Trump is probably the most incompetent president we've ever had...

Trump is probably the most incompetent president we've ever had. I wouldn't say he's caused the most damage of any president, but it is certainly not for a lack of trying.

This piece of shit only won thanks to the electoral college, and outdated institution build by founders that fundamentally distrusted the public. The electoral college is an elitist institution that should have been abolished long ago, and the constitution itself should have been heavily revised as well.

Trump's presidency has demonstrates that our current political institutions are heavily flawed and in need of reform, and the first thing we should do is boot this jackass out of office as soon as possible.

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He's taken it far beyond "probably". Hundreds of psychologists say he's certifiable.

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There's nothing 'outdated' about the electoral college. It was designed to do exactly what it is doing now - stop the coastal elite cities from deciding who becomes president over the rest of the country.

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Its purpose was to protect the US from its citizens. In case they elected a buffoon, the electors would simply vote for someone else instead, was the idea.

Evidently that didn't work, which I think is a good thing. There would have been a ton of riots if the electors had voted for Pence as president instead.

There was no coastal elite in 1789. It was all coastal.

I wish I was liberal as you. I could have an emotional support animal. A psychologist, and an excuse for everything wrong in my life but myself. Must be fun.


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Then why did the constitution give the states the right to decide how to elect members of the college? And now we decide not to do anything about it?

You’re actually wrong. Only them democrats allow electors to go against their voters. The republican electors have to.

>Imagine being this illiterate about civics


Like anyone gives a fuck what a retard thinks, yo.

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Some people keep thinking they should have voted for Clinton instead but that makes no sense. They're Republican electors, after all.

The states were intended to be really powerful. In the 1700s, that was seen as protection against becoming dominated by the crown in the way they were under UK.

That's now though. To analyse the purpose of the system you have to look at the original intention in the 1700s. The Democrat and Republican parties didnt exist then.

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I agree he's incompetent. But he won because the Dems basically sold Bernie (who I don't particularly like but had a good chance to win) for sHillary.
The fact that an incompetent president hasn't caused real damage even trying is a reflection of a SOLID set of regulations and institutions, as well as a still mostly valid constitution.

Your kind of liberal is why Trump became your president. Don't delude yourself. Talking about him in a demeaning manner, which Hillary encouraged every chance she had, was the key for his almost unwilling move to the White House.

A filthy kike will never be president. Not until another hundred million illegals get in. Then it will be only kike presidents.

The only reason you see it that way is because it isn't your guy making these so-called “incompetent” moves. Face it: if Obongo or Clitoris had done the exact same things, we wouldn't be sitting here talking about impeachments or competency. Take the "kids in cages" thing as an example; remember the big stink the left made when Obama set that up? Yeah, me neither. Like a lot of criticisms, this post is just "orange man bad" but with more words. I can say this, because there are legitimate criticisms to be made against Trump, none of which that you've actually listed. Muh electoral college isn't an argument. Oh, and I didn't actually vote for Trump, fyi.

Sounds like you have more of a problem with the ever expanding powers of the presidency rather than the man himself. It's just a shame you can't recognize this, maybe too much of an obsession with one specific political ideology maybe you even got most of these from someone else perhaps.

Hate to say it but that is the original intention to give the final decision to people more educated and knowledgeable of politics, power, and circumstances involved with the government in order to provide a more acceptable or stable outcome.

There is no "probably" about that. Trump is a fucking retard. Literally. His IQ is somewhere between 65-75 and his speaking vocabulary is about that of a 9 year old, as determined by Harvard psychologists.

He's also a textbook sufferer of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

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"the deceased" would be mine.

There is nothing wrong with being focused on wanting to get rid of the enemy of this country.

If you read any of the writings of the people who wrote the federalist papers and the constitution you get the diverse outlook and intentions of the original writers, one thing is clear in these framers writings though that their support for the constitution was based on a desire for a more centralized and powerful government. The degree to which this goes varies a lot and ranges from barely functioning to a new king but this was the general idea.

>Trump is probably the most incompetent president we've ever had
not so sure about it, but he is the most childish/clowniest one you had
>Trump's presidency has demonstrates that our current political institutions are heavily flawed and in need of reform
not just that but the educational system as well
>nd the first thing we should do is boot this jackass out of office as soon as possible.
totally agree

unpopular opinion ahead:
the worst thing he has done is killing obamacare, literally the only real good thing obama tried to do

Huge misconception in your post: You seem to think that the POTUS is the president of the people of the USA, like in some many other nations. It is not. The POTUS is, literally, the president of the states that constitute the federal union that is the USA. He is both a referee of what happens between the states, and a provider of fundamental government services across all states (executive duties). He is not elected to serve the people of the USA, he is elected to serve the states of the USA. Therefore, it is not the people who elect the POTUS, it's the states. The states voted, with their colleges, in proportion to how large their populations are, and their voice is unison, meaning that the population of each state elects the voice of that state in a winner-take-all system.

That's why we have the electoral college.


>stop the coastal elite cities from deciding
And now that we know it's only made a difference in 5 out of 60+ presidential elections, we can conclusively say it's unnecessary.

ee sthil yuor prebisthent

Trump got into office by the same method that lets murderers and rapists walk free... a technicality.

The most incompetent what?

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Good thing the founding fathers had such great foresight.

all the crying libtard memes in the world don't change the fact trump is the worst president we've had in modern history.

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Hello? the name 'bush' mean anything to you, shill?

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Cry more

>in proportion to how large their populations are
If that was the case, there would be no difference between electoral and popular vote. But as it stands, one vote in Wyoming equals 3-1/2 votes in California.

The EC is nothing but a golf handicap that favors the right.

It wasnt the founders trusting the public. It was the public distrusting the government. Or rather the government distrusting the government, i guess..

what's up with liberals referencing stories and songs and shit meant for 4-6 year olds?
Is it that's their target demographic or that that's as far as they've matured in their lives?

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at least bush wasn't a crooked conman

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>that's as far as they've matured in their lives?

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i think you might be infected with a severe case of autism OP.

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Go and die nigger
God hates you

>God hates you

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>Trump is definitely the most incompetent president we've ever had.


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you call it bait. I call it facts.

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Sup Forums would btfo him in a heartbeat. That's why he shitposts here where he can samefag

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Do NOT let this man near Sup Forums

Trips checked

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not an argument

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