If you voted for him before, fine. There were plenty of reasons to have done so. But why would anyone do it again...

If you voted for him before, fine. There were plenty of reasons to have done so. But why would anyone do it again? He's proven time and time again that he's a self-serving liar.

"I'll show my tax returns"
>Doesn't show his tax returns

"I'll divest from my businesses"
>Doesn't divest from his businesses

"We should get out of the Middle East"
>Starts a fight and actually escalates conflicts in the Middle East

"Trade wars are easy to win"
>Starts, and is losing trade war

"I'll lose money as president"
>Is actually making money for himself and his friends/family as president

"Drain the swamp!"
>Puts loads of lobbyists/corp interests in government positions

"Big beautiful wall, and Mexico will pay for it"
>No wall, and if it ever happens, it's on our dime

"I'm the least racist person"
>Does and says flagrantly racist things

"Bigger, better healthcare plan"
>No healthcare plan

"Obama plays too much golf. I'll be too busy to play golf"
>Plays more golf in 3 years than Obama did in 8

"Hillary will start a war with Iran, but I won't"
>Actively tries to start a war with Iran

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well you got them there OP

You're probably right. Logic and/or truth don't seem to matter to his supporters.

They are far too invested in the Trump mythos to ever admit they are wrong or that they have been fooled.
Stubbornness is a signal character trait with the MAGA crowd.

he is pretty trash

Who cares about his stupid fucking money.

Post your tax return, Bitch!

e stlh yuo perdethent

Look at that weak spine.

Trump 2020 MAGA
Damn liberals

and amazingly his retard army still adores him. I think they think of him as one of them, which pretty laughable as he despises them.

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Thank cheeseburgers for honest nancy.......

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Most people in politics profit from their office in some way. But he's dishonest on a level we've never seen before, and he's been enabled by the establishment.

All dumb shit. We’re not in any new wars. We might be on the brink of peace with Iran and North Korea, and hopefully pulling out of Iraq. Only democrats give a fuck about his tax returns or race.

I'm not sure any of them understand the idea of the Sunk Cost Dilemma They'd cut bait months ago if they did.

>We might be on the brink of peace with Iran
we already had peace with Iran until dirty donnie fucked it up you fucking mongoloid

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of you just like to hear what you like to hear go back to your /r/pol shithole

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I'm not American but your economy is the best it's been in almost 15 years and you aren't getting trapped into a bunch of bullshit wars. Therefore he's a better president than Obama or Bush.

>Actively provoke and escalate hostilities with Iran
>But we're on the brink of peace

Putin still paying you guys?

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We're *still* stuck in bullshit wars and he's trying to start another one. Are you dumb or just arguing in bad faith?

"I'm the least racist person.....in this room" that's the whole quote. He said that at a trump rally filled with other racists. So it might be true.

Trump supporters are literal retards, nothing you can say will stop them from making the same mistake again.

Human psychology is insanely weak, especially among the ignorant and stupid, and easily manipulable. Fox News is straight fallacious bullshit 24/7. But Fox say, conservative do. No thinking required.

Fair. It *might* be true.

maybe the economy is the best
but economy is not the only thing that matters

yay the richest get even richer but the poorest don't benefit from it

"I never understood wind."

given the context it propably is
but still .. the founding fathers turn in their graves just by him being president

it's funny because it's true

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Well said, though I suspect there are a few more points that could be added to this list.

something feels wrong with a thread filled with actual reasonable people on Sup Forums

Because Bernie will take my money and give it to the middle class

yes it does ... but ... is also kinda nice for a change
>inb4 hurr fuckin' liberals suck mah american patriot cock you pedos

He's also riding the coattails of the guy before him when it comes to the economy.

To be fair, the President doesn't have a huge effect on the economy, but they often take credit for it when it's good, or get blamed when it's bad. The economy improved over the last 6 or so years of Obama, and it's kept improving since Trump took office, albeit at a slower rate. The idea that he has anything to do with the "good" economy is misguided, and once you look at it in the context of the last several years, growth has slowed. All of his claims don't take into account any context.

