Spill the beans on your friends' darkest secrets.
Spill the beans on your friends' darkest secrets
My friend has a 6 year old from a failed vegas wedding. Cutest kid to ever come from a batshit crazy family on the cheating bitch's side. I thought he'd learn a lesson from that, and walk from the table with net positive.
Ended up the baby-daddy to three other kids, 1 year old each of them. He's never told his family about; can't figure out how he keep the other alimony checks secret.
my friend is an illegal canadian immigrant who prostitutes herself. she is very hot in a pale skin black hair, protagonist-of-a-horror-movie sort of way. we'll probably never bang.
Is that Leora?
Fuck, whatever happened to her? I miss that little hoe like you wouldn't believe.
>we'll probably never bang.
have you tried offering her money einstein
my friend did gfe while still in hs with an old man, lying about being in college with some really old guy. She didn't listen to me when I said the guy was bad because she was getting money. Only stopped when he ended up raping her.
Shes still about on real life cam, regularly watch her having a good rub session on her couch or bed. She is goddess
photo plox
>he ended up raping her
buddy of mine who was diddled as a child use to work in a nursing home. You already know what happens, one of his patients was his abuser. I'm 99% sure he ended up killing his abuser and making it look like the old guy who had all sorts of health issues died in his sleep. He's never confessed to me, but I put 2 and 2 together.
jesus christ you have lame friends.
My friends wife wants my baby because her husband doesn't want kids. She has an IUD so it's not as simple as just missing a pill. She has got pregnant before but had a miscarriage. We are currently waiting until he warms up to having kids.
She do anal? She live on west coast of US? How are her tits?
not really a 'friend' but I've met him. My wife's ex-boyfriend who she dumped when he came out as wanting to have things put in his but while dressed as a girl. He works as a bricklayer and builds hotrods in his spare time. I thought she was just trying to make me feel more 'manly' when she told me that about him... but then I saw the photo.
Yeah, I felt bad at the time. She had me pick her up as she couldn't ask her bf to do it. At least I was able to punch the guy in his face. She also broke up with her bf the next day because of guilt.
Pretty much, the only thing she ever does. Just a dumb russian cunt.
He once tongued an anus couldnt he couldnt find the vagina
haha, yeah, and the popular girl dumped the chad and told him she had a crush on him all a long. But honestly he was fucking distraught that whole time and I could read the guilt on his face, that's part of the reason I figured it out. He should have been happy when he found out the guy died.
The ultimate revenge, must have been pretty satisfying
Still on RLC but moved out of the apartment when she split with Paul. RLC did not want to lose their cash cow and moved her into a new apt. Unfortunately the site has been on lockdown with most of the free cams moving behind the paywall.
You can still find her latest bate vids on hotscopes.net
i don't want it that bad. she gets $3,000 just for a blowjob. sometimes gets paid $1,000 to hang out and not even do anything.
she's done everything. nyc. tits are solid. actually the hottest i've ever seen her was when we met at this burning man-esque boat party. she had a platinum top on that showed perfectly round but natural tits. can't show pictures sorry.
Friend accidentally masturbated while on a call with me
>friend and I like to call often
>she often forgets to hang up and just put her phone in he pocket
>I'm okay with it because I like to put headphones on and just hear her going about her day
>one time I hear something weird
>heavy breathing
>eventually I hear a fucking vibrator
>It goes on for maybe 20 minutes
>when it's done, I just ask if she's REALLY into brushing her teeth
>she freaks out and demands we meet up
>she tried making up some weird story about how people kept calling her while her phone was on vibrate
>eventually just begs for me not to tell anyone
>I give her a chuckle and say she's good
Honestly this probably got us even closer as friends but it was so funny I can't not share it at least anonymously
ok? she's not a street hooker. the guys she deals with have extremely deep pockets.
Tell her to fuck you or call immigration on that frostback whore. Took our jerb of hardworking American prostitutes
My fiance and are poly and she is in a relationship with another married poly man. The basically have all these rules which my fiance either breaks or makes him break. He has essentially ruined his relationship and lies to his wife constantly who he is losing interest in.
Your wife has a thing for fags
Is she 9? Because no whore on the planet is that good. Either you're full of shit, or you're a pedo. Either way, you can go and fuck yourself.
Caught a neighbor dude on his front stoop at sunrise trasvestited out in garter and hose
Assuming it was an accident (which I doubt), she got off the phone with you and started masturbating after hearing your voice... Seems like a pretty strong signal...
You're a cuck who sucks the cum out of your soon to be wife's vagina, like a good little cuck would. I hope you like fucking your hand, because that's all you're going to end up with.
