Other urls found in this thread:
Requestin this girl, entirely nude and hypnotized, coerced into getting fucked and eaten alive by a giant snake.
>She's riding the snake's dick cowgirl style, the snake cumming inside her
>The snake is coils up around her legs; its mouth open ready to swallow her head first
>Her head is inside the snake's mouth as the snake continues to swallow her
>The majority of her body is now inside the snake, only her feet are sticking out of his mouth
>The snake now has a bulging belly from where he swallowed her
>Same as last pic, except it's an x-ray view that shows her inside the stomach
>A 2-day later pic showing the snake with a slightly less bulging belly
>A week later pic showing the snake back to normal, no bulging belly, and with her remains shit out
Snake v0re references: imgbox.com
ITT: Vorefag creates, and then kills the thread.
oh no everyone else is the problem you know. him and his "requestbro's" are inocent and aren't single handedly the reason threads are a fucking grave yard
Doesn't matter - drawfags play in other places now.
Threads can't be deleted after 30 minutes after creation. Seethe harder, spergboi
Man, I really do have all you by the nuts
more voresperging please sperg harder for us dance for us.
I'm watching this thread because I can't sleep and want to try doodling some stuff. But I guess it's late so everyone is gone except for the vore guy.
>No u
Lame. Gonna have to politely ask you to come up with something better than this if you wish for me to keep engaging with you
Could always doodle my vore request. Though, I probably won't accept it as a delivery if it isn't fappable. Could still try though. Who knows, you might enjoy it
More, keep dancing retarded monkey
lol he actually keeps replying this is great.yes more dance for us voresperg
I won't, I considered drawing the cute mouse girl. But otherwise I'm not into vore stuff enough to warrant that. Sorry man. Good luck though.
don't feel bad he begs everyone like a big 5 year old wanting candy
Well, you could always draw the girl. I always enjoy art of her, no matter the subject. But no worries, peace out brotha, you do you
I'll be honest, this is the Sup Forums drawthread. I just came back to it after leaving like a few months ago (and before that, about a year and a half away from it). I'd be more suprised if there WASN'T people begging for some weird art every thread. I don't see the point in being angry or even ignoring them, they're just a natural part of the thread.
Well, I ain't got nothing else to do and this is the first other request in the drawthread, so I might as well give it a shot!
Requesting her getting impregnated by some bottom of the barrel, lowlife scum of a man. For example a hobo, maybe in an alleyway, and have her be into it.
Requesting artwork of this cute moth lady? (sfw or nsfw)
Draw my moth
nah man he drove all the rest of the drawfags away while you were gone he's not just natural he's voresperg the self entitled king of the drawthreads
Awesome stuff! Happy drawing, my dude!
>draw my vore
>pretending to be nice
way to go from thinking others suck your dick when they point out how shitty you are to quickly sucking some one elses when you think you can get something from them
Nah spideyspammer or "draw this in your style" guy is the drawthread king
Nah I'm the hobo guy
nah man he calls himself that this is literally just maybe 20 mins ago in last thread
Anyone can call themselves king
Real talk.
You know Vorefag is just a faux personality I come up with, like an actor in a movie?
If someone's going to be generous enough to draw something for me, I'm gonna break character and be polite to thank them instead of continuing to be a douchebag. I do have have a sense of decency, and I'm actually pretty chill. You call it BS, kissing ass, or whatever, but the truth is the truth.
then drop the act its not needed be a decent person threads are dying because of your bullshit
you area liar i tried to talk to you last thread and be genuinely nice to you. instead of decent conversation you acted like a complete monster all because i suggested you stop being so pushy and back linking your request to every drawfag that shows up because it might make people not want to draw for you.
Threads aren't dying because of me. They're not dying because of the schizo, copypasta poster.
The real reason threads are dying is because we don't have any drawfags that spending 8+ hours a day bumping it with casual avatar posting. Decaf, triangle man, pink chubby girl, or the purple puppy? They used to spend all day just chatting it up or doodling with one or two other anons about the randomist shit. Discord-tier convos. It kept the thread bumped, and other drawanons would join in when they saw a thread alive in the catalog. We don't have any drawanons like that right now, so the threads are dead, 404ing, and no one wants to draw here because they can't really get into proper avatar posting without other avatarbros. When one of them comes back or when we get a new drawanon willing to just chat about fuck all with their avatar, the threads will return to normal again.
