Just started dating a guy and dont know how to tell him I'm trans

Just started dating a guy and dont know how to tell him I'm trans

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The sooner you tell him, the better it will be for both of you.

Tell him in a public place if you think he might be violently offended.

Just take his hand and put it on your crotch and he'll know

why are you lying to people that you're not really a girl? are you a selfish weirdo?

Tell him while sucking him off. He wont care then.

Lmao enjoy being murdered out of anger

This is why trans 'women' get killed at such a high rate. Whyfor lie?

'So, btw, I have a penis. Im technically a man. still interested?"

But of course so many trans 'women' dont. and this is why so many of them get epsteined.

Well just tell him asap, I mean he'll propably know it already anyway. But in case he dosn't don't make it more difficult to dump you than it is.

show us your butt

Ask if he is gay.

enjoy being killed scumbag

Ok so the general consensus is that he's going to kill me... I've already given him a blow job in his car so if he's not down with me I'm going to die. What if he freaks out in public

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And lets be clear, its as unethical to be a 'woman' with a penis, date some dude and not tell them, as someone that hates trans, just cuz.


is pic related?

If he freaks out in public you will die

this one here. great advice.

What the fuck is wrong with you

He came on to me at Starbucks, I accepted his date and we've gone out like 5 times. I blew him last night and he came on my tits and face and I wiped it up and he still took me out to a fancy dinner


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Doesnt matter. this is not something you can withhold. Its almost as bad as withholding you have herpes and have sex with him. even if its in remission.

nvm mistook you for a different trap and was gonna call you out for being a whore, carry on

Try not being a fucking sick in th head freak of nature....

or by the way the vagina between my legs is actually a gaping wound rather than a vagina and looks and acts like a wound rather than a vagina, enjoy!

Autogynephilla isn't really a disease or anything, just weird. I mean... and your dick won't work ever again.
And you'lre giving yourself cancers and stuff.

Just why?

And let me be clear, Im not at all against you wanting to play pretend imma woman and even give yourself a 10x risk of cancer by taking hormones. Im just against you dating a regular dude and not telling him you have a penis.

Oh no I'm the trap ur thinking of. This is a new guy and we met organically and I dont wanna ruin this.

Unless you're VERY lucky, youve already ruined it. Sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but...

You already blew him and he still doesnt know? That's fucked up. If he's not cool with it he's going to lose his mind and probably kill himself. Or you. Or both of you.

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Maybe if you get really sexy while telling him he won't handle it so badly. Honestly, if he has a secret thing for traps then he will love this excuse.

>You already blew him and he still doesnt know?
Yeah I sucked his dick hard in his car, it was pretty hot

You disgust me. This is why you faggots are murdered on the streets

Post moar pictures


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Kill yourself

This is the normal response from about 95% of straight men. This is why not telling a guy up front is so dangerous.

You have cute fingers. It really depends on his personality and how temperate he is. He will most likely feel hurt or betrayed, but telling him now will fare much better, especially if you see any future with him. I generally like women, but if someone I thought was a girl turned out to be a guy and came clean, I could understand that they’re nervous and that springing something that surprising would be anxiety inducing for both parties, and I’d probably keep it going. Good luck user, no matter what you decide to do, and I hope he’s understanding if you give him the truth.

So you deceive them instead? Brilliant idea

Should've told him from the get go and you wouldn't have had to worry about it. Now you're just investing time and energy into what could be a lost cause all because you couldn't just say the damn truth from the outset. No pity or sympathy for you.

Looks like a 40ish year old/meth head?
Very depressing/freakish looking.

Well because, we're straight men and are disgusted by penis. Hell, we don't even like seeing our own! We're hetero, a hetero man's wet dream is to really be in a chicks' body, staring in a mirror playing with her naughty parts. Duh?

>how to tell him
"Don't mind my silicone, I have a penis".

I suspect you didnt read my response correctly. Ive been saying you should NEVER deceive the dude. Its dangerous and dishonest.

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how i sleep knowing satanic evils like you exist

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Should've been told the guy that you have a penis bigger than his OP

>>Just started dating a guy and dont know how to tell him I'm trans

Nah... don't tell him... you'll have committed suicide way before he needs to know!

Is that an arm going into his ass


Tell him by text message


Just say that you like anal and ask if he wants to be top or bottom.


