How often do you get dubs Sup Forums?
How often do you get dubs Sup Forums?
Not very often really
with alarming frequency
When I choose to.
Like dis yo
i get trips more than i get dubs
I only get digits in threads where nobody cares about digits.
Whenever I want
on demand
All the time
Not very often
by my will
You fucking piece of shit dubs will you appear on this thread
when Odin wills it
10% of time with variance of -+2%
none of you nigas is getting dubs exept me
mfw then thread no dubs
Not as often as I'd like to, but more often than I should.
All the time, here's some that I don't need, you can have
00 to 99 = 100 combinations
Only tens are dubs: 00, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 and 99.
10/100 = 10% of the time
check out my dubs
Anytime I want.