She is confused, how did it get in there???
see the thing is you attacked them when they did that. you know something man if you had come clean and stopped doing this before everyone got tired of the bullshit and decided threads weren't worth it anymore maybe it wouldn't be so dead maybe people wouldn't have left for discord and twitter and newgrounds and any place not here you ruined it and all for the sake of what ever game it was to you
The world will never know...
Thanks for the doddle, user!
>Le blame game
People move on. Things change. If you genuinely think that one or two anons is responsible for 'X' on a board that attracts tens of thousands of people a day, then I feel sorry for you.
Towards no one in particular, I used to be an avatarfag here (these were my last two) but I kind of stopped because I'm mainly here to draw fun pictures, but everyone for the most part just asked me to draw porn of myself all the time. I'm not against it, but I want to draw other fun things too.
Since no one else is requesting, I suppose I'll try my hand at this one.
not accepting what you did as a caylist that ushered in how things are please the torment you doled out the bullshit you put people through and if it wasn't you alone so be it but at least accept that you were part of this and that your "act" could have be dropped way before everyone left...why am i even doing this by the next thread or even later in this thread you will just go back to being toxic..
i actually do remember you
Requesting Hyp getting /ss/'d by Reimu and impregnating her
less talking more drawing
Here's the mothgirl, didn't know what to do with her so I just kinda did a portrait.
Hi user.
Thanks! Super cute
It looks great.
this turned out really nice you made her look cute
requesting fun sized rider wearing over sized shoes
Draw New Guy.
Maybe something inspirational text too, like "Reach for the stars" or some shit.
would you mind drawing this catgirl in your style?
hi glad to see you came back hopefully you will again soon
I don't actually like New Guy all that much, but here you go, user!
I'm happy to hear it, thanks!
I'll take a crack at it.
Thank you, I take a peek in the drawthreads every once in a while but I'm usually more busy now-a-days. But if you ask, I guess I'll try to pop in more often.
this is adorable thanks Rider!
Forgive me, it took a while and honestly didn't turn out how well I wanted it. It's my first time drawing that, I usually draw more adult-ish people. I appreciate the practice, I do need to work on loli ;)
not op, but nice!
Thanks! The main reason I'm ever on Sup Forums now-a-days is actually the loli thread. So I'm suprised that this is actually the first time I've ever really put in the effort to draw one.
super cute thank you so much!
You're very welcome, user!
stop fucking my shit up
requesting a lewd draw of the creature known as the creeper
Not me. The snake's the one that's tryna hypnotize you into fucking and feeding yourself to him. I just wanna watch. Get mad at the hungry hypnotic snake
Cute art btw. Hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna have to save this onto my hard drive just like the other fanart pic earlier.
Putting this down in case the fella doing this ever finished it
That's ugly!
Requesting Geppetto-bot from the movie Pinocchio 3000 with an erect robot cock.
Do whatever you want to her.
Requesting her lewded by a fantasy monster or pokemon, anything lewd
Hey guys, I want a tattoo of a tulip, but also incorporate the number 42 in the tulip somewhere. Would one of you like to post a design for my tattoo?
Requesting this brown loli m.imgur.com
>Abusefag alert
i have pooped n cummed in my pants
Fuck off
Requesting awoo hand holding
Is this a reference to Juri from SFIV
Hey rider how do you draw skinnier characters? Whenever I try to draw in proportion I feel like the bodies are always blocky wide and stiff
Requesting my OC doing an ahegao while being blacked by negros plz xoxo owo.
Who are you?
well look at real skinny people duh
also focus on forms usually skinny people have thin arms and legs and waists.when looking on the side they are seen as here
tbh am not good at explaining stuff.
just um look at skinny people and study them and draw them.
Fuck off
gee thanks for nothing asshole...
Requesting a conjoinment of female Wii Fit Trainer and Zero Suit Samus like in the reference
Requesting Her on a human cock.
dont mention it pal
Fuck off
For your consideration:
Actual guy who asked here, sounds like obvious stuff but I was stuck and couldn’t get it in my head. Thanks for the advice, I’ll try it!
People want porn of Carebears?! Sickos. What's next? Porn of My Little Pony?
u tried
/r/ redraw This scene but with naked women
Requesting her as futanari after be circumcised with a Gomco Clamp
Draw her sobbing and holding with both hands her little piece of flesh that or just lying on an alley after be sodomized by a pedo
>Abusefag alert
i'm trying
Fuck off
Just your friendly neighborhood drawfag!
Here's my other messages, incase you missed them:
Sorry, I was taking a walk to try and wake up (I've decided not to sleep today) But I'm back now. Still watching the thread for some fun requests.
Fuck off