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Ask him he’d ever date a MTF trans person. If he says yes you’re all good, if he says no break up with him because “bigot”

Lost, op he never consented to sleeping with a man. I know you don't mind being violated as much as normal people , but to us what you did was violate this man because you're selfish and don't understand you're a faggot and probably ruined him. Not your fake gay rights scars either, he has human emotions incoming. Prepare to die.

No tell him what you did op. See if them gay parades worked.

Are we going to get to see some tits and boy pussy or not?

he already knows there no such thing as a convincing tranny especially with tits like those he wants your cock faggot and hes pozzed too

With the deepest respect (rare on /b I know) would he not have an idea already?
I'm pretty sure if I was in his position I'd know.. am I naive or are you really very convincing?

this pussy is right you look like a man and you are one

Because you know, deep down, that he's not a faggot?

>Posting tradwife
Don't delude yourself, coomer. Chicks don't have dicks, and you just deceived him into a homosexual act. Repent now or face the consequences.

Nice man tits, bruh

Freaks like you are murdered because you DON'T tell men up front. Enjoy burning in hell.

Give him some killer head and he won’t care. Maybe he won’t want to date you anymore, but he may not kill you.

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This. The madness that has taken its toll on our society must come to an end.

Typical coomer. Enjoy the many illnesses that come from jerking it until you run out of testosterone.

Shut the fuck up, you insufferable moron.

Just send dick pic

So irreparably tied to the porn that any criticism of it feels like a personal attack. How sad.

This stupid niggers thinks real men can run out of testosterone AHAHAHAHAHA as delusional as OP thinking feeling feminine validates being a literal faggot. I hope you both get yeeted.

You're both insufferable morons.

LOL NoFap is a meme and you can not "run out of testosterone" by fapping.


That post came from a new IP. Someone who had not previously posted in the thread is tired of faggots like you spamming the latest hot meme non-fucking-stop. Think about what you're doing.

Are you sure he doesn’t know? No man with boobs can fool me. Also post dick.

Is your dick bigger than his?

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If hes not a bitch boy he will freak out. Rightfully so, youre a lying sack of shit whos hiding who you are bc you know they dont like dick. That being said, act like you have a pair (cause you do) get screamed at and let him end it somewhere public so you dont get beat down.

Next time dont trick straight men into thinking youre not a dude. Putting a wig on doesnt change that

Hang ur self and leave a note!!

Only correct response checked

You're a terrible person and I hope he leaves. It is deceptive and a breach of trust to hide that you're not a biological woman that can bear children.

stop being an attention whore kayla

Ok, faggots

Either one of these will do

It's okay to admit you have no argument and are just here to shitpost.

Follow him into the bathroom and pick the urinal next to him

Ask him if he wants kids. Casually bring up transgender things and see his reaction. If all goes well, ask if he’d ever date a trans girl. If the answer is no, leave him and be more upfront next time.

You’re a little faggot. Shut the fuck up. It’s no one’s business but your own what’s in your pants, incel closet queer.

That's funny, because neither of you fags have provided anything close to an argument. Masturbation, like anything else that provides a substantial chemical high will create tolerance and dependency. It's ok to admit you have a problem.

Way to deflect, faggot. Enjoy your inevitable suicide.

You didn't present anything to refute. You compulsively posted the meme you last saw and are no better than people compulsively looking to obtain pornography that they would not otherwise have access to. In any case, I'm done talking to you.

If you don’t like looking at your own penis, youre a fucking faggot lmao what dude doesnt love his cock?

>It’s no one’s business but your own what’s in your pants
It surely is the business of someone who has a reasonable expectation of interacting with it and chose to associate on that specific basis.

>a hetero man's wet dream is to really be in a chicks' body, staring in a mirror playing with her naughty parts. Duh?

I think you’re transgender bro

I'm hetero.
Where's the tits and vag?

I really wish I were born a girl instead because gender roles are difficult and I don't like being average (and don't like looking at dicks including my own)


Mine? Why would i kill myself? Im a straight white man in america. I got all the luck i need.

Theyve hung out 5 times if you read the thread. Thats not that many, except for you fags who don’t even get one date with the bitch you like lol

I have the thread. Dick has been sucked, ya dingus.