How do you photograph big groups of naked hotties?

How do you photograph big groups of naked hotties?

Attached: zomg5.jpg (1834x1269, 188K)

Wide angle lense

With a camera?

first you gotta find a big group of naked hotties...

Attached: 74830552_23843913572910496_5033016069577506816_n.png.jpg (540x540, 88K)

Only a couple of them are even decent looking.

For real... do you put out a want ad? Offer cash? I mean, unless you're only paying them like $10 each, that shoot is going to get expensive fast.

Maybe grils just do it for free if it seems cool because other grils are doing it - peer pressure. Post moar groups, and tell stories if you've ever gotten to photograph multiple naked chicks.

With an erection.

just roll


I feel like some boyfriend of a gril just suggests the idea, then she talks to her yoga friends. They joke around and laugh at the idea, but before you know it, everyone is naked.

Attached: 16grils-yoga.jpg (1280x883, 250K)

number 5 bitches oooouuuuu

Seek advice from Penn and Teller
They know how to get large groups of naked people.

Isn't she insane?? One of the hottest grils I've ever seen.

Rollerino Bambino



ayy good roll

Wow, you have been watching a loooooot of porn

I'd be super happy to have any of them as my gf. Except #8. These bitches are amazing. You're dumb.

pay lots of money

Only #8 is acceptable. The rest are barren YY girls.

Best bod #5
Nicest face #8

5 and 9


Wtf is wrong with 8???



Or even know how to get a hottie...

Hell the ugly ones would fucking spit at them!

RULLERO EBIN JUDDU MAGE XDDDDdnfbvglfsklvgnöewngäöåghoå54k¨pyuk4796tghö

I like this type of pic it makes me think wich of this birches is the freakiest and nasties n fap fantasizing about it i think 3 it is

Own an adult film company and pay them.
It's legal many places.

with a raging hard on

>Go to a model website like model mayhem (in the UK)
>Register as a photographer.
>Put up examples of your work.
>Post a new shoot, asking for models to come, no payment but TFP (time for prints - ie they get images for their portfolio, you get free models). >Shoot naked chicks for free.

Roll fhuyss

I would fuck any of them

You sneak into class at the elementary school while the teacher is out and have all the girls strip

with a camera


be a chad

Attached: 1578319359115.jpg (2048x1536, 375K)

Money is the answer or be a close friend to gamer/cosplayers, they expect profesional photographers whom to sell their patreon, kofico, etc, sets



>that tall tanned chick in the middle

Attached: cosby_interest.jpg (404x356, 29K)

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Attached: 43888109635-7fae0cdb87-k.jpg (1536x2048, 398K)

Attached: 1476749229231.jpg (840x630, 132K)

Women's soccer teams are full of rampant lesbians who get off on this sort of thing.


I wonder if they shave each other's cootchies

I would do both mother and daughter!


Mmm imagine peeping at their locker rooms

Dad assfucks momma, daughter straponfucks dad, you assfuck daughter

found the wizard

>tfw no tits but going through with it anyway

Attached: Untitled.png (205x278, 141K)



Photoshop. Also, calling at least half of those girls hotties is indicative of poor taste, beer goggles, or autism.

You roll

Fat activist detected.

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why do woman do such pictures

Who cares it’s beautiful QQ

Female bonding. It would be supergay to do a pic with 10 naked guys


Because they like showing off and getting attention. And getting naked with friends is less intimiating than doing it alone. You can't be called a slut when they're doing the same as you.

5 get



Attached: grills.jpg (3500x2200, 1.88M)

I wanna see naked 14 year olds.


2 is way hotter pedobear

You find a group of dumb, but not aggressive feminists, and claim its empowering and feminist and shit.


>imagine the smell

Attached: homemade-sushi-image.jpg (700x700, 100K)

Anyone else thinks 7 is the hottest?

Why give credit to an oblivious troll, how far we have fallen.

1,2,3 and 0 look absolutely retarded too

Tor will provide

Is there so much difference to 18 year old tits? Never saw 14 year old tits but I think I remember my 15 year old gf had back then tits like anyone else?

with a camera



Probably this

Pay them and photograph them

Once upon a time as a lark I produced some porn. I posted an ad on Craigslist for an adult model and hired a girl and a camera man. Nowadays there is adult work website and model mayhem does have a flag saying if the girl does nude work.

I am having Dr Who Clara fantasies over #5

love the tits on the potato with the glasses

Nowadays I’ve mellowed out and don’t think it’s worth it. Stick to legal porn. The added thrill isn’t worth the added risk.


what now that you are 15, gtfo ... MODS





Attached: Screenshot_20200109-072421_Samsung Internet.jpg (312x1485, 158K)


What a lame joke thanks dad


With a camera