My 11 year old niece is texting me all the time and refuses to stop. Why is she doing it?
My 11 year old niece is texting me all the time and refuses to stop. Why is she doing it?
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Probably whatever sick reason you've worked up in your head, I'm sure.
>family of dinosaurs
and they all seemed to be flipping off the viewer
Tell her to text me instead.
shes on discord
because she's a bored 11 year old with access to a mobile phone
and you're an older person who doesn't treat her like you are an authority figure
stop sexualitizing kids/your family, degenerate
And what is her tag?
Her parents are making her so you feel less lonely.
Like leaving a radio on for a dog.
Nice, what are things she likes to talk about?
the smartphone contract includes 5000 text messages, and she thinks she has to use it all. she's terrified, working her fingers to the bone, texting everyone she knows.
tell her the truth, user.
horses and photography, but i have no idea if shes online now
its not that texting
I'm going to start messaging her and it's going to be you isn't it? I don't mind, I'd just appreciate if you told me beforehand instead of trying to trick me.
shes talking to everyone as far as im concerned lol
im not lonely tbh
Because she's a filthy whore. She wants the D.
choose one
where does this kind of communication come from? where do i go to find people who talk like this in real life?
You know it's because she just likes those things right?
Because she thinks you're ugly and safe. She is friend-zoning you, Uncle Creep. How does that make you feel? She's too young and shy to talk to the chad who gets her giny wet just yet. Give her one/two more years and she will never text you again.
im sorry that happened to you user
hes an autist LARPing on Sup Forums
ask her?
>My 11 year old niece is texting me all the time and refuses to stop. Why is she doing it?
Demand nudes. One of 2 things happen and both are pure win
1. She quits texting you.
2. She sends nudes.
I mean basically this is the "can't loose" play right here.
your deflection is a sure sign of your self esteem issues.
3. you get your ass raped in federal prison for 10 years
Sure, but first you get number 2
>3. you get your ass raped in federal prison for 10 years
That's the best part
So is a win/win situation?
>Sure, but first you get number 2
Ain't nothin wrong with dat
The Library
post convo or fag
jesus christ this copypasta again
She thinks of you as a friend, you’re her cool uncle who gives her attention and talks to her
Probably a medical emergency, idk
(P.S: she doesn't want your stinky sandnigger cock, OP)
Satan knows what's up
there are people that actually say pedophiles aren't oppressed
enjoy it while it lasts. soon she will forget you and be fucking boys in her school and the boys her age most likely have huge dicks, while you sit there and jack it.
She's texting you cause she's a kid and seeks attention. If she annoys you, threaten to block her, it will make her feel bad but at least she'll respect you.
Just message her you dumb cunt. She's your blood. Consider it general correspondence like family have been doing since the majority of civilization learned to read/write. That being said EVERYTHING YOU SEND HER WILL BE SHARED EVENTUALLY SO DO NOT EXPOSE SECRETS ABOUT YOURSELF.
also this is pasta but I'm using this as a general PSA.
This was far to wholesome. My boner had to hide in shame.
Go indulge in your degenerate fantasy elsewhere, pedo scum.
You've been manipulated by leftist propaganda, trap. Stop jerking off to porn before you become part of the 41%.
>giving out your underage relative's contact info to internet strangers
You deserve the rope, you sick fuck
Fucking coomer
This way to the "pedosexual rights" rally
Yeah that's a big oof OP
Also a yikes. Have fun with your family hating you now when the cops get involved.
And some people act like they don’t deserve it
Is she hot?
Pedophile rights are human rights
2020s will be tje decade of pedophile rights
Get used to it
More like pedophile murders by normies which will be hilarious to watch
There are no normies, family of the gang star, one is real, the universe is unreal, and the individual self is no other than the universal self.
Meh, /b pedos are ok. I like their twisted sense of humor and their determination in pissing off the mods by posting threads like this in the hope that someone will post questionable material here, even though they have a darknet full of that stuff, I find admirable.
Because she is 11... You need to seek mental help. She will not have sex with you.
She sees you as an adult, not a peer.
the fact that she's texting you isn't important, what's important is what she's texting you about
Nobody posts anything questionable on here tho.
By the way this is OP's niece.
It’s not uncommon for cute little girls to realize how sexy they are and try to seduce grown men. They love the adult cock
too old
Found the pedo
I’m not a pedo I just think kids are hot
Really? She's certainly beautiful.
Found the pedo
Her tits are too big in
They sure grow up fast these days...
haven't posted here in a while but when did this place devolve into insufferable moralfaggotry? go back to facebook if you want to talk about sunshine and rainbows
Creepy af
I smell fbi
What a hottie
Way too many soybois and hot sauce loving faggots on here these days. Smells too much like Reddit now.
Do not reply simple
best thread on Sup Forums right now
what's so wrong about appreciating beauty?
She is very pretty
what little angel
Absolutely nothing.
Pic related.
she'll break many hearts
I wonder if she tasted salty milk?
she wants the D. go get sum
>Pedos complaining that this isn't their safe space.
I've been here 10 plus years and as far as I can remember pedos have been hated. Except we used to resolve the degeneracy by posting pictures of spiderman.
This. She is not a weirdo like OP. Just an innocent child with too much free time
sure thing
stay mad nigger
they always have the prettiest eyes
I'm out. The thought of people wanking to this is making me throw up. Consider suicide.
You are lonely and pathetic and no one likes you, including your imaginary niece. Get a life faggot.
>I'm out. The thought of people wanking to this is making me throw up. Consider suicide.
This is peak glownigger, anyone who actually messages this “girl”, or tries to arrange a meetup, expect the fbi to be knocking at your door soon
Fuck off pedophile shit. You know you are scum.
Do you actually mean that, do you even realize how pathetic and powerless you are? I FEED on your impotent babyrage.
>Fuck off pedophile shit. You know you are scum.
Very quiet, here. Everybody been banned, already ?