You're right. Something must be wrong. Maybe the mods are asleep, so the reasonable people are coming out of the woodwork.

>To be fair, the President doesn't have a huge effect on the economy
yeah okay you're right
but maybe indirectly? i imagine if you piss off china or anything it could fire back easily and hurt the economy

trump supporters are out getting their welfare check

Incorrect. If you're rich (which, if you are, why the fuck are you even bothering with Sup Forums to begin with?), he wants to give a small portion of your money to poor people in the form of a safety net and healthcare.

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Because he doesn't murder children at the Clinton Congress of satanic degeneracy.
4 more years!! Hallelujah

politics in middle east is fucked up

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but he does murder children. he literally does.

>There were plenty of reasons to have done so
And those reasons have gotten even worse over the last few years. The left needs removed root and branch from the West.

Losing the trade war? How? Our economy has been growing leaps and bounds?

Iran attacked our embassy and he retaliated. So far we're not at war.

What did he say that is flagrantly racist?

What reason is there not to vote for him?

Absolutely. Farmers weren't having a great time before, but since the trade war with China, they've been forced to rely on even more government assistance. I'm not sure why that kind of socialism okay with a Trumper, but other forms aren't.

I feel like this thread is only like 3 people beating each other off.

Arguing something you know isn't true doesn't help your side. Bad faith arguments only make you look stupid.

It's shareblue or one of the other kike NGO "influencers"... They play this shit 24/7, free of charge and the mods do fucking nothing.

You sound very calm, reasonable and well researched. I am surprised the whole world doesn’t buy into your brilliant ideology, faggot.

There's a lot of samefagging in this thread. That much is for sure. As soon as current polls showed Trump ahead of all the Democrat 2020 candidates, there was a sudden increase in panicked leftists spamming the same retarded thread.

Wait putin pays? Where can I sign up?

This. Suppose they think spamming Sup Forums is going to somehow stop Trump's inevitable re-election. No one ever accused the left of being intelligent.

You can't say 'faggot'. Are you a hypocrite? Enjoy abusing the free speech that you want abolished? You people are a joke, thinly veiled authoritarians with a dangerous agenda. Death to every last one of you.

>Losing the trade war? How?
look at >Iran attacked our embassy and he retaliated
implying he/the government didn't stage to escalate a war to be elected again ...

>What did he say that is flagrantly racist?
ever watched his voting-speeches (especially the ones in the south)?

>What reason is there not to vote for him?
look at OPs Post and all the others

>Iraqis rioted at our embassy
>no one was killed or injured
>in response trump provoked extreme unrest with disproportionate force and threats of war crimes
>Iran called his bluff
>trump tucked his tail
>he is seen to be irrational, erratic, pompous and full of empty threats on the world stage
Or in trumpfool logic... nailed it.

Why can’t I say faggot to a ginormous faggot?

Suck a dick reddit shill


Willful ignorance will get you nowhere.

>Losing the trade war? How? Our economy has been growing leaps and bounds?
He's literally paying people with government money because they are suffering under his trade war with China. That's called socialism, and I'd expect you to hate it.

>Iran attacked our embassy and he retaliated. So far we're not at war.
No, he targeted an Iranian guy on a diplomatic mission in a country that wasn't the US. He started, or at least escalated this fight.

>What did he say that is flagrantly racist?
Go read his twitter feed. You know he says plenty of racist stuff, but you're still asking this in bad faith.

>What reason is there not to vote for him?
Literally everything OP said. This stuff isn't up for debate. It actually happened, and it demonstrates a pattern of malignant dishonesty.

No more than the average American...
But the Clinton's kill human children and they eat them and they pray to the devil.
Why, because God is hilarious and trolls all evil people.

What polls are you looking at? I'm sure you can cherry pick one to support your claim, but the vast majority don't show him winning at all.

