population to die.

I literally searched greta thunberg subway and it was one of the first results.
You are a child and a nigger

Really don't care

>Climate change
We are fucked

Am I the only one here who wants to fuck her?

Yes you are alone you pedo fuckbag. Go outside and fuck a horse instead of an innocent little girl.

both are good suggestions

makes me want to buy a ton of hairspray and spray for no reason at all.

I think she likes taking dick.

/b: The post.

No, Sup Forums would fuck the horse and the girl...dumbass.

No, Sup Forums would doubleteam the girl with the horse...dumbass

No, Sup Forums would be spitroast by the girl and the horse...dumbass

>So how does everybody feel about Greta Thornburg
I don't understand why there's such a big backash on her, even though her parents are rich, her speeches are scripted. Somebody has to have a popular public face on climate change topic in regard of the younger population. At least that's Greta's premise - to portray hopelesness of the yough facing the uncertain future. She server her purpose, she became a meme, she triggered countless discussions on this very important topic.

>and climate change
It's already almost middle of the january, and there was only 3or 4little bit colder days, all other days it was raining or you can almost go out with a light jacket. Back when I was a kid, we used to build snow forts, snow fights, now it just looks like there is no winter anymore. Even some fucking flowers bloomed in some places.

So what? I m not afraid to die anymore. I don't see any future for myself or humanity, because humanity will do jack shit about it. Why? Because there are mometary profits that have to be taken right now in somebody's pocket, fuck the consequences.

Im 27, married and I have at least 10 more years window to produce offspring, and all I can think of is what kind of insane person would allow yet another human life to come to futureless shit world like ours is becoming right now.

What keeps me sane, is to live in the present ant not thinking about future at all. I recycle almost all my household waste, I drive very ecological car, I don't overfeast on meat, I ride a bicycle everywhere I can, I don't fly. Yet, this does absolutely nothing to global state of things of grand capitalism, only in the mind of my own, at least I do something rather than nothing.

Sorry for my language, not native english speaker.

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Climate change sucks and I agree something should be done but that little bitch needs to fuck off.

damn, you right.

The commies have hijacked the whole thing and not they are using it to push some sort of Eco-communism. I'll take my changes with the climate thanks.

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CLIMATE CHANGE BAD STOP okay I'll take my person of the year award now

she's a retard and waterfront property is not devalued.

10/10 troll, look how buttmad she makes Sup Forums

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Merely seeing her face is enough to piss me off. She is like a fucking human voice box with her practiced dialogue that is written by adult climate fags.

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>tfw greta is posting all of these threads herself

i wouldn't be surprised if the autist was here right now

In case you're in this thread, Greta

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Hey good is pollution, amirite fellow Chevron shill?

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she has so much meat on her head, I wanna put my hands on either side of her head and squish em together hard