How often do you get dubs Sup Forums?

How often do you get dubs Sup Forums?

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Not very often really

Attached: 1578456854902s.jpg (212x249, 4K)

with alarming frequency



When I choose to.

Like dis yo

i get trips more than i get dubs

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I only get digits in threads where nobody cares about digits.

Attached: HoleInOne.gif (373x256, 1.97M)

Whenever I want

Attached: 1574647930608s.jpg (125x73, 2K)



on demand

All the time

Not very often

by my will


You fucking piece of shit dubs will you appear on this thread

when Odin wills it

Attached: Odin Wotan.jpg (1500x1500, 177K)

10% of time with variance of -+2%


none of you nigas is getting dubs exept me

mfw then thread no dubs

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Not as often as I'd like to, but more often than I should.

All the time, here's some that I don't need, you can have

00 to 99 = 100 combinations
Only tens are dubs: 00, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 and 99.
10/100 = 10% of the time

check out my dubs

Attached: doublesguy10.jpg (934x625, 60K)

Anytime I want.