You are just a little clown. I’m not sure what is worse, you ranting about stuff you absolutely know is horse shit, or that you may be so extremely fucked in the head as to believe it.


ehm nope?
i'm definately one of the posts man sry to disappoint you

I too am a colossal faggot

Nah, sorry.

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My income level puts me above alot of programs, but I live in a part of the country that, while I am quite above the national average, the money doesn't go far. I can't afford to fund someone elses safty net. Also, why can't someone with money enjoy Sup Forums as well

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and that's why !YOU! need a safety-net

imagine you have an accident and have to pay bills
tough luck you are now even poorer and soon a bum, congratz

You realize many of the poorest places in this country, with the largest per capita users of welfare programs, happen to be rural areas that vote heavily for trump and republicans... right?

I too have photoshop

Fuck I am glad I'm not this retarded.

It's not your arguments, it's your assumption that anyone apart from CNN is dumb enough to believe you ever voted for him.

I have 9 months expenses in a CD Ladder

Look it up on dark Web, there are videos of hillary raping a sacrifice.


yay for trump,

Trump is the president America deserves. And I mean that in multiple ways:

Americans had a chance to elect an amazing president, Ron Paul, but they let the news media lead them around by the nose and vote for Obama, a totally inferior man. So, in a sense - fuck 'em. I love that lefties are so apoplectic over Trump and look forward to their mass suicides in response to his landslide reelection in 2020.

Trump truly has America's best interest at heart. If not for Trump, we'd be knee deep in opportunist "refugees" ala Europe, and we'd be paying them all just to be here. Trump may be a dick, but he's trying to do what's right for America. Just think of how much further along we'd be as a nation if the Dems were working WITH him instead of dicking around trying to "get rid of him."

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how the fuck am I supposed to look it up, with Doogle?


Sure there are, you seem like the just kind of stooge to believe whatever you find on “the dark web”.

I didnt vote for him, I never vote. I support him though, and let me say this. If Hillary runs again, ill vote for sure this time, and for Trump.


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Then maybe you should pay close attention to what his son said yesterday.

you don't even know the person stfu faggot

Epstein did not kill himself

ALL CAPS so must it be true then
>isn't it time for you to get ready for school?

i don't know what his son said (but please enlighten me, i'm too lazy to search), but if it was not "ABOUT" Ron Paul then this

>his son
his son is not Ron
so it SHOULD not matter

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It's actually quite simple, really. The Democrats are going to nominate another empty suit like Warren who's going to do the same bullshit every other politician has done for years, like they did in 2016.

With Trump, people get a president that at least pretends to care about them, and they get to watch the liberals throw temper tantrums. Basically, he's the lesser of two evils because with him, they'll at least get something out of the deal. Personally, I think Bernie would help with economic woes somewhat, but I know the DNC's going to cheat him again, so I'll gladly vote for Trump as a fuck you. Besides, immigration does have a negative impact on the financial well-being of working class citizens and Trump is making at least some sort of effort to address this, even if I don't agree with how he's doing it.

Depends on the dem candidate. Yang gets it cool but if Warren or Bernie get it 4 more years

I always thought Trump was a moron and sleezeball but the Dems just had to have a corrupt criminal run against him so I voted for him. And if Sanders gets nominated Trump will get another 4 years.

I don’t have to see his face to know he is one ignorant fool, so you “shut up”, you big doodie head. lol.

Yea, he was murdered under the watch of trumps justice department, huh? Nothing odd about that...

Oh it matters a lot. But you are too lazy to do your homework and find out what matters, you want it spooned into your brain, at just the right temperature, and only what you like. I wouldn’t waste any more time on you.

I would also point out that Donald J Trump is a REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER!!!

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That little bitch.

Look at all these operatives turning toward Sanders now. Your handlers sure do well at targeting your messages toward current polling.


>But why would anyone do it again?
to make people mad