It was several hours after
You're pathetic
not even the nevada brothel's charge that high.
she must be gorgeous.
you seem upset
>>I'm okay with it because I like to put headphones on and just hear her going about her day
Omega orbiter, ultimate friendzone
Summary: user is cuck
you sound like you're lying.
i'm not. your brain is just small and hasn't seen enough of the world to know things like that are possible. l8r incel.
We were in on the larp until you throw out these unrealistic numbers
The irony of this statement, its super fucking weird that you cucked yourself in your own made up prostitute story as well. You fucking loser.
My friend told me that his wife likes to occasionally let their son 'accidentally' see he pussy so that he knows what women look like down there.
Not really a friend but there's a guy who lives a floor down in my apartment building, and sometimes accepts amazon packages for me that get delivered during work hours because he's always home. He's kind of a loner and I never really talk to him. Anyway, a while back he had accepted a package for me, I went to pick it up from him, and when I rang the doorbell it took a while for him to open the door. When he finally did, he had his phone in his hand, and as he handed me the package, his phone went "OH JA LECK MICH AM ARSCHE" (which means oh yeah lick my ass in german) super loudly. I pretended not to hear it, and never told anyone about it because hey we all watch porn, but the guy still looks at his feet whenever I see him in the hallway. Poor guy.
that's not so bad
I'm not actually a cuck...but she turned her boyfriend into one though. Not into sucking cum but sloppy seconds is kinda hot and not gonna lie.
I doubt that, she loves the lifestyle she can play around in and likes that she can let out her dark side.
So much hate.
You should probably tell him you watch porn too
I cant tell if it's the samefag or lots of angry teens.
I didn't think so either, but it's weird now that I know that she flashes her son, not really something I would expect from her but you know...family secrets.
There's literally no way in hell any woman is so good that she can demand 3 grand just to suck a dick. The other guy is right. You're full of shit, and he's spot on about you cucking yourself in that bullshit story. You are the epitome of all things pathetic.
Alright i made a mistake. I'm sorry.
Your friends wife sounds like she was abused... I'm guessing that's the same thing her father told her before he started fucking her...
I've considered ringing his doorbell after pulling my pants down and bending over so that my ass is the first thing he sees when opening the door, then yelling LICK MY ASS LICK MY ASS LICK IT JAAA at the top of my lungs
>I'm not actually a cuck...
You're marrying a chick who fucks other guys... You're the very definition of a cuck.
I lived near a nudist community as a kid and as such everyone knew a few kids at school who were from those families. A friend of mine who I will not name was from one of them and I would go hang out at his place every so often.
I show up, I know what to expect, my parents know them, nothing weird going on there. But we walk in through the door and my friends dad is very clearly inappropriately touching his younger sister.
We were early high schoolers, there was no bullshitting to us or any way he was going to get us to fuck off. My friend is just pissed and screaming at him, I take his sister to her room and call the cops and his mom, everything is handled discretely, their father is taken away, there’s a trip to a hospital before the mom and daughter come home and then we all sit down at the dinner table.
I didn’t go home because I figured I might be needed to speak, I was only briefly, after everything happened his mom is just chainsmoking at the table, he just sat there and held his sister for a while.
His mom asked me to keep this private. They were gonna throw the fucker in jail and i was welcome to stay updated and more than welcome to come over if I wanted. She wanted it very clear however to not tell a god damn soul. This would really fuck up their reputation in the community and it was not worth the hassle.
I swore to secrecy and shared a cigarette with her at the dinner table, then went home.
A few days of no school for either of them, later heard they framed it as a failing marriage and that the father had run off with some other woman. I still keep up with them today, nobody besides them, me and the court system knows what went on there.
So that’s the dark family secret of a friend I’m involved in
I don't think it was that extreme my friend told me she grew up in a hippy family and she went straight when she got older, but you never know.
When we were 19, my buddy and I got his sister drunk and fucked her for hours. She was either too drunk at the time to remember that it was her brother, or she didnt want to admit it.
Friend of mine shot and killed two rando nogs that tried to mug him in 2012. Nogs didnt know he had an AK with an auto-seer in the vehicle with him. He blasted them with a full mag then drove off. He took an angle grinder to the AK and cut it into unrecognizable bits, buried the pieces in the ground. He didnt call the police because possession of the AK was a felony since it was modified to be full-giggle.
I'm not sure- but I think an old friend may have raped a girl. Well he was accused of it and became a social pariah.
He asked me later, "Would you be cool with it if I actually had done it?"
That's when I knew he had lied to me when he said he hadn't done it.
All AKs are full giggle user, are you sure it wasn't an sks?
