Are these good? I know theyre British but we have them in my grocery stores international section. Canadian btw.
Are these good? I know theyre British but we have them in my grocery stores international section. Canadian btw
Yeah, I mean, if you don't mind half the bar ending up on the floor.
Carefully open it and grab a bowl to eat it over. These things are messy but good.
They are really good.
Although, as mentioned yeah it will become a case of anthrax on the carpet.
There should be a gold variant which is covered in milk chocolate, or there is twirl which is basically the same thing.
just get a Twirl retards
There is just 1 regular type we have without any coating. When i put them on the shelf i throw them up like theyre nothing lol i guess i should be more careful with these not to fuck them up if they break apart easily
>i throw them up like they're nothing
I can just imagine someone opening one up and finding Qasem Soleimani in there.
They used to be good. But mondelez changed the recipe when they bought the company. Added palm oil to it.
They were fun to eat though. You have to suck and bite at the exact same time or lose half the bar.
>Muslims buy the shit out of these at my store in the US.
>Just found out they are british
Yeah, they're pretty good
This. Just bear in mind that both Flakes and Twirls are 50% air.
A fucking leaf
That's girls chocolate
>mfw that's not actually a big black cock
Your standards are slipping, Sup Forums.
fucking aye
You're meant to eat it with ice-cream
>Are these good?
Let's imagine the meeting where this product was proposed first.
"I have an idea for a highly profitable chocolate bar. We'll take a normal bar and cut out half the chocolate."
"What? Who's going to pay full price for a half sized bar?"
"This is the clever part - we'll fill it with air to make up the size"
Yeah coz a 30g chocolate bar weighs less when it's 50% air
If they are the ones made in the uk and not Hershey they are amazing
- British user
the Canadian ones are more sugar and less cocoa, too tacky sweet like American chocolate
British ones are proper cocoa chocolate and taste richer