just tried to hang myself and failed miserably ama
pic related
Just tried to hang myself and failed miserably ama
Are you okay, user?
Why didn't you use a guillotine?
Watch and learn...
She fucked up too but got it done.
Just jump off a rooftop next time.
i am ok now, never going to do this shit again , after i jumped i lost conciousness and literally shitted myself hanged on the thing i was hanging on and somehow untied the knot all while choking and making horrendous sounds 0/10 would never try hanging again
you shitted yourself?
started to
So which method are you going to try next? I suggest a train dive
Don't do that user
Damn. Sorry that life has gotten to this point for you.
Tell me, what's your fav pizza?
Why? What happened?
Looking at that I know it hurt like a bitch. Hope youre ok now.
Get a vest with bombs blow up the reverse bank i
every 15 minutes, some
jumps on Sup Forums
asking about killing himself, suicide, or
…..painless ways to 'do it'……
You fuckers are so TRITE and PREDICTABLE,
it's like you all read the same fucking script.
why are you faggots such
attention whores?
'how do I end it all....'
'i'm saying goodbye bee...'
'gonna do it, don't try to stop me...'
'easy and painless way to ....'
and what's more important, you ARE NOT GOING TO DO IT
you're just fishing for NEWFAGS to beg you not to do it,
it's like some DOPAMINE FIX you get from losers telling you.
none of you faggots have ever done it,
you just post your whining and then jack off with tears in your eyes
just do it already,
really, kill yourself, don't worry about how, just do it
hoes mad
Go see a doc user.
Therapy is the best way to come out of this depression shit
Seriously. Anyone who really wants to die isn't going to do attention seeking shit like OP. They'll keep trying until they succeed.
>Just Spend a tHoUSaNd an HoUR On A THerApIsT BRO
youre a moron
but seriously you sound like a little bitch.. you sound like a bigger bitch compared to OP for completing a thesis. All of you need to grab your balls and start acting like niggas.
dont listen to this jackass... therapy does jack shit... take it from someone whose seen about 5 different therapists over 30 years. depression last forever, just accept it and live out the rest of your shit life till u finally die...
you're a fagget
>Die depressed
>Still depressed in afterlife
there's a reason not to kill yourself you can't get drunk and jerk off after you're dead but you will still be depressed :)
I was hospitalized once due to kidney stones. In ER. Guy gets brought in in the bed next to mine. Nothing but a curtain divider. I overhear them say he's a 22 year old guy that tried to hang himself. His uncle brought him in.
Like an hour later his sister showed up. I heard the nurses tell her not to be freaked out by his eyes. She goes to see him and immediately starts bawling. Nurse tells her that when people try to hang themselves the blood vessels in their eyes rupture.
if you lost consciousness how do you know you made horrendous sounds?
also that doesn't look like a mark left from hanging - it looks just like a light rope burn. even failed hangings are gonna look worse than that.
Face it OP, you'll never be well hung.