My friend lets me fuck his wife so he can watch. Helps her suck me off and cleans my cum off her. Confessed he was in love with me and sucked my soft dick til his wife got home. He got mad when she got me hard right away and started kicking her ass in jealousy. He ass raped her in front of me and when he stopped he sucked my dick while she lay there crying. I didn't cum, but told him he could get my cum anytime, from inside or on his wife, that he couldn't make me cum cause he wasn't a woman. He stopped sucking and sat down. She had stopped sobbing by now, and I told him to fuck off you I could fill her up all night.
He left and I started fucking her again. Now he pays me to fuck her and I don't have to even see him while I stop by
Were they all naked during all of this?
I would only be mad he didn't let me join in
one of my friends made a girl literally kill herself lol
gUNs R sO cOoL
It reminds me of a story I heard from a chick a while back whose father used to fuck her. He'd tell her "this is how a father shows his love". Sounds innocent until you dig deeper. "I just want him to see my pussy" is taking it to a whole different level though.
I get most guys would fuck other women if they could and would be against their partners having sex with other guys. A guy who identifies as a "cuck" usually has a humiliation aspect, like having her be with a real man or chastity or some humiliating arrangement. I fuck her friends and fuck chicks she doesn't even know about. She is subservient to me and there is no humiliation aspect. I'd probably say we are swingers mostly, usually with more darker tastes.
Giggled the niggles
What a pathetic story to make up. Your story is literally your subconscious fighting you over your closeted faggot tendencies.
The irony of that meme is glorious... But I like where your mind is at. Trump is literally Hitler, so the only smart thing to do is give him all of the guns, right?
Me and my best friend were camping on a beach and this homeless guy started talking to us, got aggressive when he thought we had weed, but it was very very strong spice/mamba, this was way before it was mainstream and you could only get it from very obscure RC sites, but he demanded to have it, smoked the whole joint in about 5 drags, had a seizure, woke up 10 minutes later incoherent and wandered into the sea.. Didnt see what happened to him after but he may have died.
Wtf are you on about
People who describe guns the way you do are fucking pathetic, I own a few fire arms but I dont list mods and stuff and fetishize them, because im not insecure.
I would have given him some of the ol ultra violence and laughed my ass off
Totally untrue. AKMs are mostly semi-automatic. I guarantee it wasnt an SKS.
It was a Romanian AKM.
>Two complete and utter retards... I'm surprised you're not telling me that socialism is a good thing. Why don't you go back to worshipping the pedos in Hollywood?
kek not fetishizing firearms =/= being a socialist. What sort of NRA retard logic is that?
And you will be the first to hand in your firearms when the Democrats want to pacify you.
Jesus you fucks are dumb. She just told the user those numbers so he doesn't get any ideas
I loled at this pic.
>plz dont take my guns! they make me feel better about my micropenis
Truly pathetic
I considered that but imagine being so pathetic that even a whore will lie to get out having to fuck you
Fetishizing firearms =/= the enforcement of freedom. But please, by all means, tell me how well the Jews did against Hitler when he disarmed them.
Well let’s see;
One girl was molested by her uncle from the start of puberty. He got caught when she got pregnant. I don’t know if he really did kill himself or if the rest of her family took care of him but now she has a 14 year old “niece” that she is very close with.
One guy has used roofies on his own girlfriend so that he can keep her afraid of going out to clubs.
One guy has changed his name to avoid a gang feud his family is involved in.
One girl is hooked on ketamine and is almost definitely sleeping with her boss to keep her job
America is slowly becoming one of the least free places in the 1st world. If you guys didnt jerk off over guns so much, reducing their numbers wouldnt be a problem. I'd love to be able to take a typical freedom loving american thats never left the states and show them the rest of the world to show them how completely brainwashed they are.
My friend has nude videos of his sister bathing on his external HDD that I stumbled across one day and he's been guarding that thing from me ever since knowing I've been waiting for the perfect moment to get those on my flash drive for "personal use".
Share if you get them
But of course I would. I would be doing my duties as a fellow Sup Forumstard.
You're right... It is less free... Because of left wing retards like you trying to force everybody to comply with your bullshit plans... And you just proved that guns work to ward off totalitarian dick bags like you, so congratulations.
You sound brainwashed
Dude, unless he's fucking her, use it to blackmail him. "Let me copy the videos or I'll tell her you've been recording her."
Why do you think "numbers of guns" is a problem?
I found my friends external HDD in college. Not his sister but girls much much younger were on it.
Lol, even poor people have been to Europe nowadays. You don’t know what freedom is until you can simultaneously roll around in your too-big car with a loaded semi-auto pistol and $200 in weed legally. Also, I can say “fuck niggers” and not get sent to jail for hate speech.
Europeans don’t know real freedom because they’re literal peasants. The only truly free people in your societies are the oligarchs.
Did